I found my panasonic plasma to be the best for all imperfections especially banding and noise.
Not sure what kind of content you watch but fire up likes of
predator (there are 2 copies, one where all grain/noise has been mostly removed so everything looks like wax models
and the original, extremely grainy+noisy in the source) and oblivion (when the pods have crashed back to earth and Jack arrives, smoke scene with panning which exuberates the banding issue) being just 2 examples, you'll see what I mean then, at first I thought there was a protective film or something over my oled panel!
It's not so much the res. either but more the bit rate where the differences show imo, obviously those both go somewhat hand in hand but you can get really good quality 720P content with pretty high bit rate. I find oled shows up the issues with low bit rate content more than lcd.
Saying that, I am basing this on my e7, have read that the newer lg oleds have considerably better processing chips for handling noise, grain etc. Worth noting that madvr has a ton of options for reducing banding, noise, film grain etc. which is arguably better than the built in tv methods along with up/down scaling, tone mapping/HDR settings too, a lot of people rate it extremely highly and use it on their £££££ audio + visual setups, some even pay the ludicrous money for the unit
Might be worthwhile having a play around with madvr + mpc hc for those who intend to use this monitor for media consumption too: