I have a situation.
I have Xbox X, it is set as home console and my account is game pass/ultimate so I can play game pass games on the xbox and my PC. One of my kids has my Xbox One and signed in with my account so he can play game pass games. Obviously only one xbox can play a game under the same account so I set him up a new account with his own gamertag. It doesnt have xbox live/gamepas/ultimate or whatever, its just a gamer tag so he can have his own achievements. Now, my situation is his brother likes playing Minecraft on the Xbox X home console using his own non live gamertag as anyone can play games on a console that has gamepass etc. With his brother using the xbox one if he gets his own copy of minecraft could they play on their own consoles together even though one of them doesnt have a live account? ei: over lan.
Currently they are both playing split screen on the X.
What is the easiest way for them to play on their own consoles with each other in the same world they create?
Edit: nevermind. I sorted it and also manged to join a game with them from my PC.