Golf Thread

After the unpleasantness of last weekend I just spent some time on the range, I was actually planning multiple session this week but after a day off on Monday I noticed my ankles were a bit stiff/sore, doing a bit of googling it was in the 'dorsiflexion' range (so if standing raising your toes off the floor, if that makes sense), not sure if this was related or not but rested a few more days just to make sure.

Anyway, did end up shanking a couple of times but not really sure what was causing it, I do have a theory though...

So my path is out-to-in, still, but it has improved a bunch based on todays numbers, from ~8-11 degrees down to ~2-4 degrees 'most of the time'. I noticed today that a lot of the strikes where in the heel though, so not quite shanks but close, a while back I had a real issue with toe strikes caused by the massively out-to-in path so I'd altered my setup to be a bit 'heel biased' to account for this, and think I am/was still doing this a bit.

So my theory is that I was still setting up with the ball near the heel of the club but with less of an out-to-in path and so was just failing to get the hosel out of the way. Setting up more neutrally seemed to improve strike location back towards the middle of the face.

I guess it could be that the impact position has been getting closer and closer to the heel over time without me noticing until that pesky hosel got involved :p
just back from the driving range in town..i was booking a lesson there so thought i would go through and do that, and hit 100 balls, two birds with one stone..

had a massive, massive change in my game. it sounds trivial but for me is very hard to ingrain into myself..

"loosey goosy" i keep telling myself, and when I dont try and strangle my grip, holy **** the difference..about 80% of the shots were bullet straight and felt great off the clubface..i was even trying my luck down to the 6 iron and similar results!

i was going to venture to the woods and the big dog, but thought i dont want to overdo it, so will focus on this aspect also on my next lesson. Its for an hour, but a few weeks!! He is super busy, which I suppose is a good sign.

Also, the range was heaving! Great to see that, people of all different skill and nationalities, great for the golf community in general I think!
just back from the driving range in town..i was booking a lesson there so thought i would go through and do that, and hit 100 balls, two birds with one stone..

had a massive, massive change in my game. it sounds trivial but for me is very hard to ingrain into myself..

"loosey goosy" i keep telling myself, and when I dont try and strangle my grip, holy **** the difference..about 80% of the shots were bullet straight and felt great off the clubface..i was even trying my luck down to the 6 iron and similar results!

i was going to venture to the woods and the big dog, but thought i dont want to overdo it, so will focus on this aspect also on my next lesson. Its for an hour, but a few weeks!! He is super busy, which I suppose is a good sign.

Also, the range was heaving! Great to see that, people of all different skill and nationalities, great for the golf community in general I think!
Loose grip is something that I have also started to think about more in my routine and it's paying off. Feels so good when you take an almost effortless swing, nice and relaxed and the ball just flies.
Very recently attempted getting into golf but having a lot of bother with small finger in interlocking grip and also left elbow (playing left handed).

Anyone experienced something similar when they first began and found resting then going back eventually gets joints/tendons used to it?

Went to range once - fine
3 days later First lesson - fine
3days later Range - hit 60 balls off the mat - left elbow/lower bicep/upper forearm dull ache for an hour after - next day pinky middle knuckle very tender
3 days later Range - hit 35 off the mat - within 15 swings my left arm was aching already and should have stopped - I've loosened my grip on the left hand a bit and did seem to help with pinky pain
1 day later Second lesson - Again with 10-15 swings in noticeable pain and we just swapped to some drills for body movement/short game stuff, feel I was playing looser grip again but pinky badly flared up hours later and feeling it again today
Wondering if playing too lose could cause hand to move and stretch it?

Looked up some exercises for golfers/tennis elbow to do after giving this a few days rest but elbow/arm pain is gone after an hour, only golfing again makes it return where as I think people would have the pain persist a bit longer typically?
Very recently attempted getting into golf but having a lot of bother with small finger in interlocking grip and also left elbow (playing left handed).

Anyone experienced something similar when they first began and found resting then going back eventually gets joints/tendons used to it?

Went to range once - fine
3 days later First lesson - fine
3days later Range - hit 60 balls off the mat - left elbow/lower bicep/upper forearm dull ache for an hour after - next day pinky middle knuckle very tender
3 days later Range - hit 35 off the mat - within 15 swings my left arm was aching already and should have stopped - I've loosened my grip on the left hand a bit and did seem to help with pinky pain
1 day later Second lesson - Again with 10-15 swings in noticeable pain and we just swapped to some drills for body movement/short game stuff, feel I was playing looser grip again but pinky badly flared up hours later and feeling it again today
Wondering if playing too lose could cause hand to move and stretch it?

Looked up some exercises for golfers/tennis elbow to do after giving this a few days rest but elbow/arm pain is gone after an hour, only golfing again makes it return where as I think people would have the pain persist a bit longer typically?
Try using a baseball grip instead - remember you're not trying to strangle the club. I grip it that way because I've got no strength in my pinky from countless breaks/dislocations from playing volleyball and basketball. Tried the interlock last week and nearly launched the club by accident!
Try using a baseball grip instead - remember you're not trying to strangle the club. I grip it that way because I've got no strength in my pinky from countless breaks/dislocations from playing volleyball and basketball. Tried the interlock last week and nearly launched the club by accident!
Baseball feels a lot worse to me and in less control, overlap may be something I have to resort to it resting and loosening grip doesn't fix current issue.

Albeit the more debilitating thing is the elbow pain which isn't a case of 'playing through'
@Purdy if you think you're going to be sticking with golf then I think a lesson would be the best shout to help get these issues sorted.

this - 100%
Formatting of my post was probably poor but I have been for lessons.

First session at the range and lesson were no issue, two sessions at the range and the next lesson were.

Coach has basically told me to rest it for a week and going from no golf to doing these few sessions in a short space of time its not entirely surprising but wondering if anyone else had similar initial issues.
My concern is the elbow/arm feel recovered and have no pain now but 10 swings in I know it'll be back so arbitrarily choosing a week to rest...
back from the range, only hit 80 balls, but honestly guys, im like a new man with the loose / easy grip, im hitting them much, much further, but more importantly straight!

I still need to work on my woods, but i have a lesson a few weeks on sunday. im just worried as my "new" found swing might be questioned / changed because it doesn't seem to be 100% orthodox. :(

we will see...
Formatting of my post was probably poor but I have been for lessons.

First session at the range and lesson were no issue, two sessions at the range and the next lesson were.

Coach has basically told me to rest it for a week and going from no golf to doing these few sessions in a short space of time its not entirely surprising but wondering if anyone else had similar initial issues.
My concern is the elbow/arm feel recovered and have no pain now but 10 swings in I know it'll be back so arbitrarily choosing a week to rest...
Ahhh ok, so I went through similar a few years ago in my right bicep (right handed player) and it was down to me gripping to tightly, meaning I couldn't physically finish a round.
Focussed on a looser grip, and trying to lead more with my left arm through the downswing massively helped and I don't get any arm/wrist pain at all now - so I guess focus on your grip strength?
Just had the call, my GT3 is in the pro shop, grip fitted to my liking. Will pick it up tomorrow. £761 :eek: My pro even said he nearly fell over when he heard the price. Now just to hope it works as well as it did at the fitting!
Just had the call, my GT3 is in the pro shop, grip fitted to my liking. Will pick it up tomorrow. £761 :eek: My pro even said he nearly fell over when he heard the price. Now just to hope it works as well as it did at the fitting!
Sorry, how much for one club?!
Fitting today on the Ping i530s, went and purchased a set. 5 - PW with Nippon Modus Reg flex shaft (black dot). Overall very impressed with the overall fitting, turns out i'm halfway between a black/red dot but we went with the black dot to keep the slight draw shape to the iron shots.
Sorry, how much for one club?!
Yup. The GT3 is £579 and I had an upgraded shaft put in it a Tour AD VF 60 S which is a £200 up charge. If anything I had a bit of a discount. I had the GT fitting at Celtic Manor with Team Titleist, it was incredibly thorough and this combination worked the best for me. Tight dispersion and my carry numbers were better than my existing Ping G425 LST.
Friday Golf for me yesterday (followed by poker night hence not posting till now :p), 27 holes of golf and 24 of them were really good/solid! :p

Started off with the round in Bristol. First two holes were double bogey, not great and didn't feel like I was gonna be on for a great round but looking back it was mostly just poor chipping that caused them, bit wayward directionally as well but mostly chipping, first hole I thought I'd hit a good one but ended up rolling all the way off the back of a loooooong green so then chipping back on and 2-putting. Second hole I thinned one over the green etc.

But things definitely picked up from that :p par'd the 3rd to steady the ship and bogied the 4th. Did shank one (only shank of the day) on the 5th which led to another double, also 9th and 12th I put myself in bad spots off the tee so needed to either take unplayable or chip out which led to doubles as well. But those were my worst holes, usually I have at least one absolute blowup hole but 'only' 5 double bogeys, no birdies but 6 pars and 7 bogeys is just plain solid golf for me.

87 total, my best is an 86 on that course so very happy with that.

Then back to my local for the 9-hole roll up, kinda started where I left off with the exception of green speeds, first hole, par 5, I was a couple of feet off the green in 4 (greenside bunker in 3) but got a double in the end because first my chip didn't roll out 'enough' and left a putt way short becuase it was much slower than the first round in Bristol. The first is the hardest hole though so the only one I get 2 shots on, net par. After that I had 2 pars and 3 bogeys from 2nd to 6th hole for 14 points, also many 1-putts so 10 putts over 7 holes.

Then it just fell apart... Last week I managed 7 holes decently before 2 blobs, this week 6 holes followed by 3 blobs. I think it might be a food/hydration thing, yesterday especially I didn't eat much really which is silly.

Anyway, not too unhappy with that second round even with it falling off a cliff.

Also, side note, lost a bunch of balls with the shankfest last weekend but seem to have turned into a ball-finding machine since then, think I picked up 10+ yesterday (and lost 2) so the stocks are being replenished :D
And double-golf today, oddly didn't feel like I played as well/steady as on Friday but managed a PB on both courses, 85 on the 'easier' course and 88 on the 'harder' one. Both only PB's by one shot but still really good results for me. If my back of a napkin maths is right my handicap may drop into the 23.x range \o/

Driver wasn't as reliable as Friday, but putting has gone from a liability a few weeks ago to really solid, 36 and 34 putts respectively.

Toasty out there though for two rounds...
My girlfriend has booked us a stay at St Mellion early next month. Playing both the Kernow and Nicklaus courses. The Kernow on the first day thankfully so I don't get thrown in the deep end straight away. I'll be stressing myself out on the Nicklaus as she's in the spa.

Been playing with the new GT3 driver the last 2 days. Been an experience. Still afraid of a potentially sky marking it which for me is pretty much impossible as I hit between 3 and 4 degrees up as standard. I've hit it out the screws a few times and it feels so good to hit. Even into wind I'm carrying it 260. My LST would have fallen out of the sky be then!
I 4 putted today from about 2 feet. That sums up my putting ability without needing to say much more. I simply cannot putt inside 6 foot at all. My long distance lags aren't that bad. It's the closer stuff that ruins my rounds.

People call out gimmes and I deliberately tell them no because I'll probably miss, then demonstrate that yes, I can miss those. It's embarrassing.
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