Hazro - Any Update?

Calibration for Dummies (you asked for it, LOL!)

There are 2 few things you will need before you can calibrate your screen;

• Colorimeter
• Calibration software (the bundled software is usually OK but something like ColorEyes or Lacie BlueEye Pro have better reporting and consistency.

First things first, we need to get the monitor reset to factory defaults then adjust the backlight brightness to a comfortable level. On the Hazro HZ24Wi there is no independent backlight control only Brightness/ontrast and RGB controls.

I’ll use Lacie BlueEye Pro in my examples as that’s what I’ve been using but they’re all pretty much the same for the calibration process and settings that need changing.

You will probably want to leave the Brightness and Contrast controls alone and only adjust the RGB values from the default 95,95,95 to something around 65,65,65 (my settings) – this will keep brightness and contrast details at their defaults but the luminance will have dropped somewhat from around 400cd/m2 to 200-220 depending on the values you choose as your most comfortable without being too dark or bright.

You don’t “need” to aim for 120cd/m2 because this value is just an guide value. Different room lighting levels will mean a different value will be aimed for by different people depending on what luminance they find comfortable. For me 200-210 (RGB values 65 each) is very nice in my room (I have 5000k energy saving bulbs uplit for room lighting).

It’s worth noting luminance won’t affect colour accuracy, it’s just the brightness of the LCD in relation to comfort to you eyes etc. because not many screens have onboard LUT adjustments I found that adjusting the LUT on the gfx card by dropping the luminance to 120cd/m2 for example (as a target) especially on Vista you got odd behavior such as the mouse cursor being abnormally brght in front of the dimly lit background surrounding – I believe this to be the way Vista renders the desktop and windows via the desktop composition. This happened on all calibration software I used.

So with the “comfortable” settings out of the way you can load up and connect the calibration device/software.

Change the settings to aim for to 6500K colour (normal daylight), Gamma 2.2 (standard Windows gamma value) and for the luminance leave this on Max if available (else it will adjust this in the gfx card LUT and take it away from your previously set comfort levels).

When asked to choose a profile method you’ll have some options such as matrix, LUT8bit and LUT 16bit. Stick to Matrix, it tends to give smoother gradients.

When initial settings are set move onto calibration.

During calibration you might get asked to adjust brightness and contrast where you will be presented with a bar that shows optimum levels (pre-calibration) and you simply adjust the OSD brightness/contrast until the bar is in the middle. You “can” skip these 2 steps or you can do them – try both and see what results work best for your lighting and eyes.

After the above bit is done the software will do the rest, it will switch through various colour shades adjusting and measuring as it goes along.

In BlueEye pro you can run a “Test and report” Before and after calibration to see the changes. In EyeONE Match 3 (software that comes with the eyeone display 2) you get a button to show before and after results. The results in either should give you an average dE value – you want to be seeing values of below 1.0 max and around 0.3-0.8 average, these are very good results for colour accuracy.

Save the profile using a suitable name and that’s it. You’ll see the profile as the default now in display properties colour management tab (colour management window in vista)


In Vista you will get times when the adjusted LUT settings are dropped. This is apparently a GFX card driver bug for both nVidia and ATI cards. I have experienced this regularly on both cards and it only happens during 2 occasions.

1: The LUT adjustment loads at Windows boot time but a second later drops out of adjusted LUT to default LUT (you can see this happening)

Solution = to browse the startup folder in the start menu and manually click the LUT loader.

2: The LUT adjustments get dropped when you load the gfx card’s control panel for the first time after logging into Windows (ATI CCC prime example)

Solution = same as above.

I just created a shortcut to the LUT loader in the Quicklaunch toolbar for easy launching.

Hope that helps!

Unfortunately there's one major flaw in your guide regarding the HZ24W ver. 2.0 firmware.
The RGB values have no effect any more. Well mine don't, you can move them up and down and nothing happens.
Ive contacted them about this but no reply as of yet.
I assume you've got the screen back with the new firmware fix then dude? if this is true then damn - this cannot be a good thing for calibration!

Edit* or do you mean the HZ24W and not the "i" ?
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You guys having the new issue should report it to hazro soon as if not already done! we who have not had ours collected or returned yet still have a chance lol!
my monitor was supposed to be shipped to me yesterday with the system I ordered. It was even listed as despatched in the email, but only the system came today,

I ring up and now am told the monitor os on back-order and I'll get it on Monday at a guess. That's annoying, considering the email specifically listed both parts of my order as shipped.
bloody hell...another recall?

Calm down, calm down

This may just be a bug in my monitor.
Out of the box the brightness levels are not too excessive. There is no banding, and images look gorgeous.

Besides you`ve not had your monitor back yet it may be fixed by then. I informed them yesterday of the problem.
I`ve had an email. Stating that it is being addressed. and will be working on it over the weekend along with the shielding.

So looks like your guide MrK still stands :)
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You do that.

When the people of OCUK say they have no more issues on their monitor then you know that monitor is worth buying :)
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