Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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A really **** joke though let's be honest. Good jokes have a semblance of truth to them, calling viewers of two of the most mainstream entertainment franchises out there virgins ain't that.

It isn't particularly funny tbh and is about as unintelligent as humour gets. I would expect nothing less from Cordon.

Not denying it was a terrible joke, but not worth getting so worked up about though.
Tactically, The Living® could have done wonders to the army of The Dead®; they had no excuses - they had Jaime Lannister, Ser Jorah, Tyrion, Greyworm and a whole host of others who are genius tacticians.

Dothraki are generally shock troops; a savage and demoralising wave of unrelenting light cavalry. Whilst I get why they didn't try a flank (afterall, how big is The Dead® army? How many people have died and have been resurrected? What is the Night King's range for resurrection?).

Some horrendous military losses regardless though; most of the Dothraki, virtually all the Unsullied, all their war machines and some skilled combatants/leaders. When Daenerys just landed in the middle of The Dead®, what the absolute heck was she thinking just sitting there? I was screaming at the TV at that point, from the pixelated misery I could make out.

Was reading some interesting theories - Bran was Warging into Theon, either relaxing him or aiding his aim. Some strange theories about Jon Snow working with Arya by distracting the Dragon etc.
Not denying it was a terrible joke, but not worth getting so worked up about though.
It's literally him in a nutshell since moving to the US, he's very good at pandering to an audience there. The content of the joke isn't offensive, but it's an offensively bad joke.
It's literally him in a nutshell since moving to the US, he's very good at pandering to an audience there. The content of the joke isn't offensive, but it's an offensively bad joke.

It just seems very lame to be deriding the fans and (by extension) the makers of some of the most popular entertainment around. Geek culture went mainstream a decade ago. It's not like Corden has ever been funny in anything, but you'd think his joke writers would know that Marvel or (the sex & violence laden) GoT is actually enjoyed by many, many people, most of whom have had sex. I wouldn't be surprised if he's seen them both himself.

Calling out people who like MCU or GoT as "virgins" as if he's a chubby frat boy bullying the D&D kids seems so 1990's, it's embarrassing to him more than anything.
I don't think it's the joke that's the problem, it's the way it just came out of nowhere. If Jon had delivered it, it would have been MUCH funnier.

Can we get back to arguing about how the Night King could catch Arya, but couldn't quite manage to crush her scrawny windpipe at the same time? (Maybe he didn't want to break his nails). Or about how why Bron didn't turn up with a truck load of Wildfire to sell them at the right price. (It's winter, bad roads, I know, but something blindsidey would've been nice, maybe working with Tyrion, who was otherwise completely wasted). Or about how Melisandre could have set herself on fire to get the trench going, echoing all those she burned and earning her redemption? Or about how dusty Starks can quickly break through stone but wooden boxes can hold undead for a long voyage?

I hate it when real life spoils our arguments about really important imaginary stuff. If I wanted that I'd go type into the Brexit black hole. (Now there's a thread which could definitely do with better lighting.)
I don't know if this has been posted but there's a theory that Jon Snow cleared the way for Arya by distracting the Ice Dragon...


Makes a bit more sense if true.

Seems like tripe to me. People trying to read more into it then there is. The Godswood is full of trees, she just climbed one and jumped at the ****er. If it seems cheap then that's because it is. That just how the show is now, incredibly gorgeous to look upon but largely cheaply written.

D&D wanna move on and make their 'Confederate' drama, that's been clear since the start of last season.
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I don't know if this has been posted but there's a theory that Jon Snow cleared the way for Arya by distracting the Ice Dragon...


Makes a bit more sense if true.

Nah, Jon was downed off his dragon, went after the NK, NK walks off to kill Bran and leaves Jon fighting and chasing him through the castle. Jon then has to deal with the ice dragon in the courtyard and the risen dead at his back, still whilst trying to catch up to NK for a sword fight. Arya does the deed in a tactical fashion with a sneak attack, while everyone else is otherwise occupied with fighting for their lives.

Jon and Dany couldn't crisp the NK with dragons, I don't think their backup plan would have been "send the ninja girl", because she would have been hiding in the Godswood from the beginning if that was the case, not nearly getting herself killed several times over running from the walkers around the castle.
Nah, Jon was downed off his dragon, went after the NK, NK walks off to kill Bran and leaves Jon fighting and chasing him through the castle. Jon then has to deal with the ice dragon in the courtyard and the risen dead at his back, still whilst trying to catch up to NK for a sword fight. Arya does the deed in a tactical fashion with a sneak attack, while everyone else is otherwise occupied with fighting for their lives.

Jon and Dany couldn't crisp the NK with dragons, I don't think their backup plan would have been "send the ninja girl", because she would have been hiding in the Godswood from the beginning if that was the case, not nearly getting herself killed several times over running from the walkers around the castle.

They got lucky basically.
Seems like tripe to me. People trying to read more into it then there is. The Godswood is full of trees, she just climbed one and jumped at the ****er. If it seems cheap then that's because it is. That just how the show is now, incredibly gorgeous to look upon but largely cheaply written.

D&D wanna move on and make their 'Confederate' drama, that's been clear since the start of last season.
Stop nitpicking episode was brilliant love all the crybabies just because their favourite villain is dead look go watch all the other seasons of GOT the white walkers were only brought to the forefront in season 7 the other seasons hardly mentioned its always been about who is going to sit on the iron throne hence the title Game of thrones.
Easy enough to check the subtitles?

Do they get the subtitles from the script? Having seen some of the hilarious mistakes on subtitles I always assumed it was like an automatic thing where it attempted to match sounds to words rather than the actual words being said in the script
Do they get the subtitles from the script? Having seen some of the hilarious mistakes on subtitles I always assumed it was like an automatic thing where it attempted to match sounds to words rather than the actual words being said in the script

Depends on the show and channel. Films, series, etc. would usually be doing them properly.
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