wuauclt.exe /updatenow
Running this as suggested above kick started my Windows updates to commence Downloading Windows 10.
May be a while before I can commence installation not got fibre until 10th August.
Thanks, this is what I've just began to do as I don't have the patience to wait for MS to pull its finger out. Thank god for 8 threads
Check in the "Update History" for a new entry, most likely failed.
So im running fresh Windows 10 install, took 11 minutes to install, could have been quicker but my USB drive is slow
Only Windows and all drivers and Chrome 64bit
Honestly its quick....and the menui approve so so much!
So did you just use the install.esd to IOS and boot off that instead, rather then waiting for dumb windows update?
So did you just use the install.esd to IOS and boot off that instead, rather then waiting for dumb windows update?
If you are preloaded and want to instal now -
In the Preload folder in Sources directroy there is a file Install.esd copy this to a new folder.
Download esd decrypter - https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=e8e5cc039d51e3db&id=E8E5CC039D51E3DB!77869
install 7 zip to extract esd decrypter
Extract all the files and put it in the same folder as install.esd
Right click decrypt install as administrator
choose option 1
This will create the windows 10 iso, right click and mount it then run setup.
I did upgade and keep file and installed fine.
Reddit thread - https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows10/...w_to_create_a_bootable_iso_from_the/?sort=new
found this:http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-win_upgrade/windows-10-update-failed/626e8e68-4d13-4d1b-ade4-beb59e4a14d7?auth=1
I manage to solve my problem.
Go to: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download
Delete everything
Then run this command in start>cmd wuauclt.exe /updatenow
Again, even if you're successful and being to download the 3GB the likely hood when it tries to install it will fail and you're back to square one.
So far the successful installs are using the ESD Decrypt method.