Windows 10

If people are having problems they are missing DX9 which you can't install unless you install .net 3.5 beforehand, mount your image or insert your install media and go to admin elevated command prompt and put:

Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /Source:X:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess

Where X: is your installation media drive letter, then install DX9 and you shouldn't have any further problems. I play CS:GO every day and it plays fine, even completed AC Unity on Windows 10.

I did a clean install and couldn't get CSGO to load properly.

the game loaded, I could hear the music playing on the main menu as it was a fresh install I hadn't disabled this and all I got was a black screen. when I changed to window mode using the launch options I could play CSGO fine but it cut off the bottom of the screen.

I tried to fix it but then gave up after an hour or so and stuck 7 back on.
has 9901 build ISO been released yet?

i have to do a windows install at some point tonight so might give it ago again with the new ISO if its released
sorry if its been covered in the 28 pages but has the price of windows 10 been announced/speculated yet?

I hate how expensive the OS is compared to on Mac which is generally free now and used to only be circa £15
has 9901 build ISO been released yet?

i have to do a windows install at some point tonight so might give it ago again with the new ISO if its released

Not officially no. If you do find it you will not get updates from MS due to a bug in 9901.

But the Customer Preview is expected at the end of Jan so not sure if will any new builds in Jan

A bit of semi-off topic musing.

It'll be interesting to see what Apple do in the next few years while the desktop consumer market (CPU wish anyway) is so stagnant. Even Apple users will be hard pushed to justify a hardware upgrade if they've already done so in the last 5 years or so.

I guess for the top-end workstations it's a different matter, where the GPU might play a bigger role, but you do wonder whether Apple will have to adapt their model.

They might find themselves in a not dissimilar position to Microsoft in the end.
Not really, Apple hardware is extremely competitively priced.

We will have to agree to differ on that one I am afraid. However I am having a problem with my build 9879 build of windows 10 - every time I either install Microsofts NVidia driver or windows 8.1 driver for my 980 I get blue screens and it will not then boot to windows until I uninstall and go back to basic driver.

Anybody else having this problem, and if so any workaround or driver that works ok for Nvidia?

Comparing OSX and Windows pricing is like comparing apples and a chello, as they are completely different things. One is a stand alone product available for purchase independently, while the other is an add on bundled with a purchase of hardware.

But anyway... do we know if the W10 beta will be updated to customer preview? Or will I need to reinstall?
If you are running any of the official preview builds you will be able to upgrade to the Jan 21st build with flighting, if you are on 9901 you will need an ISO to do an in place upgrade.
Had to uninstall 10 as fast as I installed it.

Everytime I launched a Direct X game it just blue screened.

I made sure I had Direct X up to date, alongside the Nvidia 307's and Unified Xonar drivers for sound.

Odd, couldn't download any updates for it either.
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