Yes. It was all shown and explained, even their symbols (which are morbid versions of the symbols the CoF used).
I think people are looking for depth to the WW/NK that was never there in the first place; he/they were never anything more than a magic blunt force, single-use tool that got out of control. In the books, the Others are still yet to be really fleshed out and might prove more interesting... although that's still two books to really introduce them properly AND wrap them up, if they ever get written.
Totaly agree, in the books there's no mention of a Night King, He was simply a character thought up by the writers to give a face to the leader of the 'Others'. Who like you say, haven't yet been fleshed out in the books.
I'm interested to see how GRR Martin does the whole 'Others' story in the final two books. Maybe his backstory in the books will mimic the upcoming prequel GoT : The Long Night?
I doubt they will. The prequels will be the focus now. The TV series has stolen the thunder of the books unfortunately.
I dont think the TV series has stolen the thunder from the books, just given us fans something to tie us over while GRRM finishes his books which we all know will be totally different to what we've seen.
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