Alien: Isolation...

Alien 1 - pant pooing scary, Aliens - lots of guns and action, Alien 3 - a mixture of action and scares but the worst out the 3 mainly due to the bad use of cgi which wasnt used in the first 2.

There is only one piece of CGI in Alien 3 and that's at the end when the Alien is killed. The rest is all puppets but it's not superimposed well.

Alien 3 is another film that benefits massively from the workprint edition. Weaver wouldn't let Fincher make the movie he wanted and essentially ruined it.
Alien 3 directors cut is my favourite of the series. Its like a more refined version of the first film. I haven't got a clue why they decided to even make the theatre release version which a lot of people didn't really like, when they had recorded footage for a far better film which is more believable.
Well a lot of people rave about the first one but I think it's mainly because it's "in" to go nuts about the first one.
I like them all and number 4 is my favourite after number 2.

Started watching the first one last night (fell asleep half way through like i tend to do with all movies lol) but was getting quite into it! Had to laugh at some of the CGI etc, but that is to be expected with a film that is a little bit older than me!

Thanks for the heads up, I will try and get hold of the directors cut(s)
After seeing many horror films Alien was just too predictable to me, Maybe it was good for it's time but it just didn't do it for me like the later films did.

For sentimental reasons, Alien is my fave. It was pitched as a bog-standard horror movie in space. What sets it apart IMO is the directing, acting, and the set designs. But of course if none of this interests you and you just go for the popcorn... Aliens is probably better :) It's still tense as hell though.

Alien is a classic, like Jaws and The Thing, which aren't particularly scary. But damn fine examples of the genre.

For nostalgia.

Started watching the first one last night (fell asleep half way through like i tend to do with all movies lol) but was getting quite into it! Had to laugh at some of the CGI etc, but that is to be expected with a film that is a little bit older than me!

There's CGI in Alien? Or do you mean things like the computer terminals?

AFAIK, Alien is all model/puppet/practical effects, can't think of anything that could be seen as CGI and I must have watched that film over 20 times during my lifetime.
You can forgive those things considering the age of the film.
As for it being predictable after seeing so many horror films, Alien is a simple formula, yes. It's also one of those films that set the standard for it's type and so many other films have since followed that formula...
You can forgive those things considering the age of the film.
As for it being predictable after seeing so many horror films, Alien is a simple formula, yes. It's also one of those films that set the standard for it's type and so many other films have since followed that formula...

1970's tech :) Star Wars was top of the line special effects, and some of it looks quaint today. Like Alien, it still looks great in most parts, amazing even, given that was like 40 years ago.

That's one thing about A:I. The retro-future look is right on the money. Very 1970's.
Oh well, I still think it's brilliant and essential viewing if you plan to play this. Aliens gets watched more often, but it's a more fun movie.

Make sure you watch the director's cut versions of part 2 and 3.

Above line ^^^^ more so than ever for Alien:3, puts the first 3 films level for me now in terms of how good they are.

Game scares me stiff.... I don't dare wear a heart rate monitor while playing it.
Ive never seen the Directors cut of Alien 3, I'll have to pick that up.

What I couldnt work out with Alien 3 was the computer graphics alien / super imposed alien they used in the last part of the movie. I dont know exactly what they did to put the alien onscreen but it was terrible. Up to that point it was all models and puppetry special effects like the first 2 movies. Its like they rushed it or something because the entire final section to the movie could have been done so much better. There is a couple of moments where they use the original method but then revert back to the rubbish super imposed one again.
Shocking news that it only just passed 1m copies sold :eek: for such a high quality game this spells bad news for future lengthy SP experiences if a game of this high quality barely breaks even it should have sold well over 10m not 1m!

They are a long way from breaking even no wonder the DLC is low quality & no sequel announcement :(

A real travesty, particularly when Colonial Marines sold 1.3 million copies in a much shorter period, the likes of IGN and other moronic gaming sites probably didn't help too, doesn't bode well for a sequel :(.
A real travesty, particularly when Colonial Marines sold 1.3 million copies in a much shorter period, the likes of IGN and other moronic gaming sites probably didn't help too, doesn't bode well for a sequel :(.

I wonder if that's retail copies only though- they must have got a fair chunk of cash from the AMD bundle promotion.
I wouldn't be surprised if all the peoples that bought A:CM full price at launch have been put off the franchise, which has hurt A:I sales.
I think a lot of people don't like sneak-em-ups. I know I don't and I find it frustrating to have to restart over and over again because I got caught. I think if you get caught whilst sneaking, you should have the option of going guns blazing to finish the level.

So while I'm impressed at the game and think it a great idea, I didn't buy it because I just don't find that kind of gameplay enjoyable and it frustrates me. I understand that it's not to my tastes and other people will enjoy it, but I'm not going to spend money on something that I know I won't like.
I think a lot of people don't like sneak-em-ups. I know I don't and I find it frustrating to have to restart over and over again because I got caught. I think if you get caught whilst sneaking, you should have the option of going guns blazing to finish the level.

So while I'm impressed at the game and think it a great idea, I didn't buy it because I just don't find that kind of gameplay enjoyable and it frustrates me. I understand that it's not to my tastes and other people will enjoy it, but I'm not going to spend money on something that I know I won't like.

I've not played AI but, funnily enough, I actually prefer games where there's an element of re-starting. I dislike (or enjoy less) games where I just barrel through, and might be missing out on optimising my play.

Probably, it's a relic of the platformers I grew up gaming on in the C64/gameboy/Snes era; repeating until getting it right was the challenge.

It's not uncommon for people not to like doing that these days. I read the Steam comments for Limbo the other day (a game I enjoyed immensely), and loads of people were unhappy about the dying and having to re-attempt the puzzles aspect. Whereas I bloody loved that :)
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