Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

When I saw the bootleg trailer I thought the "do you bleed" line sounded cool, now I've heard in the HD trailer and realised it's a synthesised voice rather than just a deep growl I'm not so sure.

It's modulated because he's in the armoured suit. Otherwise it would sound normal.
OK so another major issue I have is if this is based on TDKR then it is at the end of their time so how the heck can the Justice league be formed after this, unless there is going to be some time travel involved...

Going to reserve judgement for after I've seen the movie but my first impression is this should have been the last movie they do with Superman/Batman not the first.

Nolan's trilogy was a self contained batverse arc which was designed to have a gritty realism rather than comic book superpowers.

By virtue of superman being in it, any of Nolan's arc is gone.
Nolan's trilogy was a self contained batverse arc which was designed to have a gritty realism rather than comic book superpowers.

By virtue of superman being in it, any of Nolan's arc is gone.

Was talking about the Comic TDKR not the movie. :)
I'm really liking the idea behind the film but struggling to see how this lends itself to a justice league lead in, unless this is a one shot.
For all the people saying its hard to see how this is going to help form the justice league. You do realise all we've seen of the movie is a teaser right?

And it'll take inspiration from TDKR. It won't be a carbon copy of it. Let's just see how the next trailer plays out! ;)
For all the people saying its hard to see how this is going to help form the justice league. You do realise all we've seen of the movie is a teaser right?

And it'll take inspiration from TDKR. It won't be a carbon copy of it. Let's just see how the next trailer plays out! ;)

What I'm seeing is that batman want to see if Superman is a force for good or something else, he want s to know himself who superman really is. Led appears, at least to set himself up as the real bad guy, either using others to do his work for him and him behind the scenes, with WonderWoman over looking most of it and a introduction scene with a small nit of action to see what she is about for her own movie. With bats and sups creating a halfway alliance with each other, at most the start of them trusting each other.
What I'm seeing is that batman want to see if Superman is a force for good or something else, he want s to know himself who superman really is. Led appears, at least to set himself up as the real bad guy, either using others to do his work for him and him behind the scenes, with WonderWoman over looking most of it and a introduction scene with a small nit of action to see what she is about for her own movie. With bats and sups creating a halfway alliance with each other, at most the start of them trusting each other.

Read some people's opinions on the matter over on another forum. The most interesting one I found was that superman is making reparations for the destruction of metropolis and the invasion by his people by temporarily working for the government, possibly to hunt down batman.

I imagine he will think little of batman until they physically meet and bats can explain he's being played.
Read some people's opinions on the matter over on another forum. The most interesting one I found was that superman is making reparations for the destruction of metropolis and the invasion by his people by temporarily working for the government, possibly to hunt down batman.

I imagine he will think little of batman until they physically meet and bats can explain he's being played.

That could work, and would stay on the theme of TDKR comic, only for different reasons.
Watched it in HD its brilliant

I hated the fact aflect was in it the guys in his 40s, but he looks the part and young for a bruce wayne.

While the trailer is one sided as someone earlier posted hopefully we get to see it from superman's eyes and batman is the bad one, that is the perfect way to get the movie and point across.

Batman looked great, his uniform was more realistic none of that smooth black finish

full uniform is revealed here:

I like that its all marked up and even his utility belt is scratched and scuffed !

Lots of unanswered questions regarding when its set or how JL members will appear but that is the avengers build up.
I wonder whether they'll keep the comic book style movement they had in the first film for Superman when fighting. The way he moved so fast it seemed like he'd disappear and appear next to the bad guy, already doing an uppercut or whatever. I'd have thought that style would seem a bit off when fighting Batman.
We just have to hope or pretend batman keeps a small piece of kryptonite in his utility belt which prevents supes from doing just that.... even better I hope they re-create this scene!

Doesn't make much sense that batman can toss superman across the room unassisted. :confused: They do stuff like that all the time in these cartoons, virtually zero continuity.
It is DC so I hope they don't follow their TV show trends from the Flash where a guy who can run so fast he can travel through time is unable to take down 2 dude with guns when it suits. I hope they don't do similar cringe inducing things to make Batman last that little bit longer.
I really like this quote...

"If Clark wanted to, he could use his superspeed and squish me into the cement. But I know how he thinks. Even more than the Kryptonite, he's got one big weakness. Deep down, Clark's essentially a good person... and deep down, I'm not."
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