Alien: Isolation...

Need some assistance

Humans have seen me and for some reason I ran inside a vent which is a deadend. Now I cant get out as they are camping the exit lol.

Does the AI just camp there forever or do they move out after certain amount of time?

I think I made the same mistake.

The vent goes in to locked room which needs an ION cutter or something?

I basically had to go back to the previous save and do something else.

Hint: rewire the speakers...
You could also try spannering one of the humans to death then legging it back into the vent. I did this and managed to sneak past the others.
I can do sure, but just click on the comparison screenies on from the link I provided above, move the mouse over the individual ones to get a comparison of on and off. Here you go, here's one, very subtle and doesn't change the mood although with DOF you don't get to see the quality to much.

The other presets I find make the game to colourful and bright, like this one just nasty

Thanks a lot Tony!
I tried waiting a bit but it seems the AI decided to camp my only exit vent.

Had to reload the save and use the spanner and the smoke
You didn't stand a chance in that room. I had the same issue earlier but instead of dropping into it, it saw me at the other side of the fire and went through the duct and came through the door. Pulled me out of the locker even though I held my breath and was at the back of it lol.

Was watching a stream and I've seen the alien AI be very dodgy, one time I seen someone jump into a locker, with the alien right outside it facing him as he done so, literally 3 or 4 feet from him. And for some reason it didn't manage to find him inside it.
I saved in a location where an Android was walking towards me. Now, every time I load the Android is walking away but blocking the corridor so the only way I can run past is by smacking him in the back of the head with a wrench.

HAHAH!! The way he moves when I plonk him is hilarious.
I tried on easy and an Android ctook one to the head and about eight to the body using my revolver to knock him down. I definitely don't recommend trying to kill them. Hehe.

This game is an entire world apart when playing on easy vs hard! I flipped to easy after failing a million times in the medical center and I found I wasn't too scared of the Xeno but now I put it back to hard.... he detects you in such a realistic manner it brings the tension straight back.

Your nerves take a genuine battering. I love it!!
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so disappointed that i cant play this for more than an hr or so without getting nauseous.

Ive tried changing the FOV but for me i get like a fish-eye lens effect which just feels horrible.

When walking around i expect to hit my head on every door frame and when i turn the camera to the left or right it appears to make objects stretch.

No idea whats going on there as ive never experience motion sickness in a game before, feels like im on a bad trip when playin.

Will have to do some tweaking and see if i can sort it, its not helped by the fact that im tired and have a migraine coming on :(
jee wizz my nerves on absolute the edge, I can't take this anymore. It's actually at a point now where I'm forgetting about the Xeno, and just so scared of the Androids. Those eyes man, those eyes and the way they just charge at you. My heart is genuinely beating 10 to the dozen, I can feel my breathing tightning up, the motion scanner makes me more nervous than anything. I get blips moving over the top of me in the vents above all the time, the blip moves like 30 mph across my scanner and I just peg it to find some sort of cover.

Everything about the game just gives me immense satisfaction, it's a wonderful piece of work.
I'd happily pay money to play on this engine again. It's just right for this form of suspense but I do wonder if the team put in so much more effort compiling this game due to the blunder that was Colonial Marines.

They know what works now and know people are happy to trust them so fingers crossed we'll be seeing from them a lot.
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