Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Way to big for a DLC pack. Some buildings look similar because the Egypt in Origins had a lot of Greek influences but the map in general feels and looks different topographically and in terms of biomes. Combat is different and there are many new additions. I think people get overly critical of these games because Ubi when many games, including Witcher, get away with so much **** stuff and I'm saying that as not really a Ubi fan (time savers are pathetic).

Not a perfect game and all but easily worth the money in comparison to many other titles. The only game that might surpass the world in this and Origins is RDR 2.
I've read a lot of contradictory info in the reviews for the game. Some people say that the xp grind has been increased in order to make booster packs more appealing. Is that true? Also, have they expanded on the modern day sections or reduced them?
I've read a lot of contradictory info in the reviews for the game. Some people say that the xp grind has been increased in order to make booster packs more appealing. Is that true? Also, have they expanded on the modern day sections or reduced them?

Nah you can play fine without the boosters. Just means you level more slowly which is not bad as you keep in pace with the game really. Boosters just mean it’s easier to outlevel some areas and get some perks quicker so making game slightly easier. But even on harder modes it’s not been a struggle.

World is absolutely massive with so many quests that’s getting XP, at least at lower levels is not too bad thus far.
Game looks good but am I not the only one who thinks it looks like it should be a DLC pack for origins, even a lot of the buildings etc. look the exact same as origins :/

They would do, architecture from Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt was very similar, an ancient temple or bathhouse in Egypt will look much the same as an ancient bathhouse in Greece.

Frankly the "should be a DLC" for Origins argument is idiotic. By that logic, Bioshock 2 should be a DLC for Bioshock 1, Vermintide 2 should be a DLC for Vermintide 1, Many of the Total War series should be DLCs for early Total War games and so on for many game sequels.

IMO, many people who are brandishing the "it should have been DLC" weapon are doing so because they have some other agenda for saying so than any real belief that a game the size of Odyssey should be DLC.
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I've read a lot of contradictory info in the reviews for the game. Some people say that the xp grind has been increased in order to make booster packs more appealing. Is that true? Also, have they expanded on the modern day sections or reduced them?

I'm very baffled by those who are saying the XP grind means you have to buy boosters, I can only imagine that is a classic example of the wrong target audience person trying to play the game. I havent bought any booster pack, I've had absolutely zero troubles with xp. I did see one person for example who claimed that the game was a moneygrab because you had to buy booster packs and his reasoning was that by the time he ran through the main story, he was struggling because he was only lvl 14. Well, there we go, thats precisely what I mean by the wrong target audience, if you are someone who wants to just rush the main story and do none of the side quests and activities (which bring in the xp), then you're playing wholly the wrong genre of game. The game rewards exploration and rewards going from A-B via C and D, not just rushing from story point to story point. Again, another case where the negative reviewer is using the booster pack argument without valid reasoning. (not you, tek, the people who are claiming that you must buy boosters to play the game). In summary, do the actual game content and you will have no xp worries (if anything, you will level too quickly !) , skip the game content and just try and rush the story (so that you can be first on youtube or say how brilliant you are because you completed the game in x hours) and its not that you will struggle for xp, its that you are a plank.

Case in point - there is one guy on steam who has completed the main story , 19 hours played. Just take a look through this thread and see where almost all of us are by 19 hours'll see that almost all of us have barely done 3 or 4 zones by 19 hours played. Yet that guy had blitzed the entire main story. Shows really that despite the effort to create this immersive and immense gameworld, this individual just bypassed it all and zipped through the main story only. Fine, if thats how he wants to play, some people read a book by reading the 1st chapter and then skipping to the end too I suppose., totally forgot to answer your other question. I'm past 40 hours played now and from what I've seen so far it seems like they have greatly reduced the modern day sections.
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As above, the DLC argument is idiotic. The only thing I can concede is that it shouldn't be called an AC game and I'd be in favour of them dropping the name and making a series of historical RPGs in different periods without all the fluff that stopped making sense a long time ago.

Likewise, there's no need for grinding and I can't imagine anyone playing this game to skip the most enjoyable bulk of it, like random exploration and side activities, to level up faster.
If it's pretty much the same as Origins xp wise, I don't have a problem with that. I found that the amount of content available made levelling fairly easy.
As above, the DLC argument is idiotic. The only thing I can concede is that it shouldn't be called an AC game and I'd be in favour of them dropping the name and making a series of historical RPGs in different periods without all the fluff that stopped making sense a long time ago.

Likewise, there's no need for grinding and I can't imagine anyone playing this game to skip the most enjoyable bulk of it, like random exploration and side activities, to level up faster.

This I would agree with, it doesnt really have a great deal of AC-eyness to it and tbh could have stood on its own feet as a new IP (along with Origins), I can see that they might think that the AC badge would improve sales but I believe that the quality of Origins and Odyssey is high enough that it would have sold well regardless of the AC badge.
This I would agree with, it doesnt really have a great deal of AC-eyness to it and tbh could have stood on its own feet as a new IP (along with Origins), I can see that they might think that the AC badge would improve sales but I believe that the quality of Origins and Odyssey is high enough that it would have sold well regardless of the AC badge.

That's what I'd do, just scrap AC and make a new IP. That way they'd avoid a lot of flak for milking the franchise and could have more freedom to include new elements/change stuff up.

Origins was somewhat justified showing the beginnings of the brotherhood but I'd just let AC die from then.
Case in point - there is one guy on steam who has completed the main story , 19 hours played. Just take a look through this thread and see where almost all of us are by 19 hours'll see that almost all of us have barely done 3 or 4 zones by 19 hours played. Yet that guy had blitzed the entire main story. Shows really that despite the effort to create this immersive and immense gameworld, this individual just bypassed it all and zipped through the main story only. Fine, if thats how he wants to play, some people read a book by reading the 1st chapter and then skipping to the end too I suppose.
Thats impossible though shirley? How does he beat the enemies that are above his level, because the game is designed around the grind of being forced to do sidequests - you have to do them in order to tackle some higher level missions. 19hrs seems horribly low...
I have to explore those engravings properly and defeat that damn boar, only tried once but I was one level below and it killed me when I got it down to half health:p
Same. Haven't even touched on Engravings yet because your equipment is constantly being replaced. As for that boar...I'm Lv16 now so maybe I could try :o
Same. Haven't even touched on Engravings yet because your equipment is constantly being replaced. As for that boar...I'm Lv16 now so maybe I could try :o

I'd reckon the boar will be lv16 as well as enemies scale with you (up to a point, I think):p Just got back to Kephallonia and wolves were lv13. I'm playing on hard but I think it's the same on lower levels.

Yeah, upgrades are very expensive so I upgrade every few levels like in Origins but I don't know what I want to use yet:/ Most of my gear is usually a couple of levels behind.
Thats impossible though shirley? How does he beat the enemies that are above his level, because the game is designed around the grind of being forced to do sidequests - you have to do them in order to tackle some higher level missions. 19hrs seems horribly low...

Im assuming he bought boosters so that he could rush through the game or something, only way I can think of for completing it in 19 hours
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