Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

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On the .000001% chance anyone cares, the other day I broke the rules regarding discussion of episode 4. I wrote "How?! Just...how?!" hinting at it, and now I can elaborate, so...

How can that battle scene be so awesome?! How can they top that?! I think it might be even better than the Battle of the Blackwater, and it's certainly a big redemption for the show's makers from the tripe that was the Battle of the ******** (Jon vs Ramsay).

There was some poor writing earlier in the episode, like the poorly handled Jonerys stuff and the blatant foreshadowing of Littlefinger's demise. But dat battle!

Only 3 more episodes left :(
Hopefully they fish Jamie out and he immediately switches allegiances then rapes/kills Cersei.

Aside from Bronn clearly hacking Drogon is a little OP. Next to zero cooldown on the fire breath.
Now you can see where all the money was spent! :D

Not really sure about the issue of surprise there. Depending the channel between dragonstone and the mainland is pretty narrow and wouldn't take much time to cross, even if ferrying in multiple trips. You wouldn't need to go past Kings Landing to get there either, and for a group of riders like the Dothraki it would probably take a day - day and a half at most get there, probably outriding most messengers. They would be able to travel a hell of a lot faster than any Westeros army that's for certain.

Some valid points regarding Arya, although that could be explained away by a ship being a lot faster than someone riding with no particular hurry.

What I don't get is why the Unsullied haven't just ravened their situation. They could then coordinate any attack on Kings Landing as they're only a week- 2 weeks at most away from it. I also think the assumption that either attack on Castilly Rock or Highgarden occurred over just one day is a bit foolish, even when not sieging castles they're likely to take several days/a week or more to set themselves up for any attack. You don't just unload 10,000 men with ladders etc and attack the day you arrive!

Anyway, superb episode, although not quite sure why that water was so deep that Jamie ended up in!
The logic used in the first seasons has been abandoned for sake of hitting key points within the timeframe they have left.

Of course this also means less filler so there's an upside.

However the filler also gave more depth to characters or a scene so....

Undecided, I'll generally skip actual garbage filler where two characters decide to ruminate on life for 10 mins straight to pad it out but sometimes it depends on the character or maybe the actor.

Anyway at least they used some budget on the action this time.
Seeing LF shart himself <3

Bran's 'k thx bye' was savage

Sansa must feel like the most useless Stark going

More incest is so on the cards, does it count if they aren't aware?!

Squee'd at Drogon, esp. that wide angle of him going left to right just laying waste

Totally felt torn like Tyrion watching that carnage, fortunately plot armour saved the day
So Jamie got saved by being thrown into the water, how did it go from not being even a few feet deep to him sinking into the dark abyss a few meters out. Minor quibble but there's no way it was that deep so quickly.

I know it's possible but when they're flying over, the colour of the water tells you it's not that deep.
So Jamie got saved by being thrown into the water, how did it go from not being even a few feet deep to him sinking into the dark abyss a few meters out. Minor quibble but there's no way it was that deep so quickly.

I know it's possible but when they're flying over, the colour of the water tells you it's not that deep.

There are rivers that go very deep very quick (according to ppl on Reddit), however I think it was more symbolic than anything - you know like how in LotR when Frodo seems to be 10ft underwater and sinking forever, then Sam just grabs him and pulls him out.
damn, that dagger thing was a slight let down... from the previews I genuinely thought Littlefinger might get killed by Arya

I liked the Stannis reference from Davos to Jon Snow: "fewer" :D
That was rather good! sfx guys must really be up against it this season with 7 episodes where nearly everyone has huge scenes. No wonder the occasional scene looks a little ropey. They can be forgiven for it when they produce better than movie quality like todays.

Was really torn watching it about who you wanted to win. Actually scratch that, I wanted the lannisters to win but Drogon not get killed. Dothraki saying they don't fight well when outnumbered at least 10-1 by a cavalry force with the equivalent of an apache attack helicopter on their side was a bit cheap!

Also, just sayin...
ooo, think it'll be 2-1 too but just had a thought how it can easily be 3-0...
We see Jaime transporting the loot in large caravans from Highgarden to pay the Iron Bank and fund their war. Assuming Dany has a go at destroying it with a Dragon swooping in, wouldn't it be GoT to have those caravans open up to reveal balistas?!

Anyway, fav moment. Dickon.
Abandoned and flooded quarry obviously. Should have been warning signs.

H&S comes to westeros...I shudder at the thought :D

There are rivers that go very deep very quick (according to ppl on Reddit), however I think it was more symbolic than anything - you know like how in LotR when Frodo seems to be 10ft underwater and sinking forever, then Sam just grabs him and pulls him out.

Yeah, I can accept it being more symbolic...just irked me a bit as i've been around streams and rivers much of my life and i'm pretty sure from what we saw from the sky, it wasn't all that deep.
Look, I love the show too, but there is no defending it any more - especially after this episode - time and space continuum of the narration is lost. We might not particularly care how Jon Snow manages his 1600 mile journey from Winterfell to Dragonstone faster than Aria going 2/3rd of the distance in the opposite direction with a head start, because it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things - maybe he took a motorboat and it became one of those Top Gear features. We might overlook how Aria covered twice as much space as White Walkers had to Winterfell, and get there before them, because you know - that's the main payload of the season - we'll wait.

this is just the same flawed objection, there has never been constant time jumps between scenes in the series, your objection is the same one again and is completely baseless - the series covers several years, we've had a few seasons already... in some jumps between scenes within the same story arc only minutes have passed in others weeks have passed, that has happened in previous seasons too - we've always progressed a bit of a storyline then skipped ahead to another important part of that storyline etc.. it is just there are fewer separate arcs now as they've started to converge
I'm not sure I heard correctly....

Did the tarley guy say the goats are in kings landing or the gold? Pretty sure I saw the gold burnt / melted in that horse wagon so presume he said goats
damn, that dagger thing was a slight let down... from the previews I genuinely thought Littlefinger might get killed by Arya

I liked the Stannis reference from Davos to Jon Snow: "fewer" :D

I'm hoping that as Littlefinger was watching and it ended with the dagger that Arya training with Brienne is foreshadowing of how screwed Littlefinger is. The only reason he is around is because of 'his' troops but no-one trusts him so I can see him being dead by the end of the season.

H&S comes to westeros...I shudder at the thought :D

Yeah, I can accept it being more symbolic...just irked me a bit as i've been around streams and rivers much of my life and i'm pretty sure from what we saw from the sky, it wasn't all that deep.

I took it as symbolic especially as I imagine even 1 foot of water is deep enough when you're wearing so much armour. Either way it was GoT doing what it does best IMO and being brilliantly cinematic - The whole battle scene and ending with that fade to black :D
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