Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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That "john distracting the dragon" theory is BS. He was just accepting his demise, similar to Theon. Going out screaming.

I don't think he was accepting his demise; I think he was still desperately trying - and failing - to get to Bran, fight the Night King, and save the day.
Loved the episode.

Myself I think it will be like Battlestar Galactica where it's an endless loop and the final episode we will see the NK resurrected and begin all over again to start building an army.

I don't care who is on the throne at the end as long as it's not Danerys. Can't stand her.
I don't think he was accepting his demise; I think he was still desperately trying - and failing - to get to Bran, fight the Night King, and save the day.
Oh yes absolutely, until he stood up and screamed in it's face. He accepted he was trapped and not getting past it.
Completely random thought... What will likely happen to the House Stark at the end of all this?

Rob Stark - Deceased
Bran Stark - 3ER
Rickon Stark - Deceased
Arya Stark - Ninja Assassin
Sansa Stark - Current Head of House Stark - Currently Not dating/pregnant
Jon Snow - Aegon Targaryen

As it stands all male heirs are either dead or 'Have become something else'. If Sansa or Arya was to marry/have children, would those children become heirs to the Stark house or the house of the Father?
When have we ever seen the Night King do anything quickly?
He caught her quickly enough! :) But this episode happened as it happened, warts and all. In true frozen style, I have to let it go. However this is the scabbiest scab I've ever had to avoid picking at. It itches so badly!
Completely random thought... What will likely happen to the House Stark at the end of all this?

Rob Stark - Deceased
Bran Stark - 3ER
Rickon Stark - Deceased
Arya Stark - Ninja Assassin
Sansa Stark - Current Head of House Stark - Currently Not dating/pregnant
Jon Snow - Aegon Targaryen

As it stands all male heirs are either dead or 'Have become something else'. If Sansa or Arya was to marry/have children, would those children become heirs to the Stark house or the house of the Father?
Well, if Jon keeps his secret then the Stark household might have a chance of surviving but right now it seems like someone else might officially take over the north, no idea who it could be though since Sansa doesn't have a bf and Arya is more into being an assassin.
Completely random thought... What will likely happen to the House Stark at the end of all this?

Rob Stark - Deceased
Bran Stark - 3ER
Rickon Stark - Deceased
Arya Stark - Ninja Assassin
Sansa Stark - Current Head of House Stark - Currently Not dating/pregnant
Jon Snow - Aegon Targaryen

As it stands all male heirs are either dead or 'Have become something else'. If Sansa or Arya was to marry/have children, would those children become heirs to the Stark house or the house of the Father?

Jon will be dead, Arya will have buggered off to Braavos, Bran will be "dead" , Sansa will be head of House Stark, though only as a ceremonial title. With so few houses left intact the entire House system will be abolished and there wont be individual houses anymore , instead the whole of Westeros will unite as one and live happy ever after under the leadership of the new King.

Theres my take on it :)
Completely random thought... What will likely happen to the House Stark at the end of all this?

Rob Stark - Deceased
Bran Stark - 3ER
Rickon Stark - Deceased
Arya Stark - Ninja Assassin
Sansa Stark - Current Head of House Stark - Currently Not dating/pregnant
Jon Snow - Aegon Targaryen

As it stands all male heirs are either dead or 'Have become something else'. If Sansa or Arya was to marry/have children, would those children become heirs to the Stark house or the house of the Father?

It's not covered clearly in the show, but in the books it's stated that there are rules for this sort of thing, so for example if Arya wanted to marry Gendry, she could legitimise him and make him take her name.
It's not covered clearly in the show, but in the books it's stated that there are rules for this sort of thing, so for example if Arya wanted to marry Gendry, she could legitimise him and make him take her name.

Oooo that's interesting, Its been a while since i read the books so may have to revisit this.


Women, even noble-born women, do not have the same legal standing as men. Inheritance only falls on a woman if there are no males in her family ahead of her in line of succession. However, women can rule in their own right if they have no surviving brothers (and their brothers left no surviving heirs).

******** are not allowed to inherit their parents' lands and have no place in the line of succession (unless they are legitimized by special order of the king and allowed take their parents' surname, which rarely happens).

Taken from the GoT Wiki
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Oooo that's interesting, Its been a while since i read the books so may have to revisit this.

Here's a good write-up by someone:

There is precedence for female line furthering a great House.

This is not the first time for House Stark to look to female line for survival if Wildlings can be believed. Lord Brandon Stark fathered no children except a daughter. The daughter was supposedly abducted by King Beyond the Wall, Bael the Bard. Brandon was distraught because this meant extinction of House Stark. But later the girl was found with a child fathered by Bael. That child was brought up as a Stark and succeeded his grandfather upon his death.

House Lannister was once in a similar dilemma. King Gerold III Lannister died without a male issue. He had only one daughter and she was married to a Knight named Joffrey Lydden. Upon King Gerold's death, Ser Joffrey was crowned as King of the Rock by council of Westerlander nobility and he took the name Lannister due to his marriage to the Princess of the Rock. He ascended to the throne as King Joffrey I Lannister. Current Lannisters are descended from King Joffrey and daughter of King Gerold, no one considers them to be "not real Lannisters".

Another example is given in succession crisis of House Hornwood*. Lord Halys Hornwood died in battle against Tywin Lannister. His only legitimate child Daryn Hornwood died in battle against Jaime Lannister. The considered candidates to carry on Hornwood names were:

  1. Larence Snow - A ******* son of Lord Halys Hornwood. He could be legitimized by King in the North to be the next Lord Hornwood.
  2. Beren Tallhart - Younger son of Lord Halys' sister, Berena Hornwood. His father offered that Beren would take Hornwood name if he was to be named heir of Halys Hornwood.
Another example is kindly reminded by Broklynite. Lady Maege Mormont's children carry the Mormont name. It is unclear who is the father of those kids. When Maege's brother Jeor Mormont abdicated his seat and took the black, Jeor's son Jorah Mormont became Lord of Bear Island. Jorah then went into exile without siring any kids so Maege Mormont became lady of Bear Island. Her children are considered Mormonts. (But this would be a weak example because we do not know who is her husband. If he is/was a Mormont as well, this example won't hold).

So even if Lords of the North refuse to have Sansa as their Queen like Lords of Westerlands refused to have King Gerold's daughter as their Queen, Sansa's husband can instead be crowned as King in the North (Now you know why Petyr Baelish was so eager to marry Sansa) if he takes the Stark name just like Joffrey Lydden.

* The Succession crisis of House Hornwood never occurred in the show.

Who can take Stark name?
By law, a man can only take Stark name:

By right of marriage to a Stark woman
  1. By right of descent from a Stark woman
  2. By grant of legitimization decree for removal of bastardy taint from the King provided he is a ******* of a Stark man or woman.
  3. By right of birth to a Stark man in wedlock (The normal way)[/I]
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Jon will be dead, Arya will have buggered off to Braavos, Bran will be "dead" , Sansa will be head of House Stark, though only as a ceremonial title. With so few houses left intact the entire House system will be abolished and there wont be individual houses anymore , instead the whole of Westeros will unite as one and live happy ever after under the leadership of the new King.

Theres my take on it :)

Good point about the houses.

Umbers, Karstarks, Mormonts, Tarlys, Boltens, Starks have no legit male heirs. All the princes of Dorne are gone, as well as High Garden

All the Frey's are gone, can't remember if the Tully's have anyone left.

Euron keeps the Greyjoys going - and Jamie keeps the Lanisters going for the moment. And that odd little lord of the Vale is still alive. Plus that guy holding Moat Caitlin (sp?).

Baratheon's are only still going if Gendry gets legitimised.

Can't be many left....
May not be direct male bloodlines from the immediate families but probably cousins and what not floating about. Bit like Prince Andrew over here ;)

I'd always had Rickon pegged to take over and being a bit of a dark horse for how the story would unfold. May still happen in the books but obviously not in the show.
They defo missed a beat not having a relatively fresh Rickon walker come after those in the crypts.
Good point about the houses.

Umbers, Karstarks, Mormonts, Tarlys, Boltens, Starks have no legit male heirs. All the princes of Dorne are gone, as well as High Garden

All the Frey's are gone, can't remember if the Tully's have anyone left.

Euron keeps the Greyjoys going - and Jamie keeps the Lanisters going for the moment. And that odd little lord of the Vale is still alive. Plus that guy holding Moat Caitlin (sp?).

Baratheon's are only still going if Gendry gets legitimised.

Can't be many left....

I was thinking about the Baratheons a couple of days ago, given that Stannis and Renly both rebelled what are the odds that the house hasn't been disbanded by everyone's favourite monarch?
When Jon was hiding behind the pile of rubble with the dragon I half expected him to shout "Accio firebolt!" in true Harry Potter style.

Any odds on there being a "...and 25 years later" bit tagged on the end of the last episode? Actually I wouldn't mind that, if it wasn't too sickly sweet. Show will probably end on a shot of a litter of new born dragons flying into the sunset.
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