Looks like people have now uploaded a spectral profile for this monitor on the DisplayCAL database so I gave calibration a go.
Strangely I was not liking the results. Something just seemed a bit off, too much vibrancy.
So I uninstalled and installed ccProfiler from X-Rite/Calibrite who make the i1Display Pro. Same results again.
I think what it is, is that you have to adjust the RGB values, which means you have to flick to Custom mode. Outside of the Creator mode (sRGB Gamma 2.4 setting), colours just seem too punchy, even after the calibrated icc profile is set. I also noticed that there is a visual difference between Windows Photo Viewer (old skool), Photos (Windows 11 photo viewer), the same image loaded in a browser tab and the same image RAW file (processed) loaded in Lightroom. Lightroom, Win Photo Viewer old skool looked neutral and natural just how I expected it to look as that's how I edited it on the LG IPS before.
But on the others the colours were punchy again, it's subtle but they are definitely higher in reds especially as skin tones look more vibrant than they should.
I uninstalled all calibration software and reverted back to no icc profile applied in Winodws:
And made sure the system default profile remained as the sRGB one:
This is now how I mentioned from before and what I mentioned in my review. With the above no matter what app I load the same photo in, they all display the photo exactly the same, a nice skin tone and looks exactly how I colour graded it in Lightroom on the old LG IPS.
I don't know what it is but anything but Creator mode set to sRGB seems "wrong" to my eyes.
So I guess for now at elast, I will leave it on Creator, sRGB and gamma 2.4 as that feels the most natural to me based on how my own photos look.
Or maybe it's that I'm too used to a monitor with an internal LUT which results in a calibration that is more accurate and this is pretty much what Creator mode in sRGB is replicating as far as I can see.