29 million Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the right to live and work unrestricted in our country

I believe you've been trying to argue that immigration hasn't had any impact on our culture, but admit that the English language is based on imported languages from Europe, therefore immigration must have had an impact on our culture.
I'm defining our culture as being significantly based on pre Victorian to 1960, a time of insignificant immigration compared to the current situation of millions.

If you want to point to the cultural influence of Brok the Viking and how he always used to slur his r's when pronouncing place names, then feel free. Your point is still irrelevant.
That doesn't imply we are being overrun by poor people. Or being overrun at all.
I think perception is more significant than actual numbers, if wandsworth goes from 1% to 10% black in a decade, then the numbers are minor but it must feel alienating.

Any culture that is more visible must also multiply its impact.
It's only alienating if you perceive being black as being different to, what I'm assuming is, white. For me, yes of course a black person is different to a white person in that we have different racial characteristics, but aside from our appearance, there is no difference.
If it weren't for the Vikings, we'd have no culture whatsoever, or it would be an entirely different one, so to say that Vikings had no cultural impact is wrong.
Many of our place names are Viking, however Brok the Viking and his speech impediment have not significantly influenced our modern culture.
1.5 million muslims have :)
yep, history.
I'm just saying that "tea" as a product is not significant.

It was significant as the driver of cultural and economic exchange.

English culture in the way it reacted to a product that complemented that culture, is significant.

Which is the same as saying Tea had a significant impact on English Culture.

This is why the introduction of tea into Iceland had zero effect, different culture.

Which goes to illustrate that Tea had a significant impact on British Culture.

I'm pretty sure we are arguing different points here...

You are trying to say that British Culture is an internally driven entity, whereas all the evidence illustrates that like any other Culture it is widely influenced by external influences, both cultural and economic.

My post was in the context of the roman period, we can't keep referencing events that have no visible effect on modern society just for the sake of completeness.

Events in contemporary society also do not have an isolated example from which to draw upon...fact is that our culture is driven by an evolution drawn by influences from immigration, emigration and the economic and cultural exchanges that entails.

You cannot say that 'before' immigration we evolved our culture independently, simply because at no time has there been such isolationism in our culture.
Well I drove past earlier Victoria bus station today on my way to Stansted airport and both areas were decidedly empty. So much for being 'overrun' eh. Scaremongering with gullible baboons lapping it up. Business as usual in British media.

When is this 'invasion' happening?
Many of our place names are Viking, however Brok the Viking and his speech impediment have not significantly influenced our modern culture.
1.5 million muslims have :)

That's great, I'm glad they have influenced our culture.

You came up with a pitiful example, but the fact is that Vikings have influenced our culture.

I don't know why you're even bothering to argue.
I think perception is more significant than actual numbers, if wandsworth goes from 1% to 10% black in a decade, then the numbers are minor but it must feel alienating.

Any culture that is more visible must also multiply its impact.

If you are a racist perhaps. The colour of someone's skin doesn't alienate me in the slightest.
Just been on DM website and not a word on the supposed invasion??

One would think with all the hysteria and drumming up that's been going on, the revolution would at least be covered?
It's only alienating if you perceive being black as being different to, what I'm assuming is, white. For me, yes of course a black person is different to a white person in that we have different racial characteristics, but aside from our appearance, there is no difference.

Alienation is a genetic issue I think, social cohesion is a mutual choice not an inherent default.
Different races still have different cultures, even those born into a country.
Also, white people can't dance.
Just been on DM website and not a word on the supposed invasion??

One would think with all the hysteria and drumming up that's been going on, the revolution would at least be covered?

I know! All the build up, and then I was incredibly saddened to see that on the actual day of the "invasion" they declined to report anything! Perhaps they've been winding all these morons up for nothing.

Alienation is a genetic issue I think, social cohesion is a mutual choice not an inherent default.
Different races still have different cultures, even those born into a country.
Also, white people can't dance.

How is it a genetic issue? I don't believe it is in my genes to feel alienated, although perhaps my genes are much nicer than yours.

So when you say black, you meant African? All those black people could be of the same sociocultural background as me, and therefore the only difference would be race, which doesn't matter to me.

You don't inherit your culture through your race.
Keith Vaz sat in Costa Coffee with them, are you suggesting the Costa staff are now doubling up and border control officers?

Keith Vaz sat in Costa with them and asked them questions. They answered them. I would imagine they were given refreshments as part of this interview process. The feedback was then published in the media.

I didn't suggest anything about Costa staff acting as border control officers.
If you are a racist perhaps. The colour of someone's skin doesn't alienate me in the slightest.

Nothing to do with it, we can all choose to ignore colour on a social level if we want to.
There is a scientific study somewhere that shows we still react to a persons colour regardless of what we say our position is.
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