Golf Thread

had day off today to recover from the NFL yesterday so thought I'd best make use of it :D

i've just joined Beeston Fields - proper old style place.

that's my worst round in a while to be honest. my driving was really good, putting wasn't too bad (though I did 4-putt once) and I hit some really nice iron shots into greens. bit of a mixed bag!
What a lovely looking course, deffo have to put that one on the list of Must plays :D

A think i need a day off, going to see Greenday tonight at the LG arena! :cool:
I think I have found the solution to my latest bout of the tops:

Quite often the tops starts when you are not hitting the ball great and as a consequence of the loss in confidence, you feel the need to look up for the ball just as you strike it.

Try forcing yourself to keep looking down at the ground until after you have hit the ball, then look for it. It's much easier if you are playing along with someone else as you can have them keep an eye on the ball for you. But you need to trust your swing and don't jump up looking for your ball.
I think I have found the solution to my latest bout of the tops:

I had a 30 minute lesson in a swing studio with my pro....AMAZING results and picks up things like this. Worth giving it ago. Once you get the feeling go to the range afterwards and just swing at balls keeping your head down to really cement the feeling in :D
This is what I thought it was at first, but I consciously tried to keep my eyes down but still had the same problem. I think it is more to do with straightening up during the swing.

Will give this a go anyway, as at the moment my weight is evenly balanced throughout the whole swing and needs working on. So I'm going to attempt to keep body down/eyes down and have more weight on the left leg.
In percentage terms I am 50/50 in weight, so what sort of percentage distribution do people here use at impact?
In percentage terms I am 50/50 in weight, so what sort of percentage distribution do people here use at impact?

Now you have me thinking :confused:

I am currently standing here mimicking a swing to work it out lol :p

Im thinking 70 / 30.....
Just went to practice with this new weight shift deal.
At first, was the same as before, but with concentration I hit the cleanest shots I have ever hit. That woosh noise on strike, uber high flight and one bounce and stop.

Thing is I could only hit the good ones ever second or third swing, so need to work on consistency and I should be good to go with irons.

:D I also hit my first ever clean 4 iron, amazing, 180 yards dead straight and high with a soft-ish landing. If only every swing produced that, I could turn pro :p
You got me thinking as well.....

I have a lot more weight on my front leg probably around about the same 70 / 30. I try to focus on keeping my head height level throught my swing. Then i focus on my follow through for the draw or fade.

I wonder how many things we think of as we make the swing.

At the moment, my swing thoughts are, left shoulder under chin, and then weight to front foot.
How I am finding it since I have been playing is; keep swing thoughts for few sessions till they become engrained then see pro and get new ones and repeat.
I have started to focus my weight more on my right leg and keeping my eye on the ball when I strike it. I found I kept dipping my right shoulder which was causing all sorts of wierd shots so I just focus on keeping my eye on the ball, not thinking too much about it and being concisive with my swing and follow through. Been hitting some great shots of late thanks to it. :)
I used to have massive problems of getting through the ball too early (always crisp strikes but out to the right) so now i'm always thinking stay back and am more 60/40 than 70/30 probably; never thought of it like that before though :D

Played 9h today +2, didn't get off the tee well but hit good iron shots into greens.
Heres a good tip that i find helps....

When out on a round get a playing partner to take a picture of you as you play a shot. NOt a posed one but more of an unsuspecting one. That way you can see some faults.

Please don't pick me apart now :p but here is one that i had taken recently. Things like over swing etc spring to mind :D


Also a video on a mobile is good as it gives you a true visual of your EVERYDAY swing.
Only thing my novice eyes pick out, apart from the aforementioned is your left foot. My pro said to keep it nice and square by I know some people like it slightly open, is it by choice? or just body mechanics mean some people just do it?
Only thing my novice eyes pick out, apart from the aforementioned is your left foot. My pro said to keep it nice and square by I know some people like it slightly open, is it by choice? or just body mechanics mean some people just do it?

Great spot Sukh! :)

I will have to talk to my pro on that one, i always concentrate on my top half but seems i should be looking lower down! :p

Your right i should be square, will bring that one up tomorrow

Thanks :D
Only thing my novice eyes pick out, apart from the aforementioned is your left foot. My pro said to keep it nice and square by I know some people like it slightly open, is it by choice? or just body mechanics mean some people just do it?

I have my feet both slightly open so it is easier to turn and pivot on them. Place your feed inwards like / \ that and try to turn and stay nice and balanced, now place them \ / like so, and now swing. There is much less resistance with them slightly open and allows you to coil with greater ease on the way back.

The slashes are a greatly exaggerated, I only mean by around 5 degrees.
all this talk of weight and stuff baffles me, I've never been one for swing mechanics (which is why I'm inconsistent and still at 19 i guess :p though I will be improving into next year - as a challenge I reckon I can be 12 (if not better) by this time next year) I just check that I'm lined up properly and tell myself "it's just like hitting a pitching wedge".

re the topping thing, i find that happens if you try and melt the thing - the harder you swing at the more likely it is to be topped or thinned. i guess they are linked and probably one and the same, if you're still topping it try slowing down your swing and making it shorter.

jsut my 2 cents - the great thing about golf, everyone has an opinion :D
re the topping thing, i find that happens if you try and melt the thing - the harder you swing at the more likely it is to be topped or thinned. i guess they are linked and probably one and the same, if you're still topping it try slowing down your swing and making it shorter.

It is usually quite common for lots of guys to top the ball when going after it because they want to know exactly where it has gone the moment its been hit. If you watch them their head is linked to their hands with their club just before impact and follow through. It starts comming up with their hands just before impact throwing their body all out of sync. The best ball-strikers leave their head still watching where the ball was until the club is around 3-4 feet past impact.

the great thing about golf, everyone has an opinion :D

Indeed its great isn't it :D, just try not to confuse it with fact or what the pro's tell you to do :D
It is usually quite common for lots of guys to top the ball when going after it because they want to know exactly where it has gone the moment its been hit. If you watch them their head is linked to their hands with their club just before impact and follow through. It starts coming up with their hands just before impact throwing their body all out of sync. The best ball-strikers leave their head still watching where the ball was until the club is around 3-4 feet past impact.

This is what I found in my experience, I was too anxious to see where it was going, and started topping it. Now I have started "attacking" the ball and it gets up ridiculously high, so have plenty of time to see it.
Quite liking this new ball flight, mid-high irons short after 2 bounces max, but I have lost some distance.
6 iron to 150 now, but can't complain as I think higher ball flight is better than flat distance.
Starting the winter golf tomorrow morning. 7.30am start at our regular winter golf course. Should be fun. Hoping i can recreate my best 4 hole run of birdie (Par 4), eagle (par 4), eagle (par 5), birdie (par 4) that i did at the end of the winter season last year. Out in 33 which included two doubles on the first two holes.
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