29 million Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the right to live and work unrestricted in our country

Send the money home, and after a year or 2 go home themselves and live like millionaires.

Because as we all know, it's still nineteen nineties on mainland Europe.

what happens when Scotland gains independence and all the Scottish people keep commuting across the border for work!

Visas. It's only fair. And let's pull some strings to make sure they have to apply and wait couple of decades to be part of EU again. ;)
would you be willing to lower your standard of living to accommodate all these people? pay much higher tax, get a lower pension.... work longer hours for less..???

Can you run us through your thought process on how immigration results in higher taxes, lower pensions, longer hours, etc.

Entire nations have historically been built through immigration, or have significantly benefited from immigration, at least in terms of economic growth, productivity, etc.
Love how some people are upset that people from other nationalities will take their jobs, implying that they would even do that job in the first place.

I remember waiting in a queue at Tesco's and these 2 clear scrubbers where discussing about how the polish have come across and taken all the jobs, was very tempted to say well if you could be arsed to work, then they wouldn't be taking our jobs.

You can't say "there taking all our jobs" and then when offered the same job refuse it because your too good.

Hypocrisy in the UK is crazy.
Do they not pay taxes, pay rent, buy food, buy clothes, use public transport, ad infinitum?

So some send a portion of their wages home, big deal, many people stuff aGetting them back In of their wages in a savings account.

They pay minimum rent buy specially imported foodstuff ad finium but that's not looking at the bigger picture which is that whilst we have nearly 2 million unemployed we are paying out these benefits. Getting them back into a job is surely the priority. We don't need more working immigrants unless we have a much lower unemployed ratio. Unless they are in such specialist industries that we would have to invite them on a per job basis.
This is not controlled properly on a mass immigration process
They pay minimum rent buy specially imported foodstuff ad finium but that's not looking at the bigger picture which is that whilst we have nearly 2 million unemployed we are paying out these benefits. Getting them back into a job is surely the priority. We don't need more working immigrants unless we have a much lower unemployed ratio. Unless they are in such specialist industries that we would have to invite them on a per job basis.
This is not controlled properly on a mass immigration process

There must be jobs for all these awfully disgusting immigrants to take, though, so why haven't British people taken them?

Oh, I remember, they're lazy and just want hand outs. Funny that!
*looks at Japanese immigration policy and ageing population*

Yep, bring them in, but only the fit ones.

Japan is an interesting case. Yes, the sales of adult diapers have overtaken the sales of baby diapers, the economy has been stagnating for decades, but by and large the Japanese are happy with the situation and are unlikely to look at immigration as a solution to the demographic challenge.
There must be jobs for all these awfully disgusting immigrants to take, though, so why haven't British people taken them?

Oh, I remember, they're lazy and just want hand outs. Funny that!

Now now if we can't stereotype immigrant then we can't stereotype natives either if you live 20 people to one house and have a low cost of living that 4 pound an hour job might be sweet. If you have a mortgage and a child then the cost of care might outweigh going to work. Finding that balance is diffivult but necessary.
Do you realize that the UK has millions of citizens who would fail your test as they do not have the means to look after themselves? The failures of the immigration system are minute when compared to the failure of the benefits system.

If there are immigrants abusing the benefits system, that's because there is a benefit system prone to abuse. Entitlement culture is something immigrants never bring with them, it's an alien concept that the natives have mastered.

Yeah but "they" are here already(born here), they haven't entered the UK at an airport/sea dock.

So if it's open to abuse then it's ok to abuse it? We have enough of our own abusing the system without others joining the bandwagon.
Can you run us through your thought process on how immigration results in higher taxes, lower pensions, longer hours, etc.

More strain on the NHS, Schools, Local tradesmen being undercut and forced out of work...there is quite a list of negatives.

The problem is now that when I or anyone, mentions or objects to unchecked immigration then I am labelled a troublemaker or shunned for having an opinion that is right of centre. I'm labelled BNP supporter or the like.

If you are highly skilled and have a job where you will be paying suffice taxes to help cover your family's use of NHS, schools, etc then come on in...if you are here for anything else then no thanks...go elsewhere.
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There must be jobs for all these awfully disgusting immigrants to take, though, so why haven't British people taken them?

Oh, I remember, they're lazy and just want hand outs. Funny that!

It's not really that, well...it is to a much lesser extent than you say. When a business can hire 20 immigrants on min wage to do a job why would they want to pay more for a UK native to do the job. Business took advantage of a glut of cheap labour.

If I want a job and I see it as min wage it doesn't pay me to take that job as I'd have rent/mortgage, food, leccy, gas etc bills to pay on min wage with 4 in a house.

If I was living 15 in a house, which is really common here amongst immigrants living here, I can work min wage and have leccy and gas and other bills paid easily and have money left.
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It's not really that, well...it is to a much lesser extent than you say. When a business can hire 20 immigrants on min wage to do a job why would they want to pay more for a UK native to do the job. Business took advantage of a glut of cheap labour.

If I want a job and I see it as min wage it doesn't pay me to take that job as I'd have rent/mortgage, food, leccy, gas etc bills to pay on min wage with 4 in a house.

If I was living 15 in a house, which is really common here amongst immigrants living here, I can work min wage and have leccy and gas and other bills paid easily and have money left.

I have no objection to that, though. If you need to work, then you'll get what you're given I suppose. If you get paid more not to work, then do that!
We dont want immigrant to come here and legally make money so they can have a better quality life, yet we are prepared to bomb Syria to help poor sods remove a dictator and start living like in heaven... Clearly shows we are just trolls, we dont care for people in the slightest.

Everyone coming here is lowing the quality of life of our own population, be it those trying to get housing, jobs, or benefits that they're entitled to.

But since you're so inclined to help these people, I'm sure you have a few spare rooms in your house to give about 10 Romanians a place to stay, yes?
what happens when Scotland gains independence and all the Scottish people keep commuting across the border for work! They will be taking all the money home and spending it all in Scotland ! I bet they won't even fill up their cars here! :D

The Scottish Government does, and would have to increase, its engagement with local authorities in the North East of England to ensure that our larger economic weight doesn't do more harm than good. Which I think is a lot more than can be said of Westminster...
Everyone coming here is lowing the quality of life of our own population, be it those trying to get housing, jobs, or benefits that they're entitled to.

But since you're so inclined to help these people, I'm sure you have a few spare rooms in your house to give about 10 Romanians a place to stay, yes?

I am an immigrant myself, our family had to work pants off to get a decent living and never did we apply for council housing or any kind of government help....

We live in capitalism, someone with better skills get the place regardless of their background.

If you cant keep up with immigrants well develop yourself, instead of trying to limit them to secure an effortless life-style.
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