Funny reading this thread. The most upset people are those rocking Nvidia cards wanting a hand me down from AMD. My advice is be patient, AMD will get there in the end. As a current gen AMD buyer i am just glad i got a card for a half decent price. You guys know on your last gen hardware uncle Jen ain't giving you those fake frames. It's going to take Aunty Lisa a bit longer as she's to busy taking on Uncle Bill in the cpu world.
Difference between a feature that works better but on limited hardware ( cause it uses hardware ) vs one that’s worse but works on everything (software).
All NV vs AMD features show the same pattern.
Yes Nvidia could have had DLSS work on everything and it would be worse, like FSR. The difference is huge now, DLSS balanced beats FSR quality in most titles.
Same with Gsync vs Freesync ( albeit here the differences arent as stark, but still exist ) same with DLSSFg vs FSRFg. DLSSFg could work on 2xxx and 3xxx series, even Nvidia said so. However the experience would be bad. In most cases it would barely add frames/latency would be higher etc. Then you’d have all those people bashing the tech saying it’s crap cause their experience would be crap. Just like RT on 1xxx series. Remember? People complained, RT was made available on 1xxx series, and surprise, it ran like ass, hardware couldnt handle it vs 2xxx which had the actual hardware to run it.
Same with RT ( huge in games that use heavier RT, like CP2077, ratchet and clank, portal PT, etc ). I’ll also never understand people buying top end hardware ( take 4080 vs 7900xtx ) and not wanting their games to look as good as they can. I mean, why pay top dollar? 500 fps in counterstrike? Especially pc gamers that were like ‘gotta turn ultra on’ even if ultra made no difference and crippled performance. Suddenly RT which makes a huge difference in some titles and barely any in others ( light RT games which work fine on AMD, obviously ) is ‘pointless’ and a ‘gimmick’. Come on, are those people for real, think anyone’s buying it?

Everyone will complain because of different reasons, AMD users from jealousy / not being able to justify spending the money, Nv users from previous gens out of frustration that the new features arent available on their hardware etc. Doesn’t change reality though.