Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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Easy enough to check the subtitles?
That part is subtitled as:
(Viserion growling)

The theory Jon Snow was distracting the dragon for Arya sounds like BS to me. Viserion was already 100% focused on Jon Snow behind his rock; in fact his popping up to yell at Viserion looks pretty comical really. Seems the dragon also made the same mistake as the giant earlier in the episode, which was taking a moment to gawp at the living rather than ending it quickly.

Personally am really needing to see next weeks episode, as this one has just left too many unanswered questions that might be covered later on. It's bad enough we needed the teaser for next week just to be able to tell if Rhaegal made it or not.
Can we get back to arguing about how the Night King could catch Arya, but couldn't quite manage to crush her scrawny windpipe at the same time? (Maybe he didn't want to break his nails).

I don't think he intended to at that moment, he paused to take a look at her out of curiosity... (he also could have killed Bran immediately but paused) he's not some Robot, as far as we know he might also have visions etc.. like Bran (he knew to carry a spear with him in case some dragons turned up last season etc..). He may have seen her before, he thought he was safe when he grabbed her and then suddenly the Valyrian steel meant he wasn't... That also a mistake a white walker made with Jon when he first killed one, their swords clashed then the white walker gives a look of surprise and suddenly is killed.

Or about how why Bron didn't turn up with a truck load of Wildfire to sell them at the right price. (It's winter, bad roads, I know, but something blindsidey would've been nice, maybe working with Tyrion, who was otherwise completely wasted).

I guess we'll find out next episode what Bron is up to.

Or about how Melisandre could have set herself on fire to get the trench going, echoing all those she burned and earning her redemption?

That could have been cool, but she needed to tell Arya about her destiny first...

Or about how dusty Starks can quickly break through stone but wooden boxes can hold undead for a long voyage?

Hollow old statues might not be so strong.

They got lucky basically.

^^^ this ref Arya
Of course the Jon distraction theory is nonsense. How would he even know where Ayra was?

I'm sure we'll be seeing floor plans and Ayra's route to the NK before long.
I don't think he intended to at that moment, he paused to take a look at her out of curiosity... (he also could have killed Bran immediately but paused) he's not some Robot, as far as we know he might also have visions etc.. like Bran (he knew to carry a spear with him in case some dragons turned up last season etc..). He may have seen her before, he thought he was safe when he grabbed her and then suddenly the Valyrian steel meant he wasn't... That also a mistake a white walker made with Jon when he first killed one, their swords clashed then the white walker gives a look of surprise and suddenly is killed.

Or it was just for cinematic effect like everything else.
Maybe he is secretly in love with Ayra after seeing her in his visions? His usual barbaric heart skipped for that fatal second whilst he lost himself in her big brown eyes and then curtains.

He might have seen *that* scene and been like "eww, you were like the little sister character and now I've seen your butt + some side boob as you got it on with Gendry.... ewww... how could you Arya". And thus that scene actually had some importance, and allowed her to stick him with the pointy end.
I don't know the Winterfell layout well enough but it would make sense the NK had the dragon guarding the entrance to the Godswood because nothing was getting past it. Other than that I didn't see that scene as anything other than Jon essentially letting his frustration boil over because the odds were insurmountable and just screaming at this impossible barrier he can't get past.

That's kind of the point of it all, we expect the big star to hack his way through everyone and beat the boss character, but in the end as has he's repeatedly done in battles past, he went off-plan quickly, got himself in a muddle and ended up having to rely on other people to bail him out.
They also wouldn't have known he could summon blizzard-like conditions to protect his generals, meaning the NK himself wouldn't have to be in a defensive spear-flinging position to protect them.
Except Jon snow said that “he brings the storm”, so I’d say they knew he had some control of the weather.
Good points - reflects my main concerns (other than not being able to see what's going on) about the NK being downed too early and all that's left is Cersei as the 'big bad'.
Good points - reflects my main concerns (other than not being able to see what's going on) about the NK being downed too early and all that's left is Cersei as the 'big bad'.
One of the video comments suggests they should have turned one of the Valyrian steel blades into thumb tacks (drawing pins) and sprinkled them round Bran, and it would have been more satisfying an end to the NK. I must admit that tickled my funny bone... I may just be over-tired though. :)

Edit: ok, so the wound probably had to go in the original location that created the NK, rather than in his foot, but I'm not entirely sure that's true. However even if it is, a more Game of Thrones (GRR Martin) solution would have been Arya attacks, gets fatally wounded, but Bran wargs in and guides her dying hand to the right location, complete with flashback to remind us why. She dies with a smile on her face and we all get to cry at what ought to be the happiest moment of the series.

Or something like that. I dunno. I think I have Game of Thrones PTSD. Or maybe I'm just over-over-tired. ;-)
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I'm hoping there's one last twist somewhere. They're leaving it a bit late for Dany to follow in her father's footsteps though, which is what I had thought would happen all along. Bronn's involvement is probably the thread I'm most interested in now. Will he kill one or both of the Lannister boys, or will Pod/Brienne save them?
Can we get back to arguing about how the Night King could catch Arya, but couldn't quite manage to crush her scrawny windpipe at the same time? (Maybe he didn't want to break his nails).

When have we ever seen the Night King do anything quickly? Slow and deliberate is one of his defining character traits.
I'm hoping there's one last twist somewhere. They're leaving it a bit late for Dany to follow in her father's footsteps though, which is what I had thought would happen all along. Bronn's involvement is probably the thread I'm most interested in now. Will he kill one or both of the Lannister boys, or will Pod/Brienne save them?

We already have one mad queen in Cersei.
That "john distracting the dragon" theory is BS. He was just accepting his demise, similar to Theon. Going out screaming. Don't know where people come up with these mad theories sometimes...

It was a decent episode, I think it was just too hyped up beforehand for everyone which made it fall short. Everyone's covered the bad points already. The dumb dothraki charge. People in the crypts defenseless. The insane plot armor of the totally surrounded main cast. Useless dragons etc. But it was a visual spectacle (when you could see it :P), you have to remember this is a TV show not a $100M movie.

I wasn't too surprised Arya killed the NK, I had that selected as my choice in our death pool :).
Well, looking at the images released today for the next episode, it seems that there is a very large Targaryen fleet in one of the stillphotos, so the question of what they will fight Cersei with appears to be a moot one as it seems that they still have a very large number of troops left to face her with
Well, looking at the images released today for the next episode, it seems that there is a very large Targaryen fleet in one of the stillphotos, so the question of what they will fight Cersei with appears to be a moot one as it seems that they still have a very large number of troops left to face her with
We can also assume that Yara will return from the Iron Isles with some extra troops/ships after she retakes the islands from Euron
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