29 million Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the right to live and work unrestricted in our country

2 May 2011
Everyone coming here is lowing the quality of life of our own population, be it those trying to get housing, jobs, or benefits that they're entitled to.

But since you're so inclined to help these people, I'm sure you have a few spare rooms in your house to give about 10 Romanians a place to stay, yes?

Don't jest. Our quality of life remains the same, and theirs increases. Personally, the only change I've noticed over the last few years is an increasing number of eastern europeans. If I was xenophobic, perhaps I'd agree with you, but I have no issue with this.
29 Jan 2008
They pay minimum rent buy specially imported foodstuff ad finium but that's not looking at the bigger picture which is that whilst we have nearly 2 million unemployed we are paying out these benefits. Getting them back into a job is surely the priority. We don't need more working immigrants unless we have a much lower unemployed ratio. Unless they are in such specialist industries that we would have to invite them on a per job basis.
This is not controlled properly on a mass immigration process

the 2 million unemployed have the same opportunity to get work... reality is that these new immigrants likely will still be able to find work in spite of not having English as a first language and having to travel hundreds of miles to relocate here....
25 Nov 2009
I am an immigrant myself, our family had to work pants off to get a decent living and never did we apply for council housing or any kind of government help....

We live in capitalism, someone with better skills get the place regardless of their background.

If you cant keep up with immigrants well develop yourself, instead of trying to limit them to secure an effortless life-style.

Most family's in England worked very hard to get England where it's at today, maybe look into our history to understand more..

The working class used to get nothing too, no help from government and that's why welfare was set up, for vulnerable people/families because they deserved it, the fallback, no-one should be left to live like dogs in slums especially after they'd given so much throughout their history.

Does an immigrant who has given so little to England deserve the same fallback free of charge ?

Suggesting a Britain be pushed back into a lower living quality to accommodate immigration which no-one voted for or wanted makes me feel psychically sick.

The work ordinary family's put in to get the UK where it is today, making it so popular to immigrants in the first place and your reply as an immigrant is, "yeah well **** you"..

What I want and the general public want is Britain's Educated and put to work, Not left on welfare and replaced by an immigrant.

We shouldn't have to keep up with immigrants, our boarders should be better controlled..

Your idea that opening the boarders and leaving natives on welfare because jobs can be took up by immigration is horrific and laughable and if carried out would probably start a civil war undoing hundreds of years of progress..
8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
18 Aug 2006
ChCh, NZ
I am an immigrant myself, our family had to work pants off to get a decent living and never did we apply for council housing or any kind of government help....

We live in capitalism, someone with better skills get the place regardless of their background.

If you cant keep up with immigrants well develop yourself, instead of trying to limit them to secure an effortless life-style.


If minimum wage jobs is all you're 'skilled' to compete for then the issue is yours. We're born into a 1st world country with all its opportunities and yet some moaners can't amount to anything above minimum wage jobs.


This tired old tales of Romanians living 20 to a room is getting just that. Old. The Romanians that I know and that work for me all have their own properties in London, live with their wives and two children and most certainly pay tax.

But if it makes people feel better about their low stations in life believing such tripe, then it's their issue. Their whining isn't going to make a jot of difference as they're coming. 01/01/2014. You're either able to compete or you're going to fall through the cracks. It's just how it is.
15 Feb 2003
JSA claims can be exported under certain conditions. Likewise for those currently claiming in Romania and Bulgaria. You can't just turn up in the UK having never worked or resided here, and claim benefit. So there's not going to be an immediate gut of benefit migrants, if there will be a large number migrants anyway which is debatable.

Ireland has better benifits than the UK but it hasn't been inundated with Bulgarians and Romanians seeking benefits. Neither has Finland, Sweden, Denmark or Norway all countries that are open to Romanians and Bulgarians.

Nationals of Romania and Bulgaria
may work without a work permit in —Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Sweden.
4 Jun 2013
There must be jobs for all these awfully disgusting immigrants to take, though, so why haven't British people taken them?

Oh, I remember, they're lazy and just want hand outs. Funny that!
You have not got a clue what you are talking about, are selectively being thick, or are just really that stupid.

If Brits could go to Romania and earn 4-5 times the minimum wage (£25 an hour) for picking fruit or cleaning, everyone would go there for gap yahs and working holidays. Then they come back loaded. They wouldn't mind living 2 or 3 to a room - they've hit the motherload.

What you don't understand as you are either selectively, or literally, thick and smug about it, is the absolute basic concept of supply and demand applies to labour. Labour is a commodity just like beans or rice, if there is too much of it, the price goes down. So when we have an increase of 30 million people capable of doing cleaning, and the same number of jobs, what do you think happens to the price of labour (you know, the salary)?

Anyway, I laugh at smug ***** in this thread. I can't wait until your job gets outsourced to China or the Phillipines. I am going to laugh so hard. There is no real need for many jobs to remain in Europe anyway anymore. Most service industry jobs can be done over the internet remotely, most maintenance work for mobile networks or railways can be done remotely. It isn't just low skilled jobs for the proles under this pressure.
4 Jun 2013

If minimum wage jobs is all you're 'skilled' to compete for then the issue is yours. We're born into a 1st world country with all its opportunities and yet some moaners can't amount to anything above minimum wage jobs.


This tired old tales of Romanians living 20 to a room is getting just that. Old. The Romanians that I know and that work for me all have their own properties in London, live with their wives and two children and most certainly pay tax.

But if it makes people feel better about their low stations in life believing such tripe, then it's their issue. Their whining isn't going to make a jot of difference as they're coming. 01/01/2014. You're either able to compete or you're going to fall through the cracks. It's just how it is.
I think you and I both know you are bending the truth here. What is wrong with low paid jobs btw?

A dustbin man has more use to society than some middle manager who went on a graduate scheme at IBM, why do you look down on these jobs like a smug ****? You are part of the problem.
18 Aug 2006
ChCh, NZ
I think you and I both know you are bending the truth here. What is wrong with low paid jobs btw?

A dustbin man has more use to society than some middle manager who went on a graduate scheme at IBM, why do you look down on these jobs like a smug ****? You are part of the problem.

The graduate at IBM have transferable skills, an education and a job pedigree that'll do him well in the future when layoffs hit. When the bin man gets made redundant he cannot do much else or have much to offer in terms of experience or transferable skills.
4 Jun 2013
So the job of a dustbin man is worth more to society than a middle manager at IBM, thanks.

But the reason why you look down on the dustbin man is because of 'education' and 'transferable skills'? What?
25 Nov 2009
Will they push down living wages. If so how can that be healthy. Will the rich employers feel remorse for the poor living in the gutter in the 21st century. If government stopped welfare tomorrow you'd better understand how bad the country has got. A lot of strike action and riots. Because of the greed employers have.
22 Oct 2008
Lisburn, Northern Ireland

If minimum wage jobs is all you're 'skilled' to compete for then the issue is yours. We're born into a 1st world country with all its opportunities and yet some moaners can't amount to anything above minimum wage jobs.


This tired old tales of Romanians living 20 to a room is getting just that. Old. The Romanians that I know and that work for me all have their own properties in London, live with their wives and two children and most certainly pay tax.

But if it makes people feel better about their low stations in life believing such tripe, then it's their issue. Their whining isn't going to make a jot of difference as they're coming. 01/01/2014. You're either able to compete or you're going to fall through the cracks. It's just how it is.

Why did you choose Romanians to work for you? Did you get a cheaper quote from them? genuine question as to why you didn't employ local.
2 May 2011
You have not got a clue what you are talking about, are selectively being thick, or are just really that stupid.

If Brits could go to Romania and earn 4-5 times the minimum wage (£25 an hour) for picking fruit or cleaning, everyone would go there for gap yahs and working holidays. Then they come back loaded. They wouldn't mind living 2 or 3 to a room - they've hit the motherload.

What you don't understand as you are either selectively, or literally, thick and smug about it, is the absolute basic concept of supply and demand applies to labour. Labour is a commodity just like beans or rice, if there is too much of it, the price goes down. So when we have an increase of 30 million people capable of doing cleaning, and the same number of jobs, what do you think happens to the price of labour (you know, the salary)?

Anyway, I laugh at smug ***** in this thread. I can't wait until your job gets outsourced to China or the Phillipines. I am going to laugh so hard. There is no real need for many jobs to remain in Europe anyway anymore. Most service industry jobs can be done over the internet remotely, most maintenance work for mobile networks or railways can be done remotely. It isn't just low skilled jobs for the proles under this pressure.

Firstly, I am in a skilled profession and have been well educated. My job will not be outsourced and I will always be able to find work, because I didn't choose to drop out of school at 16. Perhaps this over-saturated market requires more people to be educated.

Secondly, I understand your point about supply and demand. Yes, the wages might reduce, but we live in a competitive capitalist market. There is no way that 30 million immigrants will come to the UK, and I really can't comprehend why people are using the most sensationalist and absolute worst case scenario figures when the reality will be nothing like this. The fact is that, if people want to work, they'll have to educate themselves (which is beneficial to the whole country and to themselves) or accept the lower wage.

Thirdly, I laboured in my gap year to afford to travel, and it was superb.
9 Mar 2011
Most Romanian's are very nice people, civilised hard workers. There's a big difference between Romanian people and Romani's (gypsies). Romani's give the Romania the bad name and make up 3% of the Romanian population.
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