I have been suspended from work today.

I still say to read your handbook regarding procedure. I'm sure by suspending you without telling you why is a breach of that, meaning the whole disciplinary will fall apart if you point that out to them.

Also, you should have said your account was hacked and you have no idea who by. Let them try and prove otherwise.

A stupid reason all the same though, what a bunch of babies! Reminds me of my disciplinary I posted earlier for a Facebook post.
In preparation for the next meeting/disciplinary I am wondering if I should type up a full and detailed description of the video and explain what each part means and why it was included. Also including examples of past **** taking between other staff and the 'victims' in question. My wife works at the same place and has been sat with staff taking the **** in exactly the same way my video portrayed.

it might help having this typed up to help them understand the whole thing.
I laughed, and I don't even know the people involved.

I'm guessing the guy that took offense is the one you portrayed as Hitler?

Any of my circle of colleagues I felt comfortable enough to make a video like that about would have just laughed it off.
The ones that took offence are 'getting creamed guy' and 'forehead guy'. I was asked if I portrayed the hitler person as a 'hitler' I said no it was a hierarchy of positions. Hitler the boss the others dept management and staff.

Edit: Cream guy was offended (so it seemed) by the diabetes comments. Yet he plays his diabetes card when he feels he doesn't get his breaks, even though he gets his food/juice to level his sugars or whatever it is. He even jokes about it too. "might play my Diabetes card today, cant be arsed with working " that was an actual quote and I quoted that in the meeting, too. Forehead guy who walk side ways hence the crab comment is always ****ging me off calling me foureyes and baldie etc. Cant take the heat stay out the kitchen I say.
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If i was you i wouldn't post anything as of yet. You never know who could be on here viewing things.

very true, some very butthurt people on here, had this happen to me with some content on here ending up with me in hot water with the council licencing dept(taxi driver)

i'm just glad I don't work in the real world, I wouldn't last 5 minutes

Top tip OP, have 2 facebook/social media twoddle accounts.

if you post something bad up on one, show them the other account and deny all knowledge that its yours.
Hahahah, that is truly quality. I don't get some of the references as I obviously don't work there but it's top quality banter.

Almost spilled vimto at the 'I like cream in my mouth'.

Not suspension worthy though!
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