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How about you look at everyone that wasn’t lucky today that had the order go through but had the order cancelled on some sort of priority list?
I keep coming back to this. It's a manpower problem. Nearly a thousand customer orders that'll need to be handled manually because there's absolutely no way to implement an online priority list without breaching NDAs and allowing you to order early. As much as we'd like to do something like this, unless there's a eureka moment when we discuss it, it's not realistic, so please don't get your hopes up.
The other big retailer wants £11 shipping on big orders. When spending less than £100 that's significant.

Amazon have made people expectant, even though they pay a fee either monthly or annuall for that "free" shipping.

Other retailers have free shipping when forum members when under £100....

Remember, this wasn't a small price increase. OCUK haven't just been tacking in small amounts over the years, the 6800XT on OCUK was over 13% more expensive than elsewhere. Multiple that by the 200-300 they may have received, an extra £24,000 in a day. Repeat that across multiple launches, not a a bad cherry on top. Although quite a small amount for the sake of ruining what was once a solid and almost unquestionable reputation that they had.

I just find it utterly dissapointing more than anything else, mainly as its gone on for so now its so blatant. Years ago they tried to argue "exchange rates" or other reasons but it doesn't exactly stack up when you consider how consistently other retailers weren't taking the same approach.
Thanks I’m currently busting out a lovely melody on my worlds smallest violin. Sit down and join in on a little bit of sing song with me.
Did you have to buy the world's smallest violin because you couldn't lift anything bigger? I bet that's not the only thing you've got that's the world's smallest. Amirite? :D

Seriously though... don't just lay in to people for no reason, we're all fed up on here as it is. We are now cool.
I keep coming back to this. It's a manpower problem. Nearly a thousand customer orders that'll need to be handled manually because there's absolutely no way to implement an online priority list without breaching NDAs and allowing you to order early. As much as we'd like to do something like this, unless there's a eureka moment when we discuss it, it's not realistic, so please don't get your hopes up.

Put an unlisted normal product page up on the website with 2-3 models not listed on the rest of the site temporarily, send that page out to everyone's email for all the people that got their preorders refunded...if there's a way of doing that without manually emailing those people one by one (certainly should be). Not flawless as that page could still be found by someone with the right knowledge, or one of those people emailed could leak it, but if it's not public knowledge that it's happening, sorted :D
I'm not one for the pitch fork stuff but not sure it's a great tactic making stuff up about peoples money.

Banks don't "drag their feet"

Once an auth is obtained there are two things that can happen.

1. a company can reverse it instantly making the available balance back to what it was, this might sit at OCUK HQ or at your processor but I assure you this can happen.

2. OC don't bill the transaction, this causes the Auth to be removed from the customers account normally within a week max, it essentially pends off again putting the available balance back to what it was prior to the transaction. There are ways to manually remove this quicker however it's unlikely as it puts banks at risk of quite a few things.

3. You bill it and issue a separate transaction for the refund, which it seems is what you do. This second transaction goes through clearing which indeed does take a few days. The first time the bank however sees it is the day it's credited.

None of those thre scenarios are the bank.

Just to clear it up....
We have so many different payment methods these days and we don't handle any of them locally for legal/privacy reasons. All payments (with, I think, the exception of Amazon) are fully authorised before we even see the order download onto our system. Since we aren't in direct control of people's money I definitely don't want to go giving false promises about instantly cleared refunds.. I'm not trying to mislead people. As for the "drag their feet" comment, it is 'generally' three days for transfers to clear on card transactions. That's all I meant.
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Did you have to buy the world's smallest violin because you couldn't lift anything bigger? I bet that's not the only thing you've got that's the world's smallest. Amirite? :D

Seriously though... don't just lay in to people for no reason, we're all fed up on here as it is. We are now cool.
Still strumming away.
Put an unlisted normal product page up on the website with 2-3 models not listed on the rest of the site temporarily, send that page out to everyone's email for all the people that got their preorders refunded...if there's a way of doing that without manually emailing those people one by one (certainly should be). Not flawless as that page could still be found by someone with the right knowledge, or one of those people emailed could leak it, but if it's not public knowledge that it's happening, sorted :D

To be honest this seems the best bet. Maybe even a short sign up list for loyal forum members to they can register get a link to the pages to buy, at least even if the link is leaked by the time it gets into the wild en-masse hopefully everyone who signed up has scooped their card.

@ScottiB Lets make it happen.
Does anyone know why AMD are not making anymore reference cards? Seems like they did the same dishonest thing that Nvidia did, release a reference card with low stock and with a low MSRP and then discontinue it, while still claiming prices start from that MSRP
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We have so many different payment methods these days and we don't handle any of them locally for legal/privacy reasons. All payments (with, I think, the exception of Amazon) are fully authorised before we even see the order download onto our system. Since we aren't in direct control of people's money I definitely don't want to go giving false promises about instantly cleared refunds.. I'm not trying to mislead people. As for the "drag their feet" comment, it is 'generally' three days for transfers to clear on card transactions. That's all I meant.

That's fair enough mate. I'm not out to cause any trouble.

I work in fraud and have done for a long time.

I know full well how much **** staff take because people are given duff info about things like this.

Enjoy the rest of your evening
I keep coming back to this. It's a manpower problem. Nearly a thousand customer orders that'll need to be handled manually because there's absolutely no way to implement an online priority list without breaching NDAs and allowing you to order early. As much as we'd like to do something like this, unless there's a eureka moment when we discuss it, it's not realistic, so please don't get your hopes up.

I worked at a very large online retailer for several years in tech, dependant on capabilities of your system its very easy.

Providing you have pretty simple system you've probably only got a few "easy" options.

Initially, dump from Database all customers cancelled. Randomly generate a unique discount code for each and insert into table. Email code to said customer.

1. Email all customers, say they'll be sent "private" links and be given 30-60 mins to purchase after NDA lift before its opened up publicly. After the 30-60 minutes expire, publish the products on the site to all.

2. Make all listing public once NDA is lifted but restrict successful purchase at checkout for people with a valid promo code for first 30-60 minutes.
To be honest this seems the best bet. Maybe even a short sign up list for loyal forum members to they can register get a link to the pages to buy, at least even if the link is leaked by the time it gets into the wild en-masse hopefully everyone who signed up has scooped their card.

@ScottiB Lets make it happen.
It’s a nice idea but not going to happen.
Loyal customers is great, new customers therefore more customers is better.
To be honest this seems the best bet. Maybe even a short sign up list for loyal forum members to they can register get a link to the pages to buy, at least even if the link is leaked by the time it gets into the wild en-masse hopefully everyone who signed up has scooped their card.

@ScottiB Lets make it happen.
And if they want to credit me for the idea with one free 6800XT that'd be great.

:D haha

It’s a nice idea but not going to happen.
Loyal customers is great, new customers therefore more customers is better.

Thing is, when it comes to this scenario from a businesses perspective, how you sell them doesn't really matter. You'll sell them in their entirety no matter what, so a bit of loyalty would go a long way.
To be honest this seems the best bet. Maybe even a short sign up list for loyal forum members to they can register get a link to the pages to buy, at least even if the link is leaked by the time it gets into the wild en-masse hopefully everyone who signed up has scooped their card.

@ScottiB Lets make it happen.

Yeah to be honest I can't see anyone leaking it... all that would do is bring even more people to the party to compete against you, so why would you? Either you genuinely want to get a card for yourself, or you're an ass that wants to get a card and put it up on ebay for 3 times the price, either way you're better off keeping the code and using it yourself than trying to give it away or sell it.
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