I only bought my AW3821DW in January last year.... *whelp* time for an upgrade... cost dependent anyway. £1500 (maybe £1800 if they're feeling extra cheeky) is probably the price cap for any real volume of sales. If they're looking £2k+ they're basically saying they don't want to move many they just want the "first to market" title.. I'm basing this on the current roster of AW monitors and the pricing of OLED tvs, price it too much over the TV equivalent (LG's upcoming 42" and 48") and they'll just be redirecting sales to LG - why buy a 34" OLED monitor for £2000 when you could get a 42" OLED for ~half?
Told you guys that they'd price sensibly as the 42/48" OLEDs and the other 34/38" Ultrawides are the competition. It still comes in a little cheaper than I expected, though honestly - considering how much I was poo-poo'd for this, I think I was pretty darn close