Hmm looks like the F version is just as accurate for colours as the non F, seems Dell's factory sRGB calibration is getting tighter each revision now, from reddit:
All but that one red tone below deltaE of 1, that is superb.
Can someone who has used the Windows HDR Calibration tool test something please? In Display Settings check with HDR enabled, what Windows says the peak brightness is? The AW is supposed to have a max peak of 1060 nits, but Windows shows 2700 nits.
I reran the calibration tool again for HDR and paid attention to the numbers on the slider which showed 2700just like before. 2700 is the value at which I can see the gal square is perfectly 1:1 to what it should be.
So what's going on here I wonder, is there actually 2070 nits? Otherwise why would the slider in both instances during the calibration tool match the goal square at 2070?