Ah yes it really is tiny, I did a test between all the refresh rates:
In person I can discern all of the squares along the top row at all refresh rates, but as you can see, at 60Hz the first 3 squares are lifted and captured on camera. I used my phone in manual mode so excuse any noise etc.
Between 120Hz and 175Hz though it's almost a tie to my eyes and hopefully the pics above show that.
The issue I have with 175Hz though is that there is very obvious flickering when you have apps with large amounts of dark grey being used, like Photoshop for example when you are moving around the canvas, zooming in and out etc:
I mentioned this flickering in my first few posts after getting this monitor, granted not everyone will experience this because not everyone uses Photoshop with the same layout etc I have noticed this flicker in games as well, as I play a lot of survival horror games, this was immediately obvious to me when I was gaming on this the first time.
To my eyes 144Hz 10-bit (or even 8 if you prefer but not sure why anyone would choose 8 when 10 is an option lol) looks to be the perfect balance.