Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Just been reading about this mission creation mode thingy.... Just when I thought the game couldn't get any better!

Ubisoft really pulling out all the stops with this. Be interesting to see what people come up with.
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Can do, depends on your play style really.

AFAIK, took me 110 hours to complete base game to 100% completion. A quicker run through of main stuff I imagine could be done in much less time, half that.

The initial legacy of first blade adds about 15 hours or so and Atlantis DLC (only 2 of three parts are out yet) add new areas entirely so will take a bit longer.

Right now Uplay is showing 184 hours for me with remaining 2 parts of Atlantis DLC still to be played, so yeah for me at least 200 hours seems around the number I will hit, but that will mean having done everything, stopping and doing random things etc.
Can do, depends on your play style really.

AFAIK, took me 110 hours to complete base game to 100% completion. A quicker run through of main stuff I imagine could be done in much less time, half that.

The initial legacy of first blade adds about 15 hours or so and Atlantis DLC (only 2 of three parts are out yet) add new areas entirely so will take a bit longer.

Right now Uplay is showing 184 hours for me with remaining 2 parts of Atlantis DLC still to be played, so yeah for me at least 200 hours seems around the number I will hit, but that will mean having done everything, stopping and doing random things etc.
lol I'm only 50 hours in
Over 170 hours, not played for a few months now. I also haven't played any of the Atlantis dlc, so when the last one is released in gonna go through all 3. Looking forward to it.

They could easily do another year of dlc imo.
It makes me wonder how the artists who created the original world feel when they see these mods and shaders altering their work. I've never been a supporter of mods for this reason as I don't think I'd like it, seeing my work changed to please someone else’s aesthetic.
Started Atlantis too now that they're all out and WOW! What an unbelievably gorgeous world they made! And sound design is on point as well, it all comes together beautifully and creates a truly fantastic atmosphere. I'm simply blown away by how good it is. They have atoned for their awful 3rd chapter of the first dlc with this. Even if the other 2 suck (still in Elysium) I'm okay because I love this one so much. Very cool how they have all these nods to mythology from both overseers and locations.

I also have to add - no stealing & no mercs, what a joy to play! The kolossi are also decently challenging, at least at first, if you go warrior. It's a nice change of pace.

Very happy with the game right now. Think I'll stop wasting time on games that half-heartedly keep me engaged just so I can get a playthrough. Back to basics, if it's all AC then so be it. Variety is overrated.
180 hours in and still got so much to do,best game I’ve ever played and I’m interested in how many hours I’ll put in it to complete it.
Finished Elysium, gets a 10/10 from me. Very strong start to Underworld as well, holy heck! I just can't say enough good things about this game. It's not DLC, it's an expansion! I can't even imagine how cool Kingdoms is gonna be. The only thing that worries me is Ubisoft can turn on a dime and go from great to garbage (see FC5 vs New Dawn, and every modern day section in this game). Sigh.


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