Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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Pretty good episode overall although I hope the NK going down is some sort of red herring ? Surely there still has to be some sort of threat from the undead. Either that or they didn't want to spend anymore time on that particular arc and just concentrate on Kings landing. I was sort of hoping for some epic fight with the NK rather than him go out like that. In any case I am looking forward to seeing how it pans out in the last 3 weeks. Maybe everyone dies and nobody ends up on the iron throne :D
I think people complaining not enough characters died are jumping the gun a bit. There's still 3 episodes to go which is a lot of time for deaths!
I think it's more that so many of the characters survived against RIDICULOUS odds.
Definitely worthy of all the moaning on here. I mean, really, when was the last time somebody in a TV show/movie survived against ridiculous odds? That's literally never happened before... :confused: ;) :p
The problem is once valyrian steel or dragonglass touches NK he dead, that was his risk and he knew that hence he didn't fight, perhaps?

It'd be very Hollywood for 'fite me 1 on 1 m8' but in reality if you were the NK the last thing you'd want is to risk your entire army and your generals against a guy you know has a Valerian steel sword who you've seen take out one of them already (who didn't have the luxury of knowing about Longclaw beforehand). You let your overwhelming numbers of mindless drones do all the dirty work. The expectation of most people would have course be that Jon take him out in a swordfight, but GOT has always messed with these sort of confrontation expectations, often showing that you can be an amazing swordsman like Barristan Selmy, but still get caught out in a melee in a back alley or Arthur Dayne getting a knife in the back. Overtly charging at the NK was shown to be futile as he either stuck a storm, a wall of dead or a zombie dragon in the way (he let Theon have a go precisely because he had 0 chance of accomplishing anything), so to take him out had to involve some sort of element of surprise.
The Children created the Night King to defeat the First Men (was it the First, or the A-dudes, I forget?), could we see a new NK created to defeat Cersei? I doubt it, but it'd be an amazing ending.

Im pretty sure the NK was of the First Men, captured by the Children of the forest. He was created to help protect against the First Men who were destroying weirwoods but eventually turned on the COF. The NK was eventually defeated by the COF and the First Men which is why he fled north to raise his army.
I think people complaining not enough characters died are jumping the gun a bit. There's still 3 episodes to go which is a lot of time for deaths!

Its the sheer fact they were outnumbered 100 to 1. then when those that died (dothraki, unsullied and those beyond the wall) were resurrected. they still managed to survive now the odds were 10,000 to 1
Definitely worthy of all the moaning on here. I mean, really, when was the last time somebody in a TV show/movie survived against ridiculous odds? That's literally never happened before... :confused: ;) :p

There are rational degrees of believability though. It's comes with good, inventive direction, the type of which this show has little of anymore.
Definitely worthy of all the moaning on here. I mean, really, when was the last time somebody in a TV show/movie survived against ridiculous odds? That's literally never happened before... :confused: ;) :p

It wasn't just one person though. I mean Jon was surrounded and survived, as did Danny. Same goes for Jaime, Brienne and Sam etc etc. You just know that those characters are not going to die so it kind of takes away the suspense.
It wasn't just one person though. I mean Jon was surrounded and survived, as did Danny. Same goes for Jaime, Brienne and Sam etc etc. You just know that those characters are not going to die so it kind of takes away the suspense.

I'd still put money on most of them dying, but those moments are likely being 'saved' for the last few episodes. Again, it's just bad writing putting all these characters on one bloody battlefield at once against what appear to be unwinnable odds and having them all come out clean and breathing on the other side.
I think people complaining not enough characters died are jumping the gun a bit. There's still 3 episodes to go which is a lot of time for deaths!

It's got nothing to do with them not dying, or wanting more to have died. It's more the sheer improbability of them surviving circumstances that they constantly found themselves in over and over again, without any explanation for their survival. Hence the "plot armour" argument. I don't want to see loads of characters killed off, especially if they're central, but the books haven't been scared of doing away with central characters, and neither have the previous seasons, but this last battle is just rather unreal. Don't put them all in the middle of loads of undead and then somehow expect us to believe that they miraculously survived even when it was obviously in all the cuts between scenes that they should have died numerous times over. Every other normal soldier did. They're not superhumanly able to just shrug off loads of undead that are clinging to them. I'm not after realism, but ridiculousness isn't what we're after either. It ruins what has been a great show up until now.
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I'd still put money on most of them dying, but those moments are likely being 'saved' for the last few episodes. Again, it's just bad writing putting all these characters on one bloody battlefield at once against what appear to be unwinnable odds and having them all come out clean and breathing on the other side.

It will be the last episode though. I would be amazed if they didn't last the entire show. I know you can't kill off every main character, but some are more 'immune' to it than others it seems. Never used to be like that.
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