Golf Thread

Finally back playing after a few weeks off following my bike crash.

Played 9 holes Saturday, aiming to "take it really easy" :p Hit a few decent drives, was definitely more accurate off the tee - slower swing speed with a still partially frozen shoulder. Played again yesterday, shoulder in much better condition - swings are pretty much back to normal now, just a bit sore the day after! Looking forward to playing more again.
Gutted! Was on for a big PB on my club's harder course, despite once again racking up a seven at the 1st, with a chance to break 90 for the first time when I had a blow up of epic proportions on the 17th :rolleyes:


Between the 2nd and 16th made just one mistake when playing for safety off the 7th tee, was reckless with where I aimed and put my 5i in the stream that separates it from the back of the 5th green. That cost me a double. Other than that all pars and bogeys.

Had par'd the par 3 15th and short par 4 16th which opposses the 17th. Then proceeded to hit my first two tee shots OOB to the right before putting my third in the water down the left. Walked away with an eleven! Bogeyed the last to equal my PB of 95 :p

Stupid game.
Anyone here going to the LIV event at JCB?

I am quite interested in seeing what it's like and tickets aren't too bad price. Never been to a live golf event before.
Had a chance to demo a Vokey SM9 today. 54 degree. Compared to my Mavrik sand wedge it was night n day for chipping and spin. I could hit low nippers and they would bite after one hop instead of keep going. The check was something else. Back to reality now.
I went to the first LIV UK event, wasn't at the JCB but the Centurion (got free tickets) but it was super chilled, great turnout, good food & drink options and just felt more fun. Would highly recommend it
Just realised the date clashes with another event I've got. Shame.

Played my local 9 today, 46, not too bad. Driver is all over the place and driving me insane. I have a horrible slice now which is killing me. Need to get back to the range and work on it.
Had an interesting few weeks golfing. Started by playing my absolute worst round ever (talking 130+) on a medal (HCP was 40 odd though). Spent rest of the following week working on a few issues with swing, didn't feel fully confident and ended up playing in the club comp the weekend just gone - went and shot 45 points and ended up winning the entire thing, everything just clicked. Didn't have a single bad drive the entire round, HCP went down by 5 points (which i'm happy with), now need to just replicate it again!
Watching travellers after the us open is boring af. Last week every hole was tense no matter who was on the screen. Now it’s a race for max birdies. Quite a come down.

The memorial the week prior was a grind as well.
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how the other half play..... :laugh:

Team match tonight at home- getting 2 shots off the guy I was playing... (he was 3.2)

Weird when he pulls out 4 iron on the first tee..... Par 5 500 yards uphill....

Then proceeds to hit it 265 yards:eek:

And so went the rest of the night....

4th hole - 400 yards - hybrid, wedge
5th hole - 420 yards - driver wedge
9th hole - 330 yards - 4 iron, flick wedge

was 4 down after 12...

I hit 7 wood, 3 wood to 13th..... He hit driver up over the ditch at 280 yards and wedge in.... Thankfully I drained my 15ft for birdie... then won 14 with a par 3, and 15 with an eagle 3.

I lost 3&1 in the end after he hit 245 yard 5 iron into the 16th to 10ft...

Like a totally different game he was playing - I've never seen someone hit the ball as far with irons in my life. I'm not a short hitter, but he was at least 2 or 3 clubs less into every hole.
Watching travellers after the us open is boring af. Last week every hole was tense no matter who was on the screen. Now it’s a race for max birdies. Quite a come down.

The memorial the week prior was a grind as well.
I get where you’re coming, even turned it off due to the lack of excitement. Hopefully Scottie can ignite a spark.
how the other half play..... :laugh:

Team match tonight at home- getting 2 shots off the guy I was playing... (he was 3.2)

Weird when he pulls out 4 iron on the first tee..... Par 5 500 yards uphill....

Then proceeds to hit it 265 yards:eek:

And so went the rest of the night....

4th hole - 400 yards - hybrid, wedge
5th hole - 420 yards - driver wedge
9th hole - 330 yards - 4 iron, flick wedge

was 4 down after 12...

I hit 7 wood, 3 wood to 13th..... He hit driver up over the ditch at 280 yards and wedge in.... Thankfully I drained my 15ft for birdie... then won 14 with a par 3, and 15 with an eagle 3.

I lost 3&1 in the end after he hit 245 yard 5 iron into the 16th to 10ft...

Like a totally different game he was playing - I've never seen someone hit the ball as far with irons in my life. I'm not a short hitter, but he was at least 2 or 3 clubs less into every hole.

There is a guy at my previous club whose brother is an elite long driver and this guy isn’t far behind. 200yard+ 7 irons all day and goes for the green anything sub 400. Playing a different game from the rest of us. He’s off 4 I think.
The roundabout continues...

Went to the range to work on some stuff and ended up doing an impromptu gapping session. Managed to get my hips working into the swing more so managed to add 15 yards-ish on my irons, and now my driving has gone to complete **** again.

Wedge game has always been solid, same with putting. Driving was probably my 2nd most consistent part and my irons were a bit ropey. Now my irons are solid and driver has abandoned me again.

I hate this game...
Weather today a very welcome change from last week. Dry and sunny. Played solid, one scratch on the 10th, to score 35 pts which I think is my best for a stableford. Provisionally 93 gross which ties my best counting round so handicap should be down a little tomorrow :)

Club championship in two weeks. Two rounds of stroke play over Saturday and Sunday. Hopefully I can bring my 'A' game and give myself a chance of the handicap prize.

Edit: my previous 93 was off the whites so actually a shot better than today from the yellows.
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I took a took a couple of weeks off golf, after a pulled a muscle in back raking the grass. On Wednesday I went to my local range that has top tracer and made a note of my distances. Idea behind this was that with using app like swing u or a range finder if I ever buy one. Will help make better club choices whilst playing. I also bought a trolley that night, as I was fed up with carrying my clubs.
So on Friday I played my first round in two weeks at a course I haven’t played before and is one of the three I thinking of joining. With my known distances and the SwingU app I managed to score 110 what is my lowest score yet. So was rather happy. Front 9 was awesome played some of my best golf yet, started thinking I might get close to 100. Then the back nine, I had two horrendous holes. But managed to recover on the last 5 holes.
I then had a lesson yesterday on chipping, this was great and certainly plan on using what she taught me one the course.
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Another "meh" round yesterday - ball striking just ain't there at the moment.

No dramas but just too many bogies... .think I was 8 over standing on 15th tee... (7 pars/8 bogies) - Then lost ball off the tee when no one from my group saw the ball leave the tee... Then basically couldn't be arsed with provisional and fired that way right and lost it. :cry:

Good round dropped off my last 20 so up from 5.8 to 6.2 this morning. Need a lesson when I get back from holiday to sort out my swing.... Just lost at the moment.
Missed a 5ft putt today to beat my record score +10. Left it inches short, was gutted but also happy I played so good today.. I can hit decent light drives down the middle and they just bounce a million miles. Then I have simple wedges in..

Hard not to play well in this weather, but ultimately I managed to sink a fair few 10-20ft putts and that really keeps the scored down.
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**** me!!!

Just shot a near lights out 84 (+12 gross) from the whites on the Cathedral course. Were it not for the three mistakes I did make and a couple of puts left inches short I could have broken 80 :eek:

My best ever score on any course and smashes my course PB in stroke play by 11 (yes that's eleven) shots. Current index is 23.1 so that's probably -9 net under competition. I might as well retire now :p
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Played my usual rounds on Friday, 18 holes at woodlands then the 9-hole roll-up on the way home. Played ok, few too many putts really, but just doesn't feel like it's 'clicking' as much as I'd like, hitting some of my best shots ever but also just not scoring well.

Then visiting the family over the weekend before playing Royal Ashdown Forest Old Course yesterday with the Mizuno Golf Pairs setup... I played the West Course there last year, because it's a way cheaper green fee :p

Really nice course there, some lovely views and the best being no bunkers of course :D Punishing though, especially the first time playing and with the firm ground we've got now, not crazy narrow really but just a bit offline and into the heather and you're having a very bad day. Greens were fast and a bit sneaky at times with points where you go a bit too far in one direction and it's off the green entirely.

Not entirely sure how I scored cause it was better ball stableford so I picked up a bunch of times (mostly really due to lost balls :p) so I've got it down as a 110 in Garmin with the pickups as 8's, think technically EG would have it a bit lower, but not too unhappy with that given how hard it is compared to my normal course. I got 2 pars, 4 bogeys and 6 double's, really not too unhappy with that on that course tbh.

Most annoying moment was the 17th, hit a bit of a poor tee shot but it was ok, just meant I couldn't even contemplate going for the green in 2. Decided on a 9 Iron, bit blind but my watch said it was 120 yards to the back of 'rough', and it was downhill so was playing less, hit a nice shot that someone else in the group saw land in the 'fairway'. Problem is the fairway was very undulating and sloping right to left, so it seems like my shot kicked hard left into some rough never to be seen again :( I don't mind losing balls to bad shots but that hurt. I guess in hindsight I should've taken more club like a 7 iron, risked going into the heather long but at least I would've seen it down...

It was super hot as well, we tee'd off at 13:20 and the round took 5.5 hours, add in some hills and even drinking 3+ litres of water I was well and truly done by the end.
For the lols I looked a bit closer today when Golf Pairs sent out/finalised the standings...

We as a team got 30 points, I scored 26 of those, basically my teammate, playing off 9, only outscored me on two holes, we did tie on a few though. Not that it matters as I really didn't care about that at all but I did find that interesting, gotta love stableford as a high-handicapper :p

Putting the EG cap into place I think it would be a 106, which works out at a score differential of 35, not great but I've had worse
Horrendous evening down the a range today, after my best round on Friday. My chipping and wedges that I had a lesson on Sunday with were good really good. My irons on the other hand, shocking absolutely shocking I was hooking everyone. Driver and woods not there best but at least they where going in the general direction I wanted. My round on Friday could end up being my worst. :confused::cry:
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