Factorio on steam

For the princely sum of £15 this has been an amazingly good purchase.

I can see myself returning to this time and again (like Civ).

Bonus points - it runs on a potato, so I can take it with me on work trips installed on my wife's ancient hand-me-down laptop that struggles with large turns in Civ 4 and it runs just fine.
I've racked about 30 hours so far, finally launched my first rocket too. I've parked it for a while, but will probably go back when there is more content released / mods etc.
This thread is making me want to buy this game. I've watched a few YouTube videos and it looks pretty good although I'm not sure I'd be very good at it. I have so many games on my to play list that adding another one seems silly.

Buying too many bundles results in a huge Steam library with most games not even played once. I've bought a few where I just wanted one game and ended up with 6 others that I didn't even know about.
This game is SO worth the money, I've been through the Alpha stage clocked in over 130+ hours and the factories are getting bigger! it can only get better imo.
Either by stumbling upon them or when you create enough pollution.

If you're this impatient then this probably isn't the game for you.

I appreciate I'm going out on a limb here, but...

It's not that I need to blast some aliens but I just find it incredibly unrewarding buidling a complex factory only to what, launch a rocket into space? Is that it? :confused:
I appreciate I'm going out on a limb here, but...

It's not that I need to blast some aliens but I just find it incredibly unrewarding buidling a complex factory only to what, launch a rocket into space? Is that it? :confused:

The way I see it, the game is a series of dynamic puzzles. "What is the most efficient way I can make lots of X from my supply of Y using this area in the corner of my base? How much power do I need to supply everything? What's the best defence stragey against the aliens? Is it more efficient to mine these small sources and use conveyor belts or go for the further away and larger dopsit, and move it all by train? What's the best way to run the track from here to there?"
I appreciate I'm going out on a limb here, but...

It's not that I need to blast some aliens but I just find it incredibly unrewarding buidling a complex factory only to what, launch a rocket into space? Is that it? :confused:

Then these types of games aren't for you. It's all about the journey(grasshopper :p). The end goal isn't really important.

It's solving all the little puzzles and trying to make things better, quicker, easier etc. It can be very addictive.

There's just one reason why I haven't bought this, I know that I'll probably lose days to it.

Me too, I played the demo and was instantly hooked. I just know if I buy it, I will spend all my free time at it.

The other reason I am hesitating about buying it, is that it's on early access and not due out until the end of 2016 at the earliest. Sometimes it's better to wait for final release.
I appreciate I'm going out on a limb here, but...

It's not that I need to blast some aliens but I just find it incredibly unrewarding buidling a complex factory only to what, launch a rocket into space? Is that it? :confused:

Kind of - you start out stranded on the alien world, so the objective of launching a satellite is to alert your people so they can come and get you.

There's already a mod out there called "toxic jungle" that makes the entire planet into a deathworld - every scrap of ore you can harvest must be put towards weapons development/ammo if you have any chance of surviving, and you need to constantly push back the enemies (who evolve and get tougher) in order to reach new mineral deposits... Sounds like that might be up your street.

By the way, there's a free demo version with 2-3 missions to try out the general feel of the game if anyone fancies it (from website or on steam).

Edit: just noticed demo has already been referred to several times. D'oh! sorry for the redundancy.
There's already a mod out there called "toxic jungle" that makes the entire planet into a deathworld - every scrap of ore you can harvest must be put towards weapons development/ammo if you have any chance of surviving, and you need to constantly push back the enemies (who evolve and get tougher) in order to reach new mineral deposits... Sounds like that might be up your street.

I might check that out actually. There's a game called Creeper World which I thought would mix well with a game like Factorio. Sounds a little similar.
I put about 30 hours into this game, then my mate suggested Minecraft. I'm sure I'll be back to Factorio at some point though. Like another guy said, it runs on basically any PC, so great to kill the time on trips/travelling if you've only got a low power laptop
Glad to see other people enjoying this, i purchased the game direct god knows how long ago, put 60+ hours into it easy.... have to avoid playing it now so I dont lose whole days building!
Launched my first rocket. Hurrah! Least efficient, most spaghettified factory ever.

There are great swathes of game/research unexplored yet, but I'm putting it on the back burner til the next major release to avoid burning myself out.
Anyone still playing? I recently bought this to build a factory with my mate. This game is highly addictive and worth every penny of that 15 pounds.
I'm on hiatus for a few weeks having put over 250 hours in since the summer. I've got a game running where I am aiming for the Lazy B*stard achievement that I drop into for an hour or two every so often, but factory crafting everything is so slow...

It's my game of the year and possibly of the last 5 years personally, but it's very marmite.
One problem we have is factory placements. Our first try we spent 3 hours on before realising everything was too close together. So we made a new game and spent another 3 hours playing.

Think we might be a little too far spread this time though but we will see how it goes :D

Took a while to figure out how to host a game though. This is the pretty much the only game of which I've had to open ports.
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