Windows 10

I think they should be done with it and anounce it as free for everyone, Microsoft are the only company charging for its OS now Apple gives OSX away.

Windows isn't quite tied to hardware in quite the same way as Apple, Android, etc. though - with most Android devices you pretty much pay for the OS and hardware in one go.
Navigate to

HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer > Advanced

Using regedit.

Enter a new 32bit DWORD value called EnableXamlStartMenu and make sure it is set as 0

Restart Explorer

This no longer works on build 10041 :(

Neither does startisback 1.7.5.

Also the separate Windows update UI no longer works either. I get this now instead, damn MS :mad:


At least MS is updating the icons to make them more consistent, still a few to go and still ugly.
I'm not convinced that this is the operating system i would want to use, 8.1 was awful, ten looks much of the same, i think i'll keep 7 until phased out and then move on to something i would want to use in a traditional desktop scenario.
Hmm, new build has broke my sound output on my little BRIX system, MS drivers download but refuse to install. Were fine previously.

New HDD icons are ugly too :/
now that the icons are more consistent, i dont really mind them at all.

10041 installed itself this morning. Had to reinstall the graphics drivers but that's about it. Liking 10 very much tbh :)
I'm hearing that 'mail/people/calendar' app is borked under 10041!?

Is it true?? (mine is still installing)

Though there's supposed to be a hack/fix!!
Mail and People 'live tiles' seem to work after the fix, but Calendar doesn't, it just shows
@{microsoftwindowscommunicationapps_17.59800.207.... etc
It still fires up my calendar so no problem, it's just annoying!!
bold. I like this free update scheme.

I upgraded from vista to 8 Pro for 15£ and now 10 will be free for all, pirates included. too bad for xp and vista users, guess they will need to get pirated copies first :D. will OCUK be permissive about linking to pirated copies of old Win for this update since MS don't care?

only question I have is if I am using win 8.1pro will I get win 10 pro version?

sa-weet!! :)
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I can't get it to install.

First time got to 99% downloaded and stopped there for several hours, so restarted it and now it's been stuck on 0% downloaded for ages.
offering free upgrade to "dodgey" copies seems not right to me

I can see where they are coming from - dodgey copies not updated properly aren't good for anyone

yet if I go out and buy 2 Windows 8 licenses @ 50 quid each (which I did) - and upgrade to 10

and someone down road just uses a dodgey serial to install windows 8 and instantly gets free upgrade to 10 for nothing

all licences then all pukka

seems a bit unfair ?

so if you need any additional windows licences the year Windows 10 is released - whats the reason to buy it ?

or are they effectively saying like Apple that Windows 10 for first year is free for everyone

just don't want to market it like that

This is what I was thinking. Also It just seems somewhat iffy that microsoft would all of a sudden adopt a business plan of kindness.
Anyone played with Cortana properly yet?

Got this on my old Pro, have put 10041 on but not really done much with it.
we have been testing today in our domain environment, the start menu is still not working on domain even with minimal policy's.

Need to also check when I'm home tonight if they have fixed the server 2012r2 connector software yet.
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