X3:Terran Conflict has arrived

Humh, what dictates what sort of enemy ships you fight and how easy is the missions? Because I have been given missions which were marked easy and I had to fight one or more M6, while all I had(and still have) was the terran starting m4 with starting weapons and no missiles :(
Humh, what dictates what sort of enemy ships you fight and how easy is the missions? Because I have been given missions which were marked easy and I had to fight one or more M6, while all I had(and still have) was the terran starting m4 with starting weapons and no missiles :(

Its all to do with your combat rank, and easy mission with a high combat rank could be the same as very hard missions with a lower rank.

oh and that m4 is more than capable of taking out a couple of m6's
Its all to do with your combat rank, and easy mission with a high combat rank could be the same as very hard missions with a lower rank.

oh and that m4 is more than capable of taking out a couple of m6's

Um, got to ask how? Did figure out how to take out M3's with 95% success rate, which is pretty good, but no idea how to approach M6's... Only fights I had with those (that I "won") were patrol missions where I killed off smaller ships and hid inside a local weapon platform which swiftly took out all 3 M6's that closed on me, or were they M7's, I forget there were 3 of them and they were much bigger then me.

Recently tried a station protect mission , took out all the ships other then the M6 that came and decided to get its attention, and hide behind a ginourmous M2 or was it M1, anyway it just ignored the enemy ship firing at it so I went to hide behind a Teladi Shrike which proceeded to run right into me obviously blowing me up, while I completely forgot to save after taking out all other smaller enemy's ships :(

But yeah, whats a good strategy against an M6 with the starting terran M4 and no rockets?
Damn this game is running like i've only got 512mb of ram.. Why does it skip/stutter so much?

Highly likely it could be a codec issue. X3R suffered really badly from this too. If it's a codec problem then generally, it is fixable. Go on to the Egosoft X3TC Tech Support forum and CBJ may be able to help. Have a dxdiag ready. There's loads of threads about it there.
But yeah, whats a good strategy against an M6 with the starting terran M4 and no rockets?

Unless you equipped it out a bit, speed is really the only thing on your side. Check the range of your weapons and attack from long range.

If the M6 has some decent gear on it you probably won't stand too much of a chance.
Unless you equipped it out a bit, speed is really the only thing on your side. Check the range of your weapons and attack from long range.

If the M6 has some decent gear on it you probably won't stand too much of a chance.
Bugger, I don't really want to buy an M3 to try with that, trying to save money for an M6 myself, just need one or maybe two missions to buy a Teladi one. Got the money (just) but not the rep :(
But yeah, whats a good strategy against an M6 with the starting terran M4 and no rockets?

It all depends on the weapons the m6 is using, slow moving weapons that most m6's use are easily avoided.

One of the best weapon avoidance strategy's is to do barrel rolls and use the strafe drive at the same time.

Another method is to get close and fly rings around the m6, your much fast and more maneuverable than it.

The only real threat from M6's is if they use fast firing weapons, most of which are sort ranged to weep your distance from them, ie the P has a fast firing weapon in the rear turret just stay away it.

Remember i use a joystick and not the mouse the can make a huge difference.
Haven't got the TC yet, still trying to work out the Reunion one.. (Will be buying the TC though.. sounds like lots of fun!) would you guys that has played both say that a joystick would be much better then using the mouse? If so, any recommendations as to which joystick.. had a look at the OcUK peripherals and there is quite a few to choose from!
Haven't got the TC yet, still trying to work out the Reunion one.. (Will be buying the TC though.. sounds like lots of fun!) would you guys that has played both say that a joystick would be much better then using the mouse? If so, any recommendations as to which joystick.. had a look at the OcUK peripherals and there is quite a few to choose from!

personally i would recommend using a joystick, it is a flight sim using a mouse just feels wrong.

Any stick will do as long as it has both rudder and throttle control.
Would a Saitek X52 Hotas Flight Controller System Joystick be overkill? Thinking of getting one for this, Starlancer and Freespace 2.

Personally id see if I can borrow one from a friend to try out how i is with a joystick before buying something expensive that will never get used if it epicly fails.
Just bought a Readyboost enabled usb flash drive , 4GB 28mb/s read / 18mb/s write or something has worked wonders for this game. I do get the odd stutter but it doesn't get in the way of fighting enemies. Totaly playable now :D ( using 2GB readyboost )
ouch egosoft have screwed up the m7 class that the xtm had pretty much perfect.

removal of valuable docking slots,
odd turret load out and some really odd shielding choices.

argon cerberus 3gj
split tiger 4gj
paranid deimos 6gj
boron hammerhead 3gj

thats pretty much bum-backwards, ego seem to have forgotten the ethos for there own races.

argon -balance
split -high speed, high firepower, tissue paper shields
teladi -low speed, low firepower, high cargohold, insane shields
paranid -low cargo, good firepower
boron -decent speed, good manoeuvring, weak firepower, meh shields.

its disappointing enough that most of the new features are taken straight from xtm but to find the balance has been shot in the face its just painful.
Tried this game a while back but a couple of things were really daft. Having NESW gates and the matrix star map and the Coohena (or whatever) bakery's were examples of spell breakers for me. Shame as I generally like these type of games.
I've played and enjoyed the x series from the start but from what i've heard (not a lot!) it sounds like this version offers very little new over the xtended mod or even vanilla x3 for that matter, i don't think the egosoft guys put in enough interesting stuff, its been a lot of the same since x2 tbh, yeah more of the same is alright but only up to a point, they just don't seem to add much in the way of new game play or immersion, like the universe feels cold and lonely most of the time, more so in TC i hear.

I've just recently reinstalled X3 and XTM to remind myself, its a good game don't get me wrong it's just that i've built up my empire so many times before that it doesn't seem worth doing again unless it offers truly new and interesting things to do, its really getting old now sadly, still i'll probably pick it up for cheap sometime next year when its had a few patches and another xtended mod... :(
Hmmh, seems I fail at dogfighting M6's tried a few times with a station defend mission, took out everything else other then the M6, tried a few times and keep getting killed too quickly. Argon fleet in the sector (teladi) sector is of no help, they run away to their own sector so I am pretty much stuffed. It seems to have few turrets which all seem to be positioned at the rear, at least it haven't managed to shoot at me from the front.

Any easy way of simply staying in front of it and actually firing? Seeing as you can only fly at -10 speed backwars, I won't last much against 90 that it can do. Its a pirate M6.
Been playing this quite hard over the last few days and I've now got myself a Centaur as my main ship, a few smaller M4's and M5's patroling my complex which is churning out fighter drones.

Was funny getting the complex setup, as I had to babysit a rented mammoth all the way from the argon sectors to the right to Ore Belt on the left hand side of the map. Took about an hour even with 1000% speed on.

I'm having real issues building complex though, as you can only seem to place them in 2D planes (yes I know you can switch between planes, but it doesn't help much). I really want to be able to see where it is going to be in space before I confirm the location.
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