Golf Thread

A case of what could have been this morning, if only I'd had the putting from yesterday we could have ended up much better :( Oh well, that's golf for you as my irons were generally much better today!

There was no choice as to how the holes were played. We had very fancy custom scorecards, I guess part of the inbuilt functionality of HDID, for each pairing with the other pairing they were playing with on there. The order was fourballs, foursomes, greensomes. Shots for the foursomes were based on your individual playing handicap with the other holes based on an average of yours and your playing partners. As such we got more shots than I was expecting which was nice, if only we'd taken better advantage of them.

1st hole neither of us hit good enough tee shots to risk going for the green with our second. We both lay up and are on the green in three only I'm getting a shot and my partner isn't. I manage to three put going up the hill from around 13ft leaving my first two putts short, terrible. Partner two putts so we only score 1pt. 2nd hole again I'm nicely on in three getting a shot. My partner also on in three having sprayed his 4i right of the green and chipped on. This time above the hole I blast my first putt past and it's another three putt. Partner two putts for another point. This kind of summed my day with the putter although I did make a good two putt from range on the par three 4th for 3pts and holed a nice one for birdy on 17 after my partner had stuck the approach pin high right. Also struck a beauty of a 7w to around 6ft from 165ish on the 12th which my partner converted for birdy netting us 4pts.

Ended up with 37pts (16/21) which could so easily have been 5pts better just through my putting alone, never mind my partner who felt he didn't really find his swing till the back nine. The other pair we were out with scored 41pts, they left a couple points out there but definitely not as many as us. Lead score when I left was 43 points with about ten teams having finished. A really enjoyable format which I'd happily play again.

And to finish on a high note my handicap had actually gone down to 16.9 this morning. A new low and I've still got another two rounds before one of my good counters (a 15.2 differential) comes off so hopefully I can get it even lower :)
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Society game today at Shrivenham, started out a bit like the two games Thur/Fri where I didn't quite have my swing after the lesson and the grip change but starting to see some improvements, oddly mostly with my driver during the early holes.

By about the 13th though I really felt the iron striking was getting better, getting back to closing the face properly even with the 'weaker' grip, last hole was a nice finish with a 7 Iron onto the green (totalled 158, think the carry was ~150), dead straight and where I aimed so always nice :)

Might try to get to the range tomorrow to continue testing/getting used to the changes but happier after today than I was on Friday :p
Talk to me about winter shoes please. I've just pulled out my waterproof shoes that have been tucked away since winter and they look like they might not last this one. Looking for some spikes. Had a quick browse online but nothings took my fancy.
Talk to me about winter shoes please. I've just pulled out my waterproof shoes that have been tucked away since winter and they look like they might not last this one. Looking for some spikes. Had a quick browse online but nothings took my fancy.

Last winter I picked up some of the Adidas S2G Mid-Boots, I play a lot all through winter and some of that is basically wading through swamps and they did a pretty good job really. Never any grip issues, I do/did find the spikes wear out fairly quickly, especially the ones on the heel but I had a pack of spikes anyway so just replace them every now and again. It's also probably mostly me/my weight/gait that does that.

Still got them and plan to use them over this winter when necessary but also just picked up (I love shoes :p) some Adidas Codechaos 22, the idea was something for this time of year where it's a bit wet with dew and everything but not overly muddy so spikeless but waterproof and they're fantastic, but probably not gonna be too useful in a month or so's time when it's properly wet, already had a couple of moments where I stepped into a bit too much water and my socks got a bit wet.

Neither are particularly stylish/interesting but I like both for the function they serve :)
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