Windows 10

Just lol at the Linux fanboyism in this thread, especially the last page or two. :D

If you want to stick with with Windows 95/98/XP/<your favourite version of Windows here>, then feel free to do so. From reading this thread, it seems the Linux fanboys are incapacitated when it comes to setting up local accounts - for some reason, probably due to their lack of reading, they feel forced to create a Microsoft account.

These new versions of Windows are the result of progress. If you don't like progress, then stay where you are. But don't complain when your Windows updates stop and leave your installation potentially insecure.

My main gripes with Windows 10 are to do with visuals. The system tray icons, the start menu. I don't like apps, but that's not a problem - I can just uninstall them. I don't like the start menu, but that's not a problem as there are already alternatives in the pipeline.
If you upgrade windows 7 x64 oem to windows 10 x64 oem do you loose the windows 7 x64 licence?. I'm more interested to test the public rc, i wonder when is that out to test drive for free?.

If it works the same was as existing licensing ....

The upgrade version inherits the rights from the base license, in this case OEM. The Windows 7 license is still valid as per the original OEM agreement for that machine if you uninstall Windows 10. The upgrade license nullifies the Windows 7 license, so even if it were retail you can't move it to another machine.
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These new versions of Windows are the result of progress. If you don't like progress, then stay where you are. But don't complain when your Windows updates stop and leave your installation potentially insecure.

Hmm, progress.... now where have I heard that one before. There are many examples of things I hear on a regular basis where so-called progress has actually been a step backwards. Just today I heard someone saying "They don't make TV programmes like they used to any more" and the reply was "Well at least today you have a 65" 4K to watch the *&%^ on".

Just because something new comes along does not necessarily mean that it's always for the customer's benefit. MS, like any company is in the game to make money. Windows 10 will definitely be more secure than 8 or 7, no doubt about it, but those improvements could have just as easily have been made via Service Packs in W8. But why release sp's when you can "create" a whole new OS and charge?

Finally, MS will eventually go with a monthly or yearly subscription model. It's not a case of if, but when. Many people will not think twice about paying, especially if it's only a few quid a month which would net MS a tidy revenue. I won't be one of those customers, but it's still the way things are going to go, like it or not.
Ok Here i go
I am far from a expert on any version of windows but have used them all apart from windows 10. I currently run windows 7 myself but use my brothers pc daily which runs windows 8.1. Now after using 8.1 i can personally say that it looks better and more modern than any earlier versions of windows in my opinion and the person i keep seeing in this thread basically ****ging off both 10 and 8 really has no clue even going as far as dissing windows 10 for not being able to change transparency on the window borders(just omg really!) Not only that but almost trying to convince others that because its different its bad and they should change thier opinion on it. I was quite shocked to how this poster came across in thier attitude and flabbergasted when i heard from my brother that this poster was trying a preview build and that the full version will not be available for many months. How somebody can make statements like this poster did after trying a early preview build for a few days is just laughable. Anyway i was glad to hear that windows 10 will be a free upgrade and i for one will be upgrading my win 7 as soon as the full version is available. To the other so called expert(that they think they are on many things) You stick in the dark ages with your stone age pc.

Yeah I dont see the point in upgrading if your are using 3rd party software to make it run differently? I will deffo be trying windows 10 a few more times before writing it off.

You are not forced,can go Linux or stay on Win7 until EOL.:)

I would give Linux a go but Im guessing half of my apps and games wont run on Linux, so no point even going there.
If you upgrade windows 7 x64 oem to windows 10 x64 oem do you loose the windows 7 x64 licence?. I'm more interested to test the public rc, i wonder when is that out to test drive for free?.

win8/8.1 full/upgrade are transferable for system builders, so im guessing win10 is the same. so if you go from win7 oem to win10 upgrade it'll be basically retail meaning it's transferable, if u upgrade your motherboard/built a new computer

but you won't be able to use both win7 and win10 at the same time. you would need to remove/format the drive win10 is on before you can use the win7 license again.
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I would give Linux a go but Im guessing half of my apps and games wont run on Linux, so no point even going there.

you could stay on win7. Microsoft isn't forcing anyone to upgrade tbh... it was the same when win8 was released Microsoft didn't force anybody to upgrade, if you don't need the features of win10 or find the change to much then just stay on the os you have,
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Yeah I dont see the point in upgrading if your are using 3rd party software to make it run differently? I will deffo be trying windows 10 a few more times before writing it off.

I would give Linux a go but Im guessing half of my apps and games wont run on Linux, so no point even going there.

You forget dual boot, I have one of my PCs with Windows and Linux,best of both worlds,Linux even does dual boot as an option for you.

Always choices out there.
I would give Linux a go but Im guessing half of my apps and games wont run on Linux, so no point even going there.

Linux can run almost anything that Windows has with varying degrees of success / failure

There is somethign called WINE in Linux and I suggest you check it out.

There is also a great thing called PLAYINLINUX that many distros have, and this is a frotn end for WINE ( pretty much ) and it allows yuou to install and run a hell of a lot of Windopws games from within Linux.

I have it on my Linux Laptop alongside my Steam Games and they all run brilliantly in Linux. To be fair, I have a few things that dont and some that dont as well as they could do, but on the whole I have very very few that dont do good as opposed to the ones that do, and I even have a few things that seem to run better under WINE than they do under Windows itself, so...

Give it a look at least, but remember that its not simply a click and go thing... It may require tweaking to get right.
I liked the taskbar transparency i hope they bring that back.

Still no option for disabling taskbar previews. I made another request in the feedback app but think its probably not going to happen.

I also moaned about how poor the performance of "network" is in windows, always has been. It never refreshes quick enough and the smb timeout is so long like 30 seconds when there is no reason for it.
I liked the taskbar transparency i hope they bring that back.

Still no option for disabling taskbar previews. I made another request in the feedback app but think its probably not going to happen.

I also moaned about how poor the performance of "network" is in windows, always has been. It never refreshes quick enough and the smb timeout is so long like 30 seconds when there is no reason for it.

Whatever happens you can bet companies like Stardock will offer you customised UI programs for Win10.
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