The video linked below is the actual benchmark here, its 13 minutes of Gameplay on a full 64 man server, its not camping away from the action, its me playing the game as anyone would, Highest Fidelity 1080P.
Average framerate : 78.4 FPS
Minimum framerate : 46.3 FPS (caused by Sutter, actual is 55 FPS) see reasons below.
Maximum framerate : 123.1 FPS
1% low framerate : 21.3 FPS (mmmm no, because i was recording it?)
0.1% low framerate : 2.0 FPS (lol)
Couple of things to note about that, the 46 FPS min didn't seem right to me, i never saw that in the game and i know all it takes is one stutter glitch to knock out a result like that, so i had a look for it, sure enough its the result of a lag stutter at 3:26, its the only time it happened, however i want to know what the actual Minimum Frame rates are, so i watched the FPS counter back in the video for 13 minutes
there are two or three occasions where the frame rates go as low as 55 FPS without any stutter. so that's what i'm going with.
The 1% and 0.1% lows, yeah again that never registered on the counter which updates once a second, so i'm putting those down to stutter, perhaps writing to disk from recording it?
Again this is the run from that benchmark, unlike a lot of large reviewers i have provided the data for you to scrutinise.
PS: for most of it my GPU is the bottleneck, i'm thinking about a 720P run.