Winter 2024/25 - Cold or Mild? Rain or Snow?

Heh I remember it snowed once in April during the easter holidays, that was a very long time ago...

I can't remember which year but we had 6 inches of snow one Easter when I was younger - one of the few times where loads of people spent the day tobogganing down the big hill on the edge of the town I lived in and all the kind of things you only really see in romanticised versions of winter in movies, etc. happened like 2-3 times with winters in the 80s and I've never seen the likes since.
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Is this thread officially including meteorological autumn?

Central heating kept our Center Parcs villa above 20C despite it being a bit chilly outdoors this week, but when we got back home last night, our flat felt chilly at 17C... First time below 20C without heating for months.

Sat here in my very light tracksuit bottoms and a baggy jumper today, an extremely rare clothing combo for me, especially indoors! :eek:

But it looks like the Indian summer is arriving from tomorrow, heading back close to and then above 20C for the next week.
Starmer may have a groundhog in downing street, amongst the menagerie(cabinet ?)

The early provision of supmkt mince pies and christmas tv channels, maybe prophetic.
I braved going out this morning to some shopping in my shorts and tee-shirt on my bike.

Bit chilly, I fear this may be the last outing without warmer clobber on until next "summer" unless there's an Indian version on the way.
It does seem like, as mentioned before, that we have just two seasons now, one with a few days of sun, but mainly wet and cloudy, but not too cold, and the other, mainly wet and cloudy, and cold.

Not too sure what to call them, but I'll go for Winter, and...Not Winter.
It's been perfect down here, just stopped at Lidl in wadebridge so having a quick chill watching the very high tide
I fear yesterday was the last day of summer.

Not looking forward to this winter for a number of reasons. Think I'm going to have a tough one and we'll really need to watch my mental health situation. Definitely having a lot of thoughts around "what am I doing with my life"
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