29 million Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the right to live and work unrestricted in our country

30 Apr 2006
I'd go with that

Unfortunately i think a couple of immigration officers got done and lost there jobs a few years back for doing almost exactly that! They were letting in fit South Americans (mostly young Brazilians girls) and refusing the older, fatter ones :D
9 Jan 2008
Everyone coming here is lowing the quality of life of our own population, be it those trying to get housing, jobs, or benefits that they're entitled to.

But since you're so inclined to help these people, I'm sure you have a few spare rooms in your house to give about 10 Romanians a place to stay, yes?

Everyone? Every single person coming to the UK is lowering the quality of life of the local population? Are you serious?

There are several business areas where the UK is still globally competitive, that would be hopeless without an influx of skilled migrants. For instance, the UK education system is not producing enough (quality) British graduates particularly in courses with a high reliance on quantitative subjects. (finance, engineering, etc). To put it bluntly, generally speaking you are really **** at maths.

The UK is getting a fantastic deal on skilled young people, many from Romania and Bulgaria, who come to the UK to study, bringing in cash to pay rent and tuition (education is still one of the UK's profitable industries). Some of these stay and become higher rate taxpayers. These are people for whom the UK has not had to pay child benefit, has not had to pay a penny for their primary and secondary education or health-related expenses for the first 18 years of their life. Bargain of the century. I think Romania should send over the bill - you might find it's a multiple of the total benefits paid to Romanians.
20 Nov 2011
Most family's in England worked very hard to get England where it's at today, maybe look into our history to understand more..

The working class used to get nothing too, no help from government and that's why welfare was set up, for vulnerable people/families because they deserved it, the fallback, no-one should be left to live like dogs in slums especially after they'd given so much throughout their history.

Does an immigrant who has given so little to England deserve the same fallback free of charge ?

Suggesting a Britain be pushed back into a lower living quality to accommodate immigration which no-one voted for or wanted makes me feel psychically sick.

The work ordinary family's put in to get the UK where it is today, making it so popular to immigrants in the first place and your reply as an immigrant is, "yeah well **** you"..

What I want and the general public want is Britain's Educated and put to work, Not left on welfare and replaced by an immigrant.

We shouldn't have to keep up with immigrants, our boarders should be better controlled..

Your idea that opening the boarders and leaving natives on welfare because jobs can be took up by immigration is horrific and laughable and if carried out would probably start a civil war undoing hundreds of years of progress..

I do not agree that free welfare should be given either to immigrants or native "Britishers" I see far more British people sitting on benefits, those who never been and probably will never be in a job... Once I was 18, I had to work to get somewhere in this life, while few of my old female class-mates decided to give birth to 2-3 children, get a council house and massive benefits as a sole parent....

Saying that immigrants come here and straight away go for benefits is ridiculous, you have generations of British benefiters who just refuse to work.

About the jobs, you were born in 1st world country, you received 1st world education which is mostly for free, you had opportunity to go to amazing university and pay tuition fees on your own, (when they were 3000)...

You are up against some people who never even attended a school and you moan that you cant compete with them? You were given all the chances possible if you screwed them up, give way to people who are actually hungry to work and do the job well.
9 Jan 2008
I do not agree that free welfare should be given either to immigrants or native "Britishers" I see far more British people sitting on benefits, those who never been and probably will never be in a job... Once I was 18, I had to work to get somewhere in this life, while few of my old female class-mates decided to give birth to 2-3 children, get a council house and massive benefits as a sole parent....

Saying that immigrants come here and straight away go for benefits is ridiculous, you have generations of British benefiters who just refuse to work.

About the jobs, you were born in 1st world country, you received 1st world education which is mostly for free, you had opportunity to go to amazing university and pay tuition fees on your own, (when they were 3000)...

You are up against some people who never even attended a school and you moan that you cant compete with them? You were given all the chances possible if you screwed them up, give way to people who are actually hungry to work and do the job well.

Which is why as a Romanian immigrant who has spent about 8 years in the UK and then left, I find it extremely difficult to get myself to come back, even though my employer is giving me the option to do it. Having spent 5 years in Asia, I find it almost impossible to accept 20% VAT and an effective income tax rate of 35%, and more importantly how these taxes are spent.

Yes, the UK is still awesome. There are many things I loved about it. The BBC is the world's greatest media organization. Investigative journalism. The world's best documentary making. The ideas behind the NHS. Tolerance. Higher education. Free entrance to the National Gallery! A lot of very interesting, well traveled, switched-on people. Diversity. Culture. Good food. Stephen Fry. Paul Merton.

That being said, one of the topics my Romanian immigrant peers and I sometimes discuss is that beyond any doubt, the UK is a society in decline. Riots, entitlement culture, violence, crime. The attitude of police towards crime. The dilution of values. The state of the economy. Foreign policy.

Most of us agree that on balance it's a great place. That perhaps the decline is irrelevant considering the scale of our lives. After all the decline started arguably from what was the peak of human civilization. There is a long way down. We all agree that on balance, it's better than living in Romania. (Note the sampling bias though, we're all immigrants.) But the decline cannot be denied, and there are other destinations out there. So do not fear, not all 29 million of us are coming.
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18 May 2006
Most Romanian's are very nice people, civilised hard workers. There's a big difference between Romanian people and Romani's (gypsies). Romani's give the Romania the bad name and make up 3% of the Romanian population.

It's the Romulans that I worry about :(

"Romulans are treacherous, deceitful!" - Worf, son of Mogh
29 Dec 2009
Are all 29 million Bulgarians and Romanians going to rock up on our doorstep on New Years Day? I very much doubt it.

If they come here, do a job, pay taxes when why does it matter?
29 Jan 2008
How the hell are the NHS going to cope? mind you this could make people want to leave the EU asap.

employ some Romanian/Bulgarian doctors and nurses?

obv our native chav population doesn't help much - if they stopped getting wasted and fighting each other every weekend most A&E depts would have much more time to deal with everyone else. It would also be nice if they didn't get so fat, have so many kids and smoke so much.....
16 Jun 2013
When I was working in the clubs I preferred hiring non British on the basis they don't tend to whinge about things they're just happy to have a paying job.

I'm in the same boat as dirtychinchilla being a "skilled" professional(electrician) along with an education(chemistry degree). However I do believe there are a lot of people out there in the uk who find it hard enough to gain employment as it stands without an influx of new workers.

I think as a population there is a point where diversity is too much. We have a diverse British culture with people of all backgrounds. We're getting dangerously close to the point of no longer having a British culture and it just becoming refered to as a culture. I'm not anti integration I just think enough is enough.
19 Apr 2008
Are all 29 million Bulgarians and Romanians going to rock up on our doorstep on New Years Day? I very much doubt it.

If they come here, do a job, pay taxes when why does it matter?

No, but a lot are here already. Most are unskilled labour, have kids, increase population, put extra demand on local government services and so on. Many work cash in hand too, from my experience anyway.
26 Jun 2010
So people are actually entertaining the notion that 29m Romanians and Bulgarians will enter the UK over the next year or so? Given that the combined total population of both countries is barely 29m in the first place should tell you just how daft that is.

Yeah, some will come, some will stay....many will not. If one of them wants my job and my employer feels that they would be better at it, then so be it...life doesn't owe me anything.
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