- the last few minutes were simply, walk here, press these buttons, rinse and repeat, reminded me very much of a COD ending where you are told what you can and can't do. Why couldn't we have moved to the airlock button ourselves rather than hitting "a", "d", "s" etc.
- my biggest complaint....... is that seriously how they are going to end the game, after spending hours trying to get of the ship and once you finally do, they do a rubbish quick time event and leave you floating in space.... Why couldn't we have got to the bridge and find out why there was radio silence (it was obvious why but would have been nice to see...) first. Also, Ripley's "sacrifice" was most likely completely useless since there is probably more than 1 alien on the torrens
Overall, it just seemed VERY rushed
Obviously they have set it up for a sequel, be it a new game or DLC (with the space ship lighting shining on Ripley at the end) but they could have done a much better job afaic