Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 17th August 2006

26 Dec 2002
Folding@Home Team News 10th - 17th August 2006

Current Team Position: 48th
Current Team Score: 18,597,403
Crunched This Week: 338,984 (24hr avg. 48,716)
Change from Last Week: +67,970

Next on the stomping horizon

43 The Team - 150 days (-86 days)
44 MacAddict4Life - 74 days (-60 days)
45 GruntvillE.CoM - 52 days (-29 days)
46 - 44 days (-73 days)
47 Team Lithuania - 17 days (-58 days)

Teams stomped this week

None :(

Ones to keep an eye on

73 Free Republic Folders - 629 days (+263 days)

This Week's Top Dumpers

1 . sculptor(OcUK) - 25,124 :eek:
2 . Gazzza - 19,366
3 . Babyface_UK - 15,400
4 . Bigstan - 14,703
5 . magman - 14,540
6 . LigerZero - 13,856
7 . lemonman - 12,684
8 . br - 11,333
9 . _Berserker_ - 9,615
10 . Steevo38_(OcUK) - 8,871
11 . Huddy - 7,639
12 . polandro - 7,369
13 . bam0 - 7,231
14 . froggy - 7,043
15 . kinnison - 6,958
16 . hornytoe - 6,754
17 . lightning512 - 5,498
18 . Dunc - 5,460
19 . verbal - 5,395
20 . vent - 5,320
21 . BigDom - 4,822
22 . rich99million - 4,359
23 . The_Alabama_Slamma - 4,004
24 . penfold - 3,899
25 . RobOC - 3,863
26 . diogenese - 3,821
27 . BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 3,762
28 . Trick - 3,583
29 . Prescott28 - 3,447
30 . Ken - 3,349
31 . duggyruss - 3,296
32 . Freefaller - 3,291
33 . locrian - 3,290
34 . Mattus - 2,912
35 . aXeR - 2,871
36 . piggott - 2,650
37 . dr.who - 2,628
38 . SiriusB_[OcUK] - 2,612
39 . the_running_man21 - 2,465
40 . deej - 1,895
41 . Walter_Anderson - 1,885
42 . TheTross - 1,844
43 . Psycho_Sonny - 1,839
44 . Elston - 1,811
45 . sr4470 - 1,795
46 . Stormrider(OcUK) - 1,616
47 . oceaness - 1,550
48 . Unforgiven - 1,509
49 . br83taylor - 1,503
50 . MetalGuru - 1,473
51 . Concorde_Rules - 1,456
52 . StevenG[OCUK] - 1,426
53 . Fatiain - 1,348
54 . lemonan - 1,319
55 . Corran - 1,290
56 . Jonathan_CTI_Amesbury - 1,237
57 . 2bullish - 1,186
58 . blitz2163 - 1,172
59 . JoeyJoJo(OcUK) - 1,171
60 . aceface57 - 1,156
61 . lee87 - 1,137
62 . Pilgrim57 - 1,134
63 . Borged_by_MGP - 1,133
64 . Joe42 - 1,122
65 . casale - 1,115
66 . 8_I3ALL - 1,106
67 . MajorPart - 1,092
68 . iBot - 1,089
69 . FatRakoon - 1,080
70 . Ricko - 1,073
71 . happytechie - 1,012
72 . Otacon - 1,009
73 . Rincin - 984

Single Machine Folding League

Colour Key: MultiCore/MultiCPU, SingleCore, Unclarified

1 . Dunc - 5,460
2 . The_Alabama_Slamma - 4,004
3 . SiriusB_[OcUK] - 2,612
4 . sr4470 - 1,795
5 . Stormrider(OcUK) - 1,616
6 . Unforgiven - 1,509
7 . br83taylor - 1,503
8 . Concorde_Rules - 1456
9 . StevenG[OCUK] - 1,426
10 . JoeyJoJo(OcUK) - 1,171
11 . lee87 - 1,137
12 . Pilgrim57 - 1,134
13 . Borged_by_MGP - 1,133
14 . 8_I3ALL - 1,106
15 . iBot - 1,089
16 . happytechie - 1,012
17 . Rincin - 984
18 . Plasmoid - 840
19 . LavaMonkey - 704
20 . lucifersam - 598
21 . Mikebert4 - 557
22 . _Viking_ - 396
23 . alonso - 392
24 . Leftfieldtilt - 267
25 . Kaed - 229
26 . ALD - 226
27 . orderoftheflame - 226
28 . Pixel - 226
29 . Zefan - 226
30 . BlackAqua - 153
31 . MattBrown - 153
32 . TinkerBell - 153
33 . ToLearn - 153
34 . Adnams_Drinker - 130
35 . XFi - 68

This Week's Top Stompers

Daryl_Hill - 284
piers - 273
Panzerbjorn - 244
Ross - 96
lloydy - 86
satman - 69
lemonan - 65
kicks66 - 62
LavaMonkey - 58
Borged_by_MGP - 51
piers225 - 47
neil3k - 35
alonso - 29
Mikebert4 - 23
br83taylor - 21
catman05 - 19
8_I3ALL - 17
_Viking_ - 14
Psycho_Sonny - 14
deej - 13
Freefaller - 13
orderoftheflame - 13
ALD - 12
magman - 11
Spud_Gunn - 11
The_Alabama_Slamma - 11
locrian - 10
Stormrider(OcUK) - 10
iBot - 9
Leftfieldtilt - 9
lemonman - 9
RobOC - 9
SiriusB_[OcUK] - 9
Kaed - 8
Snapshot - 8
StevenG[OCUK] - 8
blitz2163 - 7
cokecan72 - 7
Unforgiven - 7
lucifersam - 6
penfold - 6
ToLearn - 6
2bullish - 5
DarylHill - 5
Elston - 5
Jonathan_CTI_Amesbury - 5
MattBrown - 5
Zefan - 5
Babyface_UK - 4
Dead_Martyr - 4
FatRakoon - 4
JoeyJoJo(OcUK) - 4
Mejinks - 4
Adnams_Drinker - 3
Gazzza - 3
Twem - 3
Andy_113 - 2
bam0 - 2
br - 2
lee87 - 2
lightning512 - 2
Neil - 2
Plasmoid - 2
verbal - 2

This Week's Tiffy-Kat Winners

_Berserker_ - 425,000
Bigstan - 325,000
kinnison - 275,000
Dunc - 180,000
vent - 180,000
Gazzza - 120,000
BigDom - 120,000
br - 100,000
Babyface_UK - 80,000
bam0 - 70,000
magman - 60,000
lemonman - 60,000
Rincin - 40,000
Corran - 30,000
The_Alabama_Slamma - 25,000
Freefaller - 20,000
SiriusB_[OcUK] - 15,000
2bullish - 15,000
Mejinks - 15,000
Stormrider(OcUK) - 12,500
Unforgiven - 12,500
StevenG[OCUK] - 12,500
deej - 10,000
Psycho_Sonny - 7,500
br83taylor - 5,000
8_I3ALL - 5,000
lemonan - 2,500
LavaMonkey - 1,000
alonso - 1,000
ALD - 1,000
orderoftheflame - 1,000
ToLearn - 1,000

Congrats to all the Tiffy-Kat winners!!!

This Week's New Members

Daryl_Hill - same as "DarylHill" ?

A great big warm welcome to the team! :)
If you haven't done so already then why not check out the Folding@Home Setup Guide and the Quickie Guide for more foldy-tastic tips especially for when you're in a rush

Ahhh now that's what I like to see - we are Green for GO!!! :D
A fantastic week for the team - and it can only get better with the return of the borgs on the horizon - way to go everybody :cool:
Sorry anyone who's not been mentioned - you know what to do now

***Only got one machine crunching? - Have a looky here***

Stats compiled from Stanford official stats page and EOC stats page
Stomping and Dumping Stats calculated between 20:30 August 10th and 19:30 August 17th

Previous Weeks' News:
August 10th, August 3rd, July 27th, July 20th, July 13th, July 6th, June 29th, June 22nd, June 15th, June 8th, June 2nd, May 26th, May 19th, May 12th, May 5th, April 28th, April 21st, April 14th, April 7th, March 31st, March 24th, March 17th, March 10th, March 3rd, February 24th, February 17th, February 10th, February 3rd, January 27th, January 20th, January 13th, January 6th, December 30th, December 23rd, December 16th, December 9th, November 25th, November 18th, November 11th, November 4th, October 28th, October 21st, October 14th, October 7th, September 23rd, September 9th, September 2nd, August 26th

Single Machine Crunchers:
8_I3ALL, Adnams_Drinker, ALD, alonso, astraman, benjo1989, Bennah, BlackAqua, Borged_by_MGP, br83taylor, Concorde_Rules, divine_madness, Dunc, Euphoriabuzz, happytechie, iBot, JoeyJoJo(OcUK), jonnyc90, Kaed, killer_uk, LavaMonkey, lee87, Leftfieldtilt, lucifersam, m4cc45, Mandex001, Matblack, MattBrown, Mikebert4, MrWhippy, ms9cw, Napalm, nellystew, NightmareXX, OcUKIsotope, orderoftheflame, Pilgrim57, Pixel, Plasmoid, pmbuzz, Pumpkinstew, Putty, Rincin, SB, SiriusB_[OcUK], slamma07, sr4470, Stelly, StevenG[OCUK], Stormrider(OcUK), The_Alabama_Slamma, TinkerBell, ToLearn, Unforgiven, Viking, XFi, Zefan, Zip, Zirax ...
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Rich, why is Joey's name in bold in the wee list of single machine crunchers at the bottom?

EDIT: Rich, did you see you got a few mentions in GD's "Pick the next underboss" thread? I though you might like to know.
Because I'm special :p

Probably marked me for removal from the single machine list. I finally got my parents' xp 2500+ (at 3200) folding. Should give 100-120 ppd consistently.

Vote Rich for president!
BillytheImpaler said:
Rich, why is Joey's name in bold in the wee list of single machine crunchers at the bottom?

EDIT: Rich, did you see you got a few mentions in GD's "Pick the next underboss" thread? I though you might like to know.
he's in bold to remind me to remove him for next week's news as he's borged another machine

yes I did have a look through the UB post last night - was really chuffed that so many of you put my name forward :cool:
I have given it a lot of thought and am actually very interested though it doesn't seem to have been made clear if it's to be a general UB position(s) or specifically to keep GD in order - at least in the first 18 pages I read last night it was being kept as vague as possible
I think many others here in DC would also be ideal for the job - probably the reason we very rarely need any kind of moderating here :)

joeyjojo said:
Now what can that mean...
that means there's still a whole load of production available on school machines which are still resting for summer - it's gonna be great!!! :cool:
rich99million said:
that means there's still a whole load of production available on school machines which are still resting for summer - it's gonna be great!!! :cool:
Aw man, can't wait to see that. Ring's a bell, I think you talked about it a while back when some guy was gonna borg his school. What are the machines, and how many? What's their production? Or are these details under wraps until they get their own "my farm" thread?
joeyjojo said:
Aw man, can't wait to see that. Ring's a bell, I think you talked about it a while back when some guy was gonna borg his school. What are the machines, and how many? What's their production? Or are these details under wraps until they get their own "my farm" thread?
well looking back to old news posts...

29th June:

1 . LigerZero - 34,193
2 . DarkendViper - 12,401
3 . Ricko - 10,057

I'm actually not sure what happened to Ricko :o
Ligerzero (Whitestar) and DarkendViper should both be bringing quite some production back with them though I think :)
Infact Whitestar does seem to have got quite some power already at his fingertips - maybe just dusting off the servers in advance of the kiddies coming back
thanks for the news rich (how oftern do you kill keyboards with over use of the ctrl key ;) )

And thanks for the 'lemonan' post (I should have spotted that earlier - 2k would have keep that magman of my back nicely :D )

Just Loveing the 20% increase in team production - GO TEAM 10 roll on week of the borgs.
Of course! Look at old news posts. Heh, this is great, I can see the week I started folding (24th March). Don't they get archived?
joeyjojo said:
Don't they get archived?
They get archived when Mr. Berserker feels like archiving them. Not long ago the forums ran on a much older server that had much less disk space. Because storage was limited the dons would periodically prune old threads. Since the switch to the new server the need to prune has been significantly reduced.
joeyjojo said:
Of course! Look at old news posts. Heh, this is great, I can see the week I started folding (24th March). Don't they get archived?
Mister B chucks them into the archive once they get old enough - a few have been missed but I have the raw text for every single news post from when I started on my PC :eek: :D
Woo great news rich as usual. Got my 15K tiffy in just in time :D

Also nice to see I am the best single machine cruncher. At least out of us single machine crunchers that don't have a Deep Thought computer crunching away :p

SiriusB said:
Also nice to see I am the best single machine cruncher. At least out of us single machine crunchers that don't have a Deep Thought computer crunching away :p


FORTY-TWO?!?! ;)

Actually, I'm in position 42 on the dumpers list this week after another good week for me :cool:

Thanks for the news rich, 'tis always appreciated matey!
Good news everyone!

I have just borged my brothers PC! It is a 3700+ @ stock [for now] and will be running for most evenings and most of the weekends. So rich, you better take me off the Single Crunchers list :)

Won't be a fantastic PPD because of the limited crunching time but every little helps!
Great to see we're on the up again.
Still out of the game here, few things haven't gone to plan but i'm going to be making a comeback pretty soon. Sometime next week methinks...

In the mean time, stomped aceface57 and i'd like to issue a parp to Rincin.

Been very busy with various things recently so haven't been around as much as i'd like to have been.
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Thanks for the news Mr 99Million Sah :cool:

Me thinks it is time to pool my resources as I have no competition at the top of the single PC users league :p

dunc said:
Thanks for the news Mr 99Million Sah :cool:

Me thinks it is time to pool my resources as I have no competition at the top of the single PC users league :p


Switch off that Cray and use a proper computer then!

Glad to see production on the rise, good work Rich with the news. (is there a typo next to team lithuania or is it really 7517 days?)

Nice week all round then, happy to see me in all 4 lists. Although anoying as i know i lost half a days production and with that i might just have edged to the top of the single core crunchers. Also made it into the top 200 and onto the 2nd page. :)
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