X4 Foundations

Another question, why do my behemoths NOT keep their main guns trained in the target like they where asked to? Instead the ships just spin around; the two L plasma's in the turrets follow the commands, but the actual ship is doing jack all!
The Foundations are rocky but managing. Needs more scaffolding and patching over the cracks that were left from a quick skim job early on. Its getting there tho.
Damn the xenon are so powerful in the north, they have taken all but 3 ZYA systems now.

I am trying to push them back, staging from open market which is held by teladi and friendly.

Building a death star defence platform on the family knuut gate inside open market as an Alamo. Flew into family knuut just by myself to "thin it out" ..... 2 hours later must have destroyed several hundred xenon ships at least. They are not slowing down, I have about 30 ships including K9's chasing me around the system.

Although one of the K9's did jump into open market to find my death star construction site, my rattlesnake and supporting ***** and got obliterated in seconds.

Still, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to push in, more tomorrow.....
So I'm doing the "Young Gun" start - it's just me sitting in a ship, um is there a purpose/goal/quest line or something I'm glaringly missing?
So I'm doing the "Young Gun" start - it's just me sitting in a ship, um is there a purpose/goal/quest line or something I'm glaringly missing?

On the station you start, search for a data leak (go to search shift+F2). A boron will start talking to you to pick an item. Do it but do not continue.
Go to Argon Prime. There should be the HAT mission there to select from the mission. Pick it up and go to the station it tells you. That will start the main campaign.
Why is important to do first? Because you get a fully equipped ship that is better than the crappy one you fly already. (at least has 2 guns).
Do the missions, while hiring a cheap pilot-captain for your starter ship and send him with explore mission to Argon Prime. After that move him to the ANT system to the south.

At one point the HAT campaign will stop. Go back to your starter system and continue with the Boron mission. In the mean time do small missions like fix leaks, drop a satellite where it tells you (within the system you are do not pick such mission to further away systems especially if their name starts with Matrix, Void etc).
When you have your first 400,000 buy a M size Mineral miner from the argon wharf, get full crew (Pilot & 9 engineers) and set it to automine silicon in Argon Prime
Every time you get ~400,000 buy a miner. Equip them with mining drills (on gunport & turret), MK2 combat engines and MK1-2 combat thrusters. Long range scanner 2, docking 1-2, trade module etc. Don't buy any deployables.

You will need 5 miners per faction. 2 on Silicon, 3 on Ore but at the start you can go 3 Silicon. As money rolling in you build more miners. As you progress the Boron mission and you get your PHQ station, get one miner to Grand Exchange I with order to mine Nividium.

I cover up the first 10-20 hours of your game now. :p

Explore the map, do not panic to get fast the research going as you need a constant stream of income going first. Google search were to find the easy to get abandoned S & M size ships. Avoid the Odysseus until you know what you are doing :D
Thx skeeter and panos - will give it another run tomorrow, sure has a monster learning cure, gotta be honest, if I had grabbed it from steam, I would have refunded by now, I will stick with it though, it seems to reward the patient.
I found crystal mining a good income to get started with and found a few lock boxes etc that really upped the rewards. Then did as above and set to buying mining ships then a few traders and then some combat ships etc.

Was quite surprised tonight, found the argon prime wharf had been blown away tonight by the xenon while it was producing fighters for me. I'd started contesting grand exchange 1 then found myself woefully short of support lol

I love this game
Thx skeeter and panos - will give it another run tomorrow, sure has a monster learning cure, gotta be honest, if I had grabbed it from steam, I would have refunded by now, I will stick with it though, it seems to reward the patient.

No X game is easy, but when you get the basic idea it is a fantastic series of games that the sky (and mechanics) is the limit :D

I have played X2 extensively over the years. X3 was bit meh and while tried to love X:R the restriction to have one ship always put me off. :(
The idea that X4 is 99% fully simulated like real life, is what drives me to try different things in this game.

You might ask about the last 1%, is because the factions have unlimited money. On initial release that part was also simulated but the factions run out of money fast and were losing to Xenon because they had no money to order ships. Ofc, ordering ships doesn't mean they can be made, if resources aren't delivered to them.
This game is insane.

After I reckon 5-6 hours straight of pounding the Xenon in Family Knuut I have finally thinned them out and slowed them down.

I lured about 4 K9's into my trap on the other side of the gate in Open Market, my Death Star is finally fully contructed now. Must have downed many hundreds of small Xenon inc a ton of miners.

I now have a second rattlesnake which is taking out some not fully contructed stations they snuck in back in FRF space, then I'll bring up the to the front and push into Family Knuut.

My aim is to get into Family Zhin, as on my game that is full of resources, but it means pushing through Family Knuut first, otherwise Family Zhin will be surrounded by Xenon held systems on all 4 sides.
After opinions, best turrets against fighters - small/medium xenon?

I have 2 rattlesnakes setup as K9/I9 killers, so I am bringing a Raptor as support, to handle the small stuff.

I am thinking flaks for the medium, beams for the large???

Unless anyone has a better setup suited?

I have a builder, 2 rattlesnakes, raptor, 2 buffalos full of stuff, and about 8 or so other ships (mix of dragons/baluers) ready to go at the gate. I plan to jump through and setup a deathstar defence platform then go blow stuff up :)

Also, one more question, anyone ever seen a xenon factory turn grey? There is a xenon solar plant that turned grey on the map, and on the ship rader actually appears blue.
Has anyone found that fleet following has now broken itself? I've got 10 destroyers that are in a circle formation around my Odysseus but travelling around they break up and stop randomly following even though they are set to and the only way to make them carry on is to set them a move order instead.
Is it possible to have the game running in the background and not pause when u alt tab out?

Ctrl+alt+del twice to open the task manager, otherwise windowed mode but might crash from time to time.

After opinions, best turrets against fighters - small/medium xenon?

I have 2 rattlesnakes setup as K9/I9 killers, so I am bringing a Raptor as support, to handle the small stuff.

I am thinking flaks for the medium, beams for the large???

Unless anyone has a better setup suited?

I have a builder, 2 rattlesnakes, raptor, 2 buffalos full of stuff, and about 8 or so other ships (mix of dragons/baluers) ready to go at the gate. I plan to jump through and setup a deathstar defence platform then go blow stuff up :)

Also, one more question, anyone ever seen a xenon factory turn grey? There is a xenon solar plant that turned grey on the map, and on the ship rader actually appears blue.

Large turrets plasma to hit the target you aim. M/S pulses/beams.
I'm tempted to play this I loved the X3 games, however, I remember the learning curve was dam well awful how does this compare?

Much much better than X3. No software, stations can be easily designed, no gazillion nested menus.
Go to settings and select bodrerless window mode instead of full screen.

I do this so i can stream on twitch this game plus if i wana say check here but keep playing i just press windows key then switch to chrome while it plays in the background tho at a slower pace.
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