X4 Foundations

Massive performance increase with the beta. Night and day difference!

With 2.6 I saw the game spreading to 10 cores (up from 6 with 2.5), with the 3.0 beta saw it spreading across 12 cores and 2 threads.
Imho this game would be the best reason I need upgrading to 3950X at Christmas :D
If not the new 24 core TR3 :D
With 2.6 I saw the game spreading to 10 cores (up from 6 with 2.5), with the 3.0 beta saw it spreading across 12 cores and 2 threads.
Imho this game would be the best reason I need upgrading to 3950X at Christmas :D
If not the new 24 core TR3 :D

Hmmmm not sure what I'm doing wrong then!

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I think a new game used more than one core.
I reloaded the old game, and it's back to one core
In space, i get about 50fps
On the map, i get 10fps :(
Yep, definitely something in the first game save. Same instance of the program, loading between the two shows significant core usage differences
If this game had full multiplayer (with restriction 1 station/factory per player) and 5000 systems (like eve) could have stomped all over Star Citizen and spit it out.
3.0 Beta 2 is out. :)

Apparently might see 3.0 this year, and 3.5 with the Split DLC early next year.
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Finally got around to picking up a copy of X4 during the Autumn sales and spent most of the weekend playing, encountered one or two game breaking glitches early on and ended up needing to start a new game a few times but now I'm getting into it...

The first glitch was entirely my fault, I spotted a medium transport/freighter ship leaving one of those bays at a station that open up... so I stupidly decided to fly into the bay as it was closing, got myself trapped inside and then glitched partly through the bottom of the landing bay to be trapped inside the structure of the station. The other glitches have been where my ship has gotten stuck on an object, either an asteroid or part of a station and completely refused to move.

Started off with choosing the exploration path and have so far gotten two extra ships with pilots to either travel around and explore areas or to wing up with me. Just finished up last night by completing some of my beginning station. The tutorials could do with a lot more work, after doing a couple of them I lost the will to do any more... I found they kept bugging out a little, forcing me to redo one or two of them a few times before it registered as completed.

I wonder how many people did the stupid thing that I did on one of the early missions (the Antimatter delivery), delivering the ship to the location, using my personal ship and not having a second ship nearby to hop into.

The first time round I thought the mission would do something smart and have a ship come pick my up, but I was left floating in space with nothing but my space suit thrusters to get anywhere... part of my was curious how long it would take to navigate back to a station without a ship. :D

Had a good time trying out various elements of the game... done some random exploring, unlocked a data vault, tracked down and shot open a lockbox, did some combat against some Xenon ships, completed a few missions (mostly repair & delivery jobs), purchased a couple of small ships with pilots & assigned them to my wing, built part of a station, gained a rank with the Teladi and joined a trade guild... it's been a busy weekend.
Finally got around to picking up a copy of X4 during the Autumn sales and spent most of the weekend playing, encountered one or two game breaking glitches early on and ended up needing to start a new game a few times but now I'm getting into it...

The first glitch was entirely my fault, I spotted a medium transport/freighter ship leaving one of those bays at a station that open up... so I stupidly decided to fly into the bay as it was closing, got myself trapped inside and then glitched partly through the bottom of the landing bay to be trapped inside the structure of the station. The other glitches have been where my ship has gotten stuck on an object, either an asteroid or part of a station and completely refused to move.

Started off with choosing the exploration path and have so far gotten two extra ships with pilots to either travel around and explore areas or to wing up with me. Just finished up last night by completing some of my beginning station. The tutorials could do with a lot more work, after doing a couple of them I lost the will to do any more... I found they kept bugging out a little, forcing me to redo one or two of them a few times before it registered as completed.

I wonder how many people did the stupid thing that I did on one of the early missions (the Antimatter delivery), delivering the ship to the location, using my personal ship and not having a second ship nearby to hop into.

The first time round I thought the mission would do something smart and have a ship come pick my up, but I was left floating in space with nothing but my space suit thrusters to get anywhere... part of my was curious how long it would take to navigate back to a station without a ship. :D

Had a good time trying out various elements of the game... done some random exploring, unlocked a data vault, tracked down and shot open a lockbox, did some combat against some Xenon ships, completed a few missions (mostly repair & delivery jobs), purchased a couple of small ships with pilots & assigned them to my wing, built part of a station, gained a rank with the Teladi and joined a trade guild... it's been a busy weekend.

LOL. The quest says get a ship :D
Yeah for some reason on the first attempt my brain told me "Umm, you already have a ship... you can skip that part."
Lesson learnt... never trust your brain! Always do what the game tells you to do.

Hope you didn't forgot to grab the free frigate found later in the quest line...
The medium one with the rockets? Thankfully had the sense after all my other mistakes to pick that one up.

Yes. Just get it to a fitting station, and put full set beams and gear, give it to an NPC pilot (with full crew complement) and support a trade fleet.
Also put a very good geared small size ship on it (docked at the frigate) without pilot, for you to port when emergency occurs and the fleet needs serious defending.
Something good like a Buzzard etc.
Yes. Just get it to a fitting station, and put full set beams and gear, give it to an NPC pilot (with full crew complement) and support a trade fleet.
Also put a very good geared small size ship on it (docked at the frigate) without pilot, for you to port when emergency occurs and the fleet needs serious defending.
Something good like a Buzzard etc.

Or just sell it and expand your trade fleet. I always tell my trade ships to run and drop their cargo in an emergency - I haven’t lost many.
Or just sell it and expand your trade fleet. I always tell my trade ships to run and drop their cargo in an emergency - I haven’t lost many.
Depends where you are based and how you play.

I have fleets of several trade ships each. They do need protection with something like a frigate, given that the systems around 8billion where my base is, are full of enemies and don't want to lose several million worth of cargo on 1 S size pirate.

Is all about profiiitsssss :D
(I play with the Teladian start)
Werit Gaming, has currently a series of videos in relation to the Teladian start on how to improve cheaply the station we starting with.
On the first video he added water & energy cells production to feed the Sunrise Flower factory and today added Spice production to use the excess energy and water produced by the modules.

For those new, to access the Teladian start you need to complete the PHQ missions until the point you can start research.
Think I've more or less got my head around everything now so contemplating about activating the 3.0 Beta on Steam and starting a fresh game to see how the current changes alter the game.

I think my only complaint at the moment is about missions being far too easy.
I'm hoping they've upped the difficulty of missions in 3.0 or have at least made the rating system a bit more accurate... I've been doing a lot of missions state the difficulty as impossible but have been finding them really simple with nearly zero risk, even when tackling them in one of the early small ships.
I feel like they need to add some additional parameters to the 'impossible' missions to make them a real challenge, possibly something like applying time limits, adding some kind of pre-requisite to start them or added criteria to the missions. Once they're done doing lots of big updates for a bit, I'd be tempted see how easy it is to mod the missions.
Think I've more or less got my head around everything now so contemplating about activating the 3.0 Beta on Steam and starting a fresh game to see how the current changes alter the game.

I think my only complaint at the moment is about missions being far too easy.
I'm hoping they've upped the difficulty of missions in 3.0 or have at least made the rating system a bit more accurate... I've been doing a lot of missions state the difficulty as impossible but have been finding them really simple with nearly zero risk, even when tackling them in one of the early small ships.
I feel like they need to add some additional parameters to the 'impossible' missions to make them a real challenge, possibly something like applying time limits, adding some kind of pre-requisite to start them or added criteria to the missions. Once they're done doing lots of big updates for a bit, I'd be tempted see how easy it is to mod the missions.

When 3.0 properly is released there will be more new missions, I would say hold a new start but upgrade to 3.0 beta to continue your current campaign.
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