Car analogy is terrible, a lot of users like Win8/10 yes I'm one of them,Win7 was ok but nothing special,I can say that because I've used every OS since DOS days,it's fast and very stable.
I can use it just fine with mouse and keyboard so don't see why you bring up the car analogy.
Win10 I'm holding my final opinion on because it's a preview build but as I stated earlier I did like the earlier Win10 preview build with Start Menu,again RTM will probably be different so not fair for me to fully judge it at this time.
You don't really say what you don't like about 10(I know you don't like Start Menu but that is ongoing/changing),again remember preview builds are not final.
Having said all that I'll be upgrading to Win10 final (free upgrade is hard to pass up on,especially as a PC gamer ).