Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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She was quite a vocal anti-GOT'er on FB until about season 6 when she binged it and exclaimed she was shocked how good it is.

This episode is so divisive, it's as if you're not allowed to like some of it and dislike other parts. Everyone seems to generally be love/hate with no middle ground. As I said, I liked it, despite the flaws. I desperately seek some more expanded closure on the NK though.

It's because the show has changed so much I think. You either like the new direction or you don't and I think that has a domino effect on how you perceive the rest of it. It's not that I hated last nights episode, far from it, but I did think it was completely underwritten and predictable.
It was an awful episode, in all aspects. The picture quality on NowTV was the worst that I've ever seen, the plot was terrible, the story rubbish.

It was so dark throughout that I thought my TV was broken. Whatever they did to the footage, it ruined the ambience for me because I was constantly straining to try and make out what was going on.

The plot armour for characters was ridiculous. Brienne, Jamie and most of the others should all be dead. The amount of times they were overrun, looked shattered and beaten, but still managed to defend themselves was ridiculous. Sam lying on a bed of undead, with them all reaching up and more moving onto him, suddenly shrugging them off like the Hulk was just silly. Ser Jorah practically being the only one returning from the Dothraki charge, only to then die defending Dany, how convenient. The Dothraki charging into total darkness was stupid tactics, the Unsullied attacking in front of a single spiked fortification was rubbish as well. They had so much time to prepare the defences (or at least to sit around and chat about loads of rubbish in the first two episodes) but only set up one layer of these? The Unsullied would have been more effective standing behind them and attacking any that tried to make it over. But sure, it's just a TV show so what does that matter?

Bran was pointless, flying around as a flock of ravens with no apparent goal in mind was just filler, Arya was awesome until she suddenly wasn't, and Theon dying the way he did was utterly pathetic. "You're a good man Theon". "CHARGE!". Lol, whatever.

And let's not even talk about how the entire Night King storyline was brought to the most abrupt end by some magical Ninja antics. I thought it was going to revolve around some single-combat between the Night King and someone else. Or at least Bran would somehow show some sort of amazing power, rather than just being a completely helpless white-eyed cardboard cutout.

I knew this season was going to end up being a rushed mess, but I really wasn't expecting this. The first two episodes have been pretty mediocre. For a TV show that's been up there with the best for the other seasons, they really are making a mess of it now. I want to see how the rest of it plays out, but I really don't think the writers are going to end up doing it justice at all :(

absolutely spot on. ;)
Thing is people forget this is GRRM based, and its strayed quite far from the books already.
Eg Catlyn stark who is basically a zombie it would seem in the book is missing, changed arcs etc
He also leaves things hanging, like Syrio Forel, who was never specifically killed, but when questioned he said "well he was facing a number of armoured people with swords and a wooden cane". Who knows, its part of the way he writes.

I remember seeing some stuff where GRRM said he had told them how he planned to end it. Who knows if they followed that closely or agreed to deviate or what.

You need to expect the unexpected, one of most noticeable traits is to lead you down a path of expectation and then shock you. Seems he did this to most, OMG the WW and NK etc will run over everything, but in fact they had a massive weakness.
To me it was just another of his follys.

Sky was terrible, honestly the worst mess I have ever seen, practically unwatchable at the start. Such a shame they decided to do it all at night, would have been better to start the outside at say dusk when the atmosphere would have still been there but at least the contrast would have been better, once most of the action moved inside the walls enough light would have been available to keep it reasonable.
Lets hope that when its remastered to Blu ray its done to an acceptable standard.
Seems like there is a lot talk about how it may end up not being the end of the NK though. We will see. I am hoping there is a lot more to come but I have feeling that is the NK stuff wrapped up now.

I'd be very, very surprised if he's brought back now. Regardless of how flimsy it was done, there as a finality to that whole episode with regards that particular plotline.
Bronn will always side with tyrion. He will always pay double and he wants his castle.

Tyrion may well side with cersei though, he loved his neice and nephews and dont think he could kill and unborn lannister
Surely the hound? There has been a fair bit of lead up to it.

It has to be right?

That fight has been teased since the first series, undead Mountain can only be killed by fire facing his brother with the fear of fire. Christ if its not The Hound I'll probably riot.
I must admit that as a huge fan of the GoT music so far I found the score for this episode rather unmoving, and thought as much while I was watching. There was plenty of time to think while soldiers were busy finding new ways to commit suicide (despite Jon etc. having seen how the horde worked at Hardhome). I'm going to sit through these three episodes again later in the week and I'm hoping to feel better about it. Mind you, I've also been watching Westworld recently, scored by the same guy, and I really don't 'get' the music there either even though I love the show. I'm just disappointed I don't get to enjoy it as much as others clearly do! :-)

I also keep imagining a few missing scenes from the end of episode 3 where it looked like Arya was climbing, Bran style, up the old tower he was pushed from (or the wall if that's not close to the Godswood). Below, Theon does his suicide rush and ends up fighting one or two of the blue eyed vanguard. Arya leaps from the tower/walls, we assume she's doing something to help Theon, but she jumps into the tree, breaks her fall on a branch and swings into a momentum-fed leap towards... Theon catches sight of her and does something heroically suicidal to earn his absolution, then we get the scene we got in the film with the NK's demise.

And how about we find Bran that was summoning the North's crows (remember Sam's Walker killing scene) to mob the undead, defending Theon and distracting from Arya?

I'm sure I could pick holes in my own ideas too, but I still feel like i got no foreplay with that climax. All that fumbling around on the battlefield doesn't count, they couldn't find the plot clitoris out there if they went at it til dawn; it's all about that final NK encounter.
I'm finding all these complaints very funny, if I'm honest. I have a new prediction though; Sansa to kill Dany (possibly in front of John) just as it looks like they'll live happily ever after.
I agree with a lot of the critisism, I think a couple of major character deaths would have distracted from a lot of the flaws you can find on reflection.

There were many missed opportunities IMO Grey Worm should have died. It feels like too many characters were kept alive to allow for couples to have a happy ending.

I agree, although I will be miffed if there is a happy ending. That wouldn't be in the mould of GoT.
I'd be very, very surprised if he's brought back now. Regardless of how flimsy it was done, there as a finality to that whole episode with regards that particular plotline.

I agree. It's deeply frustrating and a cheap way to end that whole story arc. Real waste of some amazingly cool characters (WW, NK).
I thought it was good. Some of the moments were really moving but the battle itself wasn't the best. No issues with the story arc presented.o

What? It was 99% battle? The battle of Hellmsdeep in The Two Towers was better done and cost less than this episode did.
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