29 million Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the right to live and work unrestricted in our country

Which is far more than we can support. God even 1 person is too many.

And there are no vacancies, hence the 5mill unemployed.

The "British are too lazy" line is so tired and clichéd.

The "they're taking all our jobs, we're full up" lines are tired and clichéd. If there are 5 millions unemployed, with no available jobs, then which jobs do you think all these immigrants will take, because I bet the unemployed among immigrants is substantially lower than it is among native residents.
In New Zealand this week interviewing for positions on the Christchurch Reconstruction project. It looks like it'll be a goer. Two people less in the UK next year if it helps the job shortage issue? :p
SHOW ME!!!!!!!!!!! :confused:

Link please to these 100k+ jobs?????? :rolleyes:

500k+ actually

from May this year:


There are more than half a million job vacancies in the UK – the highest number since 2008, according to figures released today by the Office for National Statistics.

There was an increase in unemployment of 15,000 in the three months to March, but the total number of people unemployed is 92,000 lower than a year ago. The number of people claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance fell to its lowest level since May 2011, and youth unemployment fell by 17,000 over the past quarter.

The number of people in work fell by 43,000 compared to the previous quarter. This reflects falls in part-time and temporary work and people on Government-supported training schemes. Full-time employment rose by 10,000 on the quarter.

Over the past year, the number of people in work has increased by over 430,000. Nearly nine out of ten of these jobs have gone to UK nationals.

Today’s statistics also show that there are over 850,000 more people in work than there were in early 2010.

'but omg, immigrants, stealing our jobs... EU bad, immigrants etc..'


basically, wind your neck in
Can someone run it past me as to why we need immigration? :rolleyes:

You linked me to a Goverbent website, you really believe what your told!!! :confused:

Why do we need immigration when all manufacturing is outsourced to

Why do we need immigration when nhs, police and transportation are under pressure ?

Why do we need immigration when 5mill + unemployed, oh and by the way this figure does not include the economically inactive @ 8mill+ ?

So immigration will help the police, nhs and the 13mill unemployed!!! :rolleyes:

Forgot one more housing, alas i digress!! :(

The penny never drops with some people!!! :mad:

Forgot another one schools!!! the list is endless!!!
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Can someone run it past me as to why we need immigration? :rolleyes:

You linked me to a Goverbent website, you really believe what your told!!! :confused:

Why do we need immigration when all manufacturing is outsourced to

Why do we need immigration when nhs, police and transportation are under pressure ?

Why do we need immigration when 5mill + unemployed, oh and by the way this figure does not include the economically inactive @ 8mill+ ?

So immigration will help the police, nhs and the 13mill unemployed!!! :rolleyes:

Forgot one more housing, alas i digress!! :(

The penny never drops with some people!!! :mad:

Forgot another one schools!!! the list is endless!!!

Only you remove what immigrants have done for this country and you (a) don't have a country because it's founded by immigrants and invaders (b) don't have any infrastructure because it was built by immigrants (c) don't have any institutions you raise above because they're propped up by the labour of immigrants.

To think people say of Theocracy's and Islamic terrorist organizations 'they want to send us back to the bronze age' when people like you wanting to send immigrants home and undo everything they've done for us would achieve exactly that.
Only you remove what immigrants have done for this country and you (a) don't have a country because it's founded by immigrants and invaders (b) don't have any infrastructure because it was built by immigrants (c) don't have any institutions you raise above because they're propped up by the labour of immigrants.

To think people say of Theocracy's and Islamic terrorist organizations 'they want to send us back to the bronze age' when people like you wanting to send immigrants home and undo everything they've done for us would achieve exactly that.

I have no problem with people from other countries that provide skills ie doctors, engineers etc... ;)

But I am dead against freeloader backward parasitic immigrants!!! We have enough in our own country to deal with let alone a gang of backward pick pocketing back stabbing immigrants!!!! :mad:

The blood is boiling I shall chill!!! :cool:
I have no problem with people from other countries that provide skills ie doctors, engineers etc... ;)

But I am dead against freeloader backward parasitic immigrants!!! We have enough in our own country to deal with let alone a gang of backward pick pocketing back stabbing immigrants!!!! :mad:

The blood is boiling I shall chill!!! :cool:

I can't comprehend why the hell you think these people are so bad. They are normal human beings who have been born elsewhere. They live, they die, they eat, they ****. Why the animosity?!
My first girlfriend was Romanian. Instantly fell in love with her naturally golden-tan skin. I'm hoping to find another nice Romanian girl during the influx, hopefully I can find one that speaks English though :rolleyes:.
Only you remove what immigrants have done for this country and you (a) don't have a country because it's founded by immigrants and invaders (b) don't have any infrastructure because it was built by immigrants (c) don't have any institutions you raise above because they're propped up by the labour of immigrants.

To think people say of Theocracy's and Islamic terrorist organizations 'they want to send us back to the bronze age' when people like you wanting to send immigrants home and undo everything they've done for us would achieve exactly that.

What immigrants built Britain? The industrial revolution built Britain into the modern superpower as did the strangely high amount of scottish engineers. That spread to all over the world remember America was nothing but plains until the Industrial age and Britain went to her shore. When Britain was built there were very few immigrants from outside the UK and most of them were European.

To say that the UK would be no where without them is quite frankly absurd. You are using Romans and Normans in the same context as modern immigrants from the middle east and africa. Those people bring nothing but cheap labour to Britain. Name the last time any of them invented anything useful to us? Something akin to the steam engine would be a good example that immigration is helpful. If people had sense they would focus on not losing Scotland and kick all the others back to wherver it is they came from.

That is why they want in to Britain as they all failed to build anything themselves. Apart from Asia the rest of the place is third world compared to Britain.
What immigrants built Britain? The industrial revolution built Britain into the modern superpower as did the strangely high amount of scottish engineers. That spread to all over the world remember America was nothing but plains until the Industrial age and Britain went to her shore. When Britain was built there were very few immigrants from outside the UK and most of them were European.

To say that the UK would be no where without them is quite frankly absurd. You are using Romans and Normans in the same context as modern immigrants from the middle east and africa. Those people bring nothing but cheap labour to Britain. Name the last time any of them invented anything useful to us? Something akin to the steam engine would be a good example that immigration is helpful. If people had sense they would focus on not losing Scotland and kick all the others back to wherver it is they came from.

That is why they want in to Britain as they all failed to build anything themselves. Apart from Asia the rest of the place is third world compared to Britain.

I assume that's what you concluded after your extensive travels in Eastern Europe?

It's funny. 95% of Eastern Euros are happy in their own countries and frankly couldn't care enough about Britain to point us out on a map. Or proceed to urinate on said map. We're as irrelevant to them as they are to us.

It's only dummies that think 'everyone' wants to come here. They don't. And looking at the levels of emigration, those people don't find Britain a particular tasteful place to live either
What immigrants built Britain? The industrial revolution built Britain into the modern superpower as did the strangely high amount of scottish engineers. That spread to all over the world remember America was nothing but plains until the Industrial age and Britain went to her shore. When Britain was built there were very few immigrants from outside the UK and most of them were European.

Name the last time any of them invented anything useful to us?

If we limit ourselves to more recent history, some notable British Institutions were founded or built by Immigrants...Marks and Spencer for example, Michael Marks was a Polish immigrant, Isambard Kingdom Brunel was the son of a French Immigrant who himself was a notable engineer in Britain, Sir Montague Burton the clothing magnate was an Ukrainian immigrant, TS Eliot was an American immigrant, Alec Issigonis the designer of that most British of icons, The Mini was a Greek immigrant. Jack Cohen, founder of Tesco was a Polish immigrant, Nathan Rothschild, who funded the British effort against Napoleon was a German immigrant, Hermann Hauser of ARM and Acorn fame was an Austrian immigrant, Sake Dean Mahomed who introduced Shampoo and Indian Restaurants to Britain was a Bengali immigrant. These are but a few immigrants who have made a positive difference and impact to Britain.

Also during the Industrial Revolution, large numbers of immigrants came to Britain to work in the burgeoning industries and massive building projects, large numbers from Eastern Europe and Germany being the most notable. During the expansion of the 17th Century, South Asians, Indians and African all played a significant part in building the British Empire...so you are wrong to suggest that there were few immigrants in Britain during the Industrial Revolution, the opposite is actually true.
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My first girlfriend was Romanian. Instantly fell in love with her naturally golden-tan skin. I'm hoping to find another nice Romanian girl during the influx, hopefully I can find one that speaks English though :rolleyes:.

i think you'd probably do better with one that doesn't.
If we limit ourselves to more recent history, some notable British Institutions were founded or built by Immigrants...Marks and Spencer for example, Michael Marks was a Polish immigrant, Isambard Kingdom Brunel was the son of a French Immigrant who himself was a notable engineer in Britain, Sir Montague Burton the clothing magnate was an Ukrainian immigrant, TS Eliot was an American immigrant, Alec Issigonis the designer of that most British of icons, The Mini was a Greek immigrant. Jack Cohen, founder of Tesco was a Polish immigrant, Nathan Rothschild, who funded the British effort against Napoleon was a German immigrant, Hermann Hauser of ARM and Acorn fame was an Austrian immigrant, Sake Dean Mahomed who introduced Shampoo and Indian Restaurants to Britain was a Bengali immigrant. These are but a few immigrants who have made a positive difference and impact to Britain.

Also during the Industrial Revolution, large numbers of immigrants came to Britain to work in the burgeoning industries and massive building projects, large numbers from Eastern Europe and Germany being the most notable. During the expansion of the 17th Century, South Asians, Indians and African all played a significant part in building the British Empire...so you are wrong to suggest that there were few immigrants in Britain during the Industrial Revolution, the opposite is actually true.

Marks and Spencer for example, Michael Marks was a Polish immigrant.

Yea MS do wonders for the high streets that would be why most of them are dead now and filled with empty shops. We can thank Michael Marks for destroying our high street.

Jack Cohen, founder of Tesco was a Polish immigrant

The same Tesco was pay little tax and employ hordes of minimum wage workers and again destroyed local shops and town centers for out of town industrial estate's? Again another person to thank for all those empty shops and horse meat scandals.

Nathan Rothschild, who funded the British effort against Napoleon was a German immigrant

Rothchilds, Yea they loved to fund fights against Napoleon as Napoleon was fighting against people like the Rothchilds and Kings and Queens who were robbing thier own people blind. Apart from the Mini and Shampoo what else did they build in that list? I do not see anything which would really transform Britain like the steam engine, light bulb, the telephone, railways, jet engine, ophthalmoscope, CT scanner. All of these inventions paved the way for the world we live in today.

All i see are three people who profited very well from Britain and probably bogged off with the money elsewhere. What did they actually invent instead of taking money out of the economy?

***Your anti-semitic posting style isn't appreciated, I've edited so your point is still made whilst not being so xenophobic*** - Will Gill
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