finally finished the game, took me a little over 17 hours according to steam.
I give it 8/10 (would have been more but that ending...)
Favourite level was definitely medical, I have never been more careful and cautious in a game ever, somehow managing to get the achievement for not getting killed by the alien!
Anybody actually managed to kill a working Joe with just the wrench? Every time I try and clobber them one from behind they end up killing me.
Good: Excellent atmosphere, the sound, visuals, lighting and feel of the game are great. The game ran really well, felt optimised and never crashed on me once (except for my 290 dying which was unrelated). The story was good and the whole game felt like it fitted into the alien franchise very well. This is definitely my game of the year by a mile.
bad: The game can feel frustrating at times, the staggering of save points seems sporadic, with some places having saves close together, and others feeling like you've gone for an age without saving. I also felt the fact that you end up backtracking or "find an alternative route" seemed to occur an awful lot. I also felt the crafting system could have been a little better.
Ugly: The ending, the whole final sequence should have been removed from the game, it felt rushed, either remove it or actually expand on it. Also lack of proper anti-aliasing.