X3:Terran Conflict has arrived

Sooo what do you actually do in this game, started one of the scenarios and it just left you with no missions after the flight training and so quit and went to the first one and got my but kicked while on the patrolling missions...
Hey guys. I just purchased a copy of this via steam. Some newbie advice would be much appreciated to get me started.

15 minutes untill it finishes downloading. :p

best advice would be to read all the guides and helps you can find on the egosoft forums.

Sooo what do you actually do in this game, started one of the scenarios and it just left you with no missions after the flight training and so quit and went to the first one and got my but kicked while on the patrolling missions...

You do what ever you feel like...

Want to be a pirate head off and start attacking other ship.

Want to be a trader start buying low and selling high.

Want to be a mercenary head off and look for station defence or patrol missions

the choice is yours.

There are lots of missions offered throughout the galaxy just look for symbols next to stations or ships, if it has one then comm it and talk to the person offering the mission. There are several plots you can chose to do, these start with a book symbol.

The reason you got your but kicked is because you either took on more than you can handle in the ship you own(or you just suck at combat :D).

Several combat tips;

These tips are mainly for joystick as i dont use KB and Mouse

1) get some fight software (avaliable from all good equipment dock) this may be installed already.

Click "k" to chose aim modes

Normal - no aim or lead indicator
Semi Auto - adds a lead indicator
Auto - Auto points the guns at the lead indicator if its in range

2) fly in spirals while using your strafe drive, depending on the weapon the AI wont be able to hit you.

3) if out numbered fly close to stations \ asteroids this will keep the AI at a distance, allowing you to pick them off 1 at a time.

4) Learn the RSLAG technique if your ship is faster than the enemy then this can save your life.
Joystick is not needed. 360 pad is OK, but get xpadder...otherwise the right stick does nothing. I use my rumblepad 2 for this game (dug it out a few days ago) - got a great profile from reunion that works really well in TC too.

Does using xpadder keep the analog function of the stick, is it still an axis/joystick? Or does it just allow you to assign keyboard commands to the left/right/up/down positions of the stick?

I ask because I want to assign the right stick X axis to roll the ship which requires the scalable speed of a joystick rather than a button.
ive just started playing this, despite having it sat on my HD for quite awhile now. ive put 11 hours into it over the course of a couple of days & i can just about fight my way out of a wet paper bag. a dry paper bag is a whole different matter all together. theres a real brick wall of a learning curve. :p
Thanks for that. Bought the game few weeks ago when it was on offer and so far i've not spent much time on it. Will print the guide before i leave office today and have a go over the weekend.
Would you guys recommend going straight in with this game, or would I do as well to just get reunion and then this if I'm desperate for more? :p
Got back into playing this again this week, got a nice little empire building up, though my universe traders have started a habit of going suicide in pirate sectors lost 4 or so yesterday (and never got alert messages for them grr) compared to only having lost one previously. Oh well my stations/factories are doing pretty well and I've got a little army of ships, saving up for my first destroyer :D
the joystick is nice if you're a trader as you cxan manover in the STEA mode without exiting it lovley for some nice gentle flying :p
epic control system found!

Keybord on far left for hotkeys etc, joystick in the middle using left hand to operate (cyborg evo is perfect as you can adjust everything including the palm rest to mnake it comfortable for lrft hand) wouse in right hand so you can quickly aim ith that while flying with the stick :D

very comfy and natural feel to it ^_^
right so i've been doing some trading (started as humble trader, sold my m5 and upgraded my cargo abit)

just been and found some unowned ships and claimed them.

now have

220,000 CR

1 mercury (ts)

with 1x5mj sheild
1 impulse ray emitter. (rear turret)


1 Enhanced pericles (m4)


4x 5 MJ sheilds
2x Frag bomb launchers

pirate Advanced eclipse (m3)

with 4x 25MJ sheilds

2 x High energy plasma throwers (front)

1 frag bomb launcher (rear turret)

1 mass driver (front turret.)

Am i best selling the M4 and using the money to set the TS up as a sector trader and upgrading the speed on my m3 and using it for some combat missions myself?

Also should i take the guns off the m4 and stick them on my m3 (it;s got room but maybe put them in a different group so they arn't all firing at once)

and should i change what guns are on which turrets?
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oh one last question, much much much later on i nthe game when i'm an economic god waging wars on random races because they dared to insult me now.

can i build a shipyards and ships designs and make ships or do you always have to buy them?
I'm not exactly an expert, but with where you are in the game right now, sell the m4, until you can afford to loose fighters just keep with your own m3 and maybe a fast m5 for scouting. There are very few fights that are in the range of to hard for you to take on by yourself but not so hard that your fighters all just die. Right now its best just to sell extra fighters until you get your trading up and running.

As for the transport, get rid of its guns, it'll only draw attention to itself, better to rely on it running away and maybe some better shields once you can afford it.

Gunwise on the m3 get rid of the frag bomb launcher (until you get to m7,m1,m2 class flak type weapons are pretty useless) stick with the regular laser weapons; the high energy plasma thrower is powerful if your a good shot but they use up a lot of energy and tend to blow up m5s a bit to quickly if your looking to try and claim them, but the two youve got now are probably good enough without using to much power. The other two main fighter weapons are the impulse ray emitters which are fairly weak but cheap and handy for spamming and taking down m5s as well as on on turrets set up as anti missile and the particle accelerator cannon that have a good balance of power and dmg but I always had trouble finding them. Ive never used the ammo bassed weapons as I never found them in stock nor ammo for them so cant comment on them, but if you have the ammo I imagine that they are pretty handy.

Im not 100% sure about the whole player owned shipyard/HQs as Ive not reached that stage yet but I'm pretty sure you can choose to reverse engineer ships (at the cost of that one ship) so you can build them in the future.

EDIT: Also just been test flying my new m7 Deimos (decided to buy that rather waiting ages to afford a proper m1/2 + its equipment) and while its lacking in true anti capital ship weapon capabilities, it has a ton of shielding for its class and a ton of anti fighter power, so with a bit of careful flying I was able to take down an M2 by hiding from its turrets while my own turrets ripped apart the fighters it had with it, then decided to see how well I could take down a station which took a while but I did it. Then an m1 with a full wing of fighters + other support ships and fighters came in to get me, managed to take a lot of the fighters down and the m1 to low shield before my own shield dropped and I noticed 3 more m1/2s coming to get me.
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I found ore belt to be good and now and again argon prime and home of light can be good for long enough to level up so you can to multiple sector trading.

In my game though for some reason to start off with most argon sectors where absolute rubbish and I found empires edge & panarid prime (just southish of ore belt) to be much better for 1 sector trading.

Also another piece of advice, I figured out why all my universe traders died in the pirate sectors, they all kept trying to trade small weapons with a pirate base (which are usually blue even if the pirates are your enemy) so unless you have a reason to go into a pirate sector don't go in there try and leave them unexplored (kinda hard unless you know what a sector is by name or have a map from the internet) so the universe traders wont go to them.

On that note is there a way to black list pirate sectors/stations? For stations if i set the traders AI so that pirates are always enemies, they should avoid the stations shouldn't they? Though that wont help them from going into pirate/rough sectors with normal stations.
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