29 million Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the right to live and work unrestricted in our country

Nothing to do with it, we can all choose to ignore colour on a social level if we want to.
There is a scientific study somewhere that shows we still react to a persons colour regardless of what we say our position is.

Well, I must be the exception to the rule then. A person's Colour makes no difference to how I react to a person at all, their attitudes and actions however do.
Nothing to do with it, we can all choose to ignore colour on a social level if we want to.
There is a scientific study somewhere that shows we still react to a persons colour regardless of what we say our position is.

I must admit I am somewhat guilty of that. I have a bad habit of opening my mouth before I think it through. Always been afraid to say somthing that would end up with a lawsuit. I know the majority don't scream racism at the slightest thing but I always feel on guard :(

(I'm not racist)
Or to increase our economy.

It's the same old story, blame them over there...they are different from me, so it must be their fault...doesn't matter what about, but it's their fault anyway.

I am not blaming them at all.

In this country there are more unemployed than there are jobs available so why let in more people to compete for those jobs.

Then of course there is the infrastructure issue, public services are stretched so why let more people in?
Nothing to do with it, we can all choose to ignore colour on a social level if we want to.
There is a scientific study somewhere that shows we still react to a persons colour regardless of what we say our position is.

I agree with you in this respect. Personally, I don't treat people of different races in a different manner, but if you can determine their cultural background (which is often done by regarding their skin colour) you may treat them in a different way. For example, I hate how if you go to an Indian restaurant the Indian staff act like they're subservient to you. Yes, you are serving me, but you are my equal, so I will treat you as such.
How is it a genetic issue? I don't believe it is in my genes to feel alienated, although perhaps my genes are much nicer than yours.

Human behaviour isn't always learnt, pedicatrics covers some stuff that inherent behaviour can be passed on. Same as animals avoid eating tree frogs without ever eating one before.
So when you say black, you meant African? All those black people could be of the same sociocultural background as me, and therefore the only difference would be race, which doesn't matter to me.

You don't inherit your culture through your race.
You identify more strongly with the culture of the race you are born into. Unless adopted I guess.

Some white people copy different cultures, gangstas or something, I don't identify with them either,

Pretty much every black person I meet has a different culture to me, and I'm even thinking about one guy with a much better background to me.
I am not blaming them at all.

In this country there are more unemployed than there are jobs available so why let in more people to compete for those jobs.

Then of course there is the infrastructure issue, public services are stretched so why let more people in?

So it's reported, but these Romanians will still get jobs somehow. What it is is a case of the native population being incredibly lazy, and not actually doing the jobs that are on offer. Then, when someone actually does want to do that job, suddenly the native wants it!!
I am not blaming them at all.

In this country there are more unemployed than there are jobs available so why let in more people to compete for those jobs.

Then of course there is the infrastructure issue, public services are stretched so why let more people in?

Unemployment is not driven by immigration, evidence shows no correlation between unemployment and immigration...also increases in population lead to increases in tax revenue which lead to more investment in public infrastructure.
It's only alienating if you perceive being black as being different to, what I'm assuming is, white. For me, yes of course a black person is different to a white person in that we have different racial characteristics, but aside from our appearance, there is no difference.

Statistics would argue otherwise.

They're more likely to commit a crime. More likely to have a lower income (perhaps leading to the crime!). Have a lower life expectancy.

However, related to this topic, they are more likely to have a different culture. Historically in the UK most black British are of Afro-Caribbean heritage, one odd trait this has though is that they frequently have some historic British inheritances that have since been 'phased out' in this country.
Human behaviour isn't always learnt, pedicatrics covers some stuff that inherent behaviour can be passed on. Same as animals avoid eating tree frogs without ever eating one before.

Yes, I agree with you there.

You identify more strongly with the culture of the race you are born into. Unless adopted I guess.

Some white people copy different cultures, gangstas or something, I don't identify with them either,

Pretty much every black person I meet has a different culture to me, and I'm even thinking about one guy with a much better background to me.

On your first point, your race doesn't determine your culture, but I'm sure that you're correct in most situations.

When you live in London, most black people (in my experience) only have a slightly different culture to my own. They might be more religious and more respectful to their elders, but aside from that I don't think that there's a great deal of difference. It really depends on how much you want to pick up on small differentiations between different people.

Statistics would argue otherwise.

They're more likely to commit a crime. More likely to have a lower income (perhaps leading to the crime!). Have a lower life expectancy.

However, related to this topic, they are more likely to have a different culture. Historically in the UK most black British are of Afro-Caribbean heritage, one odd trait this has though is that they frequently have some historic British inheritances that have since been 'phased out' in this country.

They are more likely to be arrested, perhaps, or more likely to be in poor economic situations, or more likely to be the subject of racial discrimination. This doesn't necessarily correlate to black people committing more crimes.

Yes, there are many black people with culture different to the natives, but that changes generation by generation. Those that are my age (24) aren't culturally very different to myself.
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Unemployment is not driven by immigration, evidence shows no correlation between unemployment and immigration...also increases in population lead to increases in tax revenue which lead to more investment in public infrastructure.

Increases in population also lead to increases in public expenditure. What's crucial is that this is balanced out by the increases in tax revenue.
What we don't want, and the government are trying to avoid, is a load of people turning up looking for jobs and not finding them then staying here relying on the state.
That is simply not a sustainable outcome.
I agree, but the increase in crime alienates me. All areas that have been overrun with ethnic minorities have the highest levels of crime compared to indigenous British areas.

And so the only conclusion is that they're criminals? They probably live in worse areas where the crime rate was higher no matter who lived there, and are more likely to be targeted by the police due to the areas that they live in, leading to more arrests.

There are many white criminals, they're just harder to spot.
Unemployment is not driven by immigration, evidence shows no correlation between unemployment and immigration...also increases in population lead to increases in tax revenue which lead to more investment in public infrastructure.

Immigrants coming here earning minimum wage will pay hardly any tax.

I also never said that immigration drives unemployment, I merely pointed out that there are already more people looking for work than there are jobs and we are not about to add to the total of people looking for work.
Immigrants coming here earning minimum wage will pay hardly any tax.

I also never said that immigration drives unemployment, I merely pointed out that there are already more people looking for work than there are jobs and we are not about to add to the total of people looking for work.

They pay tax in other ways than simply income tax.

There is no evidence to suggest that we currently have a situation whereby unemployment will increase due to immigration.
They pay tax in other ways than simply income tax.

There is no evidence to suggest that we currently have a situation whereby unemployment will increase due to immigration.

Again, I didn't say unemployment would increase.

What other ways do they pay, tax, NI and VAT..........
So it's reported, but these Romanians will still get jobs somehow. What it is is a case of the native population being incredibly lazy, and not actually doing the jobs that are on offer. Then, when someone actually does want to do that job, suddenly the native wants it!!

Stop talking rubbish. This was talked about a few pages back, I suggest you read the posts.
I agree, but the increase in crime alienates me. All areas that have been overrun with ethnic minorities have the highest levels of crime compared to indigenous British areas.

Indiginous British areas?

Are the British now a race all of its own, and not the diverse people I took it for...I'm sure my friend Tariq will be pleased to hear that he isn't British, despite being born here, to British born parents and having spent over 20 years serving in the British Armed Forces.

What you are really saying is that poverty and disenfranchisement drives crime and that ethnicity is a factor in social mobility due to inherent discrimination in society?
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