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Managed to install XP Pro SP2 32bit last night on the UD3H. All I had to do was change to IDE mode and it installed ok on Crucial M4 SSD. Couldn't install any drivers apart from nvidia ones. Ran superpi and it was actually slower than my run on Windows 7?!


Argh - what on earth could I be doing wrong?

I've tried two different SSDs (Samsung 840pro, OCZ Vertex 2), and a mechanical HDD. I can't even get past the install screen! BSOD as soon as it tries to access the HDD. Tried three different BIOSes now (F3, F5, F6d).

IDE mode enabled in each case, of course. What else is there to change?!

IDE mode definitely has some effect - my Vertex 2 will not allow Win 7 to install in AHCI mode, and similarly my 840pro (with an AHCI install of Win 7) will not boot in IDE mode (I get the same bluescreen error case as when I try to install XP).
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First couple of times I did get blue screen but literally I haven't changed anything else. Load defaults and change to IDE mode. Used the stock F3 bios but then updated to F5 which again seems to work OK. Either was I'm consistently getting better times on Windows 7. Might be something to do with SP2 but even after using XPlite it's still slower!! Unfortunately because I can't get the LAN drivers to work I can't upgrade to SP3! Will persist on Windows 7 but can't get any lower just yet!
First couple of times I did get blue screen but literally I haven't changed anything else. Load defaults and change to IDE mode. Used the stock F3 bios but then updated to F5 which again seems to work OK. Either was I'm consistently getting better times on Windows 7. Might be something to do with SP2 but even after using XPlite it's still slower!! Unfortunately because I can't get the LAN drivers to work I can't upgrade to SP3! Will persist on Windows 7 but can't get any lower just yet!

Well, keep trying mate :)

From what I've seen, tight timings seem more valuable than fast speeds. My best time is still on <2200Mhz (at CAS8). None of my 2400, 2600 and 2800Mhz scores have been able to better it (yet). Certainly 2800Mhz CAS11 is a long way behind the 2400Mhz CAS-9.

And yes - that's exactly what I'm doing: Load defaults and change to IDE mode. Must have tried a dozen times to install XP - bluescreen each time.

How much slower were your times on XP?
Make sure your HD and CDROM are in ports 1 through 4 .
Use ports 5 and 6 and you will get bluescreens on install.

Also if you have any other SATA controllers apart from the onboard ones disable them in the BIOS.
Yes, can't say that i'm a fan of the colour but performance is what counts. Have you seen the redline accent 998730? Tight timings seem to be a distant memory in the pursuit of ever increasing frequency. (though in 9/10 cases, frequency wins out)

Last run was a touch slower, going for another run.

I'm not a massive fan but it was literally the only set of ram I could find anywhere tighter than 8-8-8-24. It should do 1800mhz with looser timings as well. Only cost me £30 as well
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I got my new bios chip and managed to improve my score a little.
I don't think this memory will do much more.

Make sure your HD and CDROM are in ports 1 through 4 .
Use ports 5 and 6 and you will get bluescreens on install.

Also if you have any other SATA controllers apart from the onboard ones disable them in the BIOS.

Thanks - I'll check that :)

One of the SSDs I tried to install on (the 840) is definitely in port1, but I'm not sure what BIOS I used to try that with. I'll make sure the CD drive and the other HDDs are in the right ports. Thinking about it, the CD drive may well be plugged into one of the last ports...

Sounds promising! :)
tRAS = 15?! Madness! :p

What voltage did you pump through to get those timings, 1Deep?

The same 1.85v I used the other day :)

I've dropped the memory down from 2624mhz to 2551mhz and managed to drop timings a fair bit. tRAS 15 is a strange one though I haven't tested it to see if it goes any lower but it is already ridiculously low.

It is indeed madness I have to say, this ram keeps surprising me at what it can tolerate, I knew it would clock well, just didn't expect it to do THIS well. Very happy :D

Persist with installing xp, you should see at least 4 seconds improvement, that's what I've managed anyway. Still need to tweak xp a little further though.
I'm using sp3, but for reference I only noticed a difference after disabling services, stopping running processes etc. You need to strip xp basically. Then you will see the difference :)
Hmmm, I had 12 processes running and noticed a 4 second drop :S

Have not tried wazza. I'm running 32bit though, that may be your problem.
Make sure your HD and CDROM are in ports 1 through 4 .
Use ports 5 and 6 and you will get bluescreens on install.

PCZ, I love you :D

Just got past the wall of blue death. The DVD drive needed to be shifted to a new SATA port.

Let's see if I can finish the job now!
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