Your bad driving encounters

Corner cutters is another i encountered today at a junction. Near enough took out my front end and had the audacity to give me the finger like i was in the wrong :cry:, gutted for them its all on dashcam which will be uploaded to youtube.
Argh so hate having to share the road with other people LOL - got stuck behind a tractor for about 5 miles to the point there was 20-25 cars behind me in the queue - came to where the road changes to 2 lanes at a set of lights and there was 2 cars ahead waiting at the lights, one turning off left and the other in the right hand lane. Lights change to green and the car in the right hand lane barely gets going, almost stops, does maybe 20MPH in the 40 limit, tractor almost comes past us on the left before they finally speed up a bit, NSL dual-carriageway ahead but the speed limit continues at 40 there for 200-300 yards or so - they sit out in the right hand lane doing 20-30 then suddenly accelerate to ~50 and move over to the left so being a 40 I moved over behind them, cue 20 or so cars from behind coming past me at ~60 despite still being in the 40 limit, dual-carriageway starts and the car in front of me is still dong 50 so I have to sit there until the whole queue has gone past none of them doing more than about 60, then I pull out and get up to 70 and pass all the cars which are still doing 60 except 2-3 who've got up to 70+.

W T F is wrong with people.

IIRC in Lincolnshire cops were charging farmers at one point with inconsiderate driving (part of careless and inconsiderate) for causing long queues and not pulling over to let them pass when the opportunity arose.

It falls under Rule 169 of the highway code
Corner cutters is another i encountered today at a junction. Near enough took out my front end and had the audacity to give me the finger like i was in the wrong :cry:, gutted for them its all on dashcam which will be uploaded to youtube.
Upload it to the police website :ninja:
IIRC in Lincolnshire cops were charging farmers at one point with inconsiderate driving (part of careless and inconsiderate) for causing long queues and not pulling over to let them pass when the opportunity arose.

It falls under Rule 169 of the highway code

They will around here as well - the tractor passed 2 places where most of the local farmers will pull into if a queue like that forms, this one didn't seem to care.
Can't remember if I've posted before:

Complete random aside but somewhere near the cemetery there is 2 big blocks of flats, maybe student housing or something (or was I can't find it on Google maps now), a couple who are friends with my parents lived on site and renovated the entire lot themselves many years back - we stopped by while in the area for a funeral.
To be fair I'm a lot more hesitant to overtake when I'm in the car simply because I'm used to over taking on my bike which means the over take is on 99% of the time and I forget the car can't do that :D

I used to be very hesitant and still am a bit even though I have a car which can accelerate very very quickly to get past stuff to licence busting speeds. Its a balance though. To me the less time I am on the opposite side of the road the better but equally my car can very easily hit 120mph just overtaking a truck.
I used to be very hesitant and still am a bit even though I have a car which can accelerate very very quickly to get past stuff to licence busting speeds. Its a balance though. To me the less time I am on the opposite side of the road the better but equally my car can very easily hit 120mph just overtaking a truck.
That's the logic I apply on my bike, the quicker it's done the better. My car is a 1l eco jobbie with a top speed just about in triple digits so a slightly different beast :cry:
Overtaking is I suspect where most of us speed on a NS/60mph road - obviously still illegal,
this is where I'd like to test-drive the genuine capabilities of an EV - as mrk's comments recently about polestar , and what I've seen for other petrol versus ev torque curves,
they are little better.(many have max speeds circa 100mph too, so whether there is a brutal cut-off of power - I don't know?)

Can't remember if I've posted before:
so some one turned right to be ahead of the lights but knew they really needed to then be in left lane, so left a space as a courtesy because they needed to cut left - seems ok.
Overtaking is I suspect where most of us speed on a NS/60mph road - obviously still illegal,
this is where I'd like to test-drive the genuine capabilities of an EV - as mrk's comments recently about polestar , and what I've seen for other petrol versus ev torque curves,
they are little better.(many have max speeds circa 100mph too, so whether there is a brutal cut-off of power - I don't know?)

so some one turned right to be ahead of the lights but knew they really needed to then be in left lane, so left a space as a courtesy because they needed to cut left - seems ok.
My model 3 performance definitely slows down the rate rate of acceleration when going at higher speeds. I'd guess its not that different than a modern M/RS car at that point. I'm of the view that the less time on the wrong side if the road the better, people don't overtake much these days, but some of the ones I've seen seem to be trying it in top gear and giving those wagons a run for their money on slow overtakes :p .
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I think the model 3 is probably better than most for high speed punch with its low weight, I had read that the single motor polestar is faster 50-70 (e: than 2 motor) because reduced weight offsets reduced power.

[ Forgot to mention had a marginal overtaking incident with a ev cupra born - maybe the driver was just a tool, but, I think he thought the power went on forever.
600m NSL straight into town, he was oncoming overtaking 2 cars and an empty hgv dumper truck, me on a bicycle with a motorist behind, I don't know where I was going to go ;
- only one in the village afaik, nearly knocked on the door the following day to say I would report it if I saw it again, cutting the cord would have been nice revenge.
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might be the number of tractors and holidaying caravans around here but theres no shortage of people willing to overtake, its usually Range Rovers and Builders pickups that pull the dodgiest manoeuvres.

I almost got done the other day overtaking a transit who was doing 50 in a 60, only saw the camera van as I pulled level but luckily had enough space to do a leisurely overtake at the limit :D
Got showed a weird dashcam the other day.

An old fart managed to flip someone else on their roof at low speed by pulling out of a side road into their passing car. Then holding the gas down until he was up a slope into the greenery the other side.

Quite convincing argument for having a dashcam really. Police are doing him for driving without care etc after seeing it.

Ah and there's a news piece:

Quick but skillful edit later...

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Passed one a few days ago where a cement mixer and an Audi had an argument - I don't know the truth of it but according to people on local Facebook page bad driving on the part of both - 11 year old in ICU was the consequences. From passing it looked like a typical case of must beat the lorry syndrome mixed with the lorry driver being a dick to frustrate them resulting in a serious incident - but that is just my guess from what tends to happen a lot on that bit of the road.
Colleague sent me this (captioned "can't park there mate") not sure if their photo but they were caught up in the incident earlier today:

(A37 Dorchester road but only trashy local news sites laden with ads have the story).


I've had a few calls when they've got their vans stuck, one managed to go proper off-road adding 3 hours to my shift waiting on recovery :s, but no one has put one upside down yet :s
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