Here's the photo of the problem. As you can see it's a repeating pattern and it's not actual red pixels which are lit - but some kind of small dot in-between. The problem area is about a 8cm circle in the centre of the screen.
Apologies for the noisy image, I had to do a reverse-lens macro handheld at ISO 3200!
I always see it being freshly posted in so thought it was a thread singing a monitors praises, and had a look...and instead it seems to be full of people seemingly having bought a basically very broken monitor despite them all seeming to know this when they go it!
Whats going on? Surely no monitor is worth this much grief?
The colour definition / clarity, the input lag ( or lack of it ), the lack of motion blur whilst gaming.
Bit of good news for everyone... According to a very nice chap at Hazro I was talking to about my broken monitor. We got onto the subject of the firmware fix and he assures me that all the current banding problems have been dealt with and is no longer a problem.
The colour definition / clarity, the input lag ( or lack of it ), the lack of motion blur whilst gaming.
Bit of good news for everyone... According to a very nice chap at Hazro I was talking to about my broken monitor. We got onto the subject of the firmware fix and he assures me that all the current banding problems have been dealt with and is no longer a problem.
Ok, got mine and the first thing I thought is "is it meant to rotate??". I can rotate it slightly left, but I rotated it back and it seems pretty tough so I'm not fussed. I've got one stuck red pixel near the bottom right, and 2 dead pixels together near the top right. I have the banding issue too, so it looks like I'll have to do the whole firmware upgrade thing. Also, with a completely white background, the middle of the screen looks to have a slightly more yellow tinge than the sides. Awesome display though, but I'm not sure if I can swap it out for another one?
One thing troubling me is something I didn't notice on the tftcentral reviews until now. When you compare the HP vs the Hazro in calibrated settings, the Hazro 26" was only getting 205:1 CR, whereas the HP was getting approx 700:1. This seems very odd.
The colour definition / clarity, the input lag ( or lack of it ), the lack of motion blur whilst gaming.
Bit of good news for everyone... According to a very nice chap at Hazro I was talking to about my broken monitor. We got onto the subject of the firmware fix and he assures me that all the current banding problems have been dealt with and is no longer a problem.