If people are having problems they are missing DX9 which you can't install unless you install .net 3.5 beforehand, mount your image or insert your install media and go to admin elevated command prompt and put:
Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /Source:X:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess
Where X: is your installation media drive letter, then install DX9 and you shouldn't have any further problems. I play CS:GO every day and it plays fine, even completed AC Unity on Windows 10.
I did a clean install and couldn't get CSGO to load properly.
the game loaded, I could hear the music playing on the main menu as it was a fresh install I hadn't disabled this and all I got was a black screen. when I changed to window mode using the launch options I could play CSGO fine but it cut off the bottom of the screen.
I tried to fix it but then gave up after an hour or so and stuck 7 back on.